jQuery Touch

授权协议 未知
所属分类 jQuery 插件、 jQuery手机相关插件
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 浦思源
操作系统 未知
适用人群 未知

This plugin adds Apple iPod/iPhone (firmware 2.0+) touch functionality to jQuery. Use built in Touch methods including ontouchstart, ontouchend, ontouchmove, ongesturestart, ongesturechange and ongestureend.

You may specify what options you want available for the specified target(s), including: animate, dragx, dragy, rotate, resort and scale.

Written By: Peter Schmalfeldt ( Manifest Interactive )

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animate: (optional bool | default true) Simulates the Apple Touch Flick gesture and allows an item to be thrown. Speed is automatically determined.

dragx: (optional bool | default true) Allows dragging along the X axis. Using only one axis locks the dragging to that axis. Setting both axis' to true will allow you to drag in any direction.

dragy: (optional bool | default true) Allows dragging along the Y axis. Using only one axis locks the dragging to that axis. Setting both axis' to true will allow you to drag in any direction.

rotate: (optional bool | default false) Allow the element to be rotated.

resort: (optional bool | default true) Set the z-index of the current element on top of the others ontouchstart.

scale: (optional bool | default false) Allow the element to be scaled.

NOTE: This is only functional an the Apple iPod/iPhone running version 2.0+. Elements also need to have a unique ID in order for jQuery Touch to communicate correctly. Also, I am currently working on the ability to allow for a "sticky" element. This will soon allow you to apply this plugin to a scrolling text box and be able to scroll its entirety without having the content just move to wherever your finger is located.



    animate: true,
    sticky: false,
    dragx: true,
    dragy: true,
    rotate: true,
    resort: true,
    scale: true



    animate: false,
    sticky: false,
    dragx: true,
    dragy: true,
    rotate: false,
    resort: true,
    scale: false


  • 判断移动端还是pc端 function IsPC()  {              var  userAgentInfo = navigator.userAgent;              var  Agents =  new  Array( "Android" ,  "iPhone" ,  "SymbianOS" ,  "Windows Phone" ,  "iPad" ,  "iPod"

  • jQuery的touchstart,touchmove,touchend的获取位置      $('#webchat_scroller').on('touchstart',function(e) {       var touch = e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0];       var y = touch.pageY;       });           $

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  • 在使用touch事件是会出现touchstart后touchend不执行的问题这时候只需要加一行代码即可: $("body").on("touchstart", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); 但是有人在谷歌浏览器或许会发现报错,这时候换成下面这行代码就可以解决: $("body").on("touchstart", function(e)

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  • 首先为了防止事件触发默认行为,我们需要去禁止,安全的禁止方法: // 判断默认行为是否可以被禁用 if (e.cancelable) { // 判断默认行为是否已经被禁用 if (!e.defaultPrevented) { e.preventDefault(); } } 三个事件: $("body").on("t

  • 转自:http://extjs.org.cn/node/519 如果你正在面临是选择 jQuery Mobile 或者是 Sencha Touch ,那么下面这些因素是你需要考虑的。 jQuery Mobile JM 只是一个 UI 库,依赖于 jQuery 和 jQuery UI 的 DOM 操作、Ajax 和其他库 为了创建 UI 部件,你只需要编写 HTML 即可,JM 为了对这些 HTML

  • js代码: $("body").on("touchstart", function(e) { // 判断默认行为是否可以被禁用 if (e.cancelable) { // 判断默认行为是否已经被禁用 if (!e.defaultPrevented) { e.preventDefault(); } }

  • var touchStart, touchEnd, touchDiff = 80; $(window).on({ 'touchstart': function (e) { touchStart = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].clientY; },



