
授权协议 未知
所属分类 企业应用、 教学科研相关
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 戈宏义
操作系统 Linux
适用人群 未知

地震数据处理软件  SEPlib 由斯坦福大学地球科学学院地球物理系Stanford Exploration Project项目开发

SEPlib is a complete and freely distributed seismic data processing software package. We (the Stanford Exploration Project) created it and use it for our research.
SEPlib comprises several concepts and software pieces:

  • Data cube concept. The simple data base concept that underlies the original SEPlib package assumes the data to be regularly sampled in all dimensions. SEPlib stores such a "cube" as a matrix of numbers. It takes 2 files to store such a regular data cube: A data file stores the data values as one long array/ A separate header file stores house holding information such as the number of samples along each cube axis (eg. n1=1002,n2=256,n3=96) or the increment between samples (e.g. d1=0.004,d2=0.01,d3=0.025 ).

  • Data base concept for irregular data. Recently, SEP3d added support for irregular data to the basic data cube concept described in the last paragraph.

  • Seismic processing routines. SEPlib offers a collection of basic seismic processing routines such as Phase Shift migration (Phase) or a velocity stacking (Velan). These SEPlib programs perform simple operations. For complex manipulations several programs are stringed together via pipes. For example

    Spike n1=32 n2=16 k1=4 k2=4 nsp=1 | Phase inv=1 > data.H

    generates the modeling response of a diffractor in a constant velocity 2-D medium. Every routine prints its own documentation when it is executed without any argument. (When installing SEPlib you can convert these self documentations into regular UNIX Man pages).

  • Vplot, a graphics library. Vplot is a plotting package for UNIX systems. It supports line, area, text, and raster graphics primitives for many screen and hardcopy devices. Vplot is not restricted in any way to display seismic images, but it does it wonderfully. Especially its rastering and dithering of grey-scale plots and its sleek integration into the entire SEPlib framework make it a natural complement to the rest of SEPlib. Nevertheless, we hope that we can soon offer Vplot separate from the rest of SEPlib to ease distribution on the Web and to make it more palatable for non-seismic users.

  • IO subroutine library. The core of SEPlib is its handling of input and output of data and header information. For example sreed()is a powerful, low-level subroutine that reads data from a SEPlib data file or the standard input. Equally important are subroutines such as putch or hetch and its companions that put parameters to the output history file or fetch them from the command line or the input history file. Standard UNIX man pages document these subroutines.

  • Preprocessors for FORTRAN code. FORTRAN 77 (and hence Ratfor) cannot allocate memory for arrays at runtime. Two SEP-grown preprocessors (sawor Stanford Auto Writer for main programs and sat Stanford Auto Temporaries for subroutines) overcome FORTRAN's memory allocation limitations.

  • 数据处理 可将字段的值进行处理得到最终结果 html标签过滤 内容替换 批量替换 关键词过滤 条件判断 截取字符串 翻译 工具箱 将文本链接标记为图片链接:如果字段的值是完整的url链接(非<img>标签内的链接),可将链接识别为图片 使用函数 调用接口

  • 本文向大家介绍使用python获取(宜宾市地震信息)地震信息,包括了使用python获取(宜宾市地震信息)地震信息的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 6月17日22分25分,四川省宜宾市长宁县发生了6.0级地震,成都高新减灾研究所与应急管理部门联合建设的大陆地震预警网成功预警本次地震,提前10秒向宜宾市预警,提前61秒向成都预警。 虽然自己还不能写出这么牛逼的系统,但是今天我想结合自己学到的

  • 我遇到了一些数据,我想用许多不同的方式对它进行排序,例如按购买最多的最便宜的产品进行排序。我想一行一行地对文档进行分组,因为每行包含另一个“项目”。我附上了一张图片供参考。我更喜欢使用Java,但如果有必要,我会学习R。我是否手动将每行编码为数组?有400个项目,如果这是唯一的方法,我可以将其分成几天。 样品

  • Data Preparation You must pre-process your raw data before you model your problem. The specific preparation may depend on the data that you have available and the machine learning algorithms you want

  • 在输入的JSON数据中,v的值越高,粒子越亮,并且它们从出发国家到目的国家的运行越快。 (请查阅Michael Chang的文章来 了解他是如何提出这个想法的)。Gio.js库会自动缩放输入数据的范围以便于更好的数据可视化。作为开发人员,您还可以定义自己的预处理数据的方式。

  •        随着数据获取的便捷,GIS数据已不再成为GIS分析的瓶颈,但对海量数据的加载却又成了GIS相关软件的难题。LocaSpaceViewer对数据的加载进行了大量的优化,极大的加快了数据的加载速度。同时经过各种摸索,不断的改进算法与数据的存储和读取方式,研究出了能够加载速度更快的数据结构。        LocaSpaceViewer提供了数据影像处理功能,可以把多个影像或者地形数据进行