
以api 为中心的高性能web 框架
授权协议 MIT
开发语言 Python
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Node.js 扩展
软件类型 开源软件
地区 国产
投 递 者 韩豪
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


kpages is mini helper for tornado,Contains the address routing management,tornado and app config management, mongodb, redis connection management and other functions; these supports can help you quickly build a web application.


How to create kpages project (version >=

1. input command: projectname # projectname: you project name, default is kpages_project
2. set you RequestHandler action dir

How to start kpages web application

python  or ./
     config=CONFIG  set config for server
     port=PORT      set http port for server
     debug          Debug mode.
     ndebug         No Debug mode.

How to start kpages mq

python  或 ./
     config=CONFIG  set config for server
     port=PORT      set http port for server
     debug          Debug mode.
     ndebug         No Debug mode.
     channel        set channel for redis mq

How to router

restful/ @url to class , kpages will route url to this handler)

from kpages import url

class HomeHandler(RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        self.write('hello word')

#config for tornado and you app, use __conf__.xxxx to get you config value
ACTION_DIR = 'restful'
DEBUG = True
PORT= 8989

How to use kpages app

from kpages import run

def callback(app):

if __name__ == '__main__':

How to use mongo and redis context?

from kpages import get_context, LogicContext,mongo_conv

with LogicContext():
    db = get_context().get_mongo()
    cache = get_context().get_redis()
    lst = list(db['table'].find().limit(10))
    lst = mongo_conv(lst)

How to use context in hander( with session )?

from kpages import ContextHandler

class DemoHandler(ContextHandler,tornado.web.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        db = get_context().get_mongo('dbname')
        val = self.session(key)

test command

run_test(test_city.DemoCase.testprint) :test testprint method
run_test(test_city.DemoCase)           :test methods in DemoCase class
run_test(test_city)                    :test methods in
run_test(all )                         :test methods in app's __conf__.UTEST_DIR

pro command

pro_test(test_city.DemoCase.testprint) :profile testprint method
pro_test(test_city.DemoCase)           :profile methods in DemoCase class
pro_test(test_city)                    :profile methods in
pro_test(all)                          :profile methods in app's __conf__.UTEST_DIR

How to use uimodule and uimethod in kpages

1. kpages can auto find  Ui_Module's subclass in ACTION_DIR
2. you can use {% module dir_modulename_classname() %} to call Ui Module
Demo Code
    Class Demo(tornado.web.UIModule):
        def render(self,name):
            return self.render('<h1>Hello world:{0}</h1>'.format(name))

Template code
    {% module Demo('kpages') %}

3. @reg_ui_method in ACTION_DIR's files, to apply Ui methods
Demo code

    @reg_ui_method(name='testmethod',intro='demo for ui method')
    def add(self,a,b):
        return a+b

Template code
    {{ add(3,4) }}

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