Spring GemFire Integration

授权协议 未知
开发语言 Java .NET
所属分类 程序开发、 Spring Data 扩展
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 太叔高义
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Spring GemFire Integration 是一个顶级的 Spring 项目,主要用来简化通过 GemFire 分布式数据管理平台来部署高可伸缩性的 Spring 应用,包含 Java 和 .NET 版本。

  • Releases Costin Leau February 02, 2011 Dear Spring Community, We are pleased to announce that the first GA release of the Spring GemFire 1.0 project is now available for both Java and .NET! The Spring

  • Engineering Costin Leau August 03, 2010 I am happy to announce the first milestone release of the Spring GemFire project, the newest member in the Spring family. Spring GemFire (for short SGF) brings

  • 英文原文:https://spring.io/projects/spring-data-gemfire 目录 概述 特性 快速开始 学习 文档 概述 Pivotal GemFire项目的Spring Data的主要目标是使用Pivotal GemFire更轻松地构建高度可扩展的Spring驱动应用程序,以实现分布式数据管理。 Pivotal GemFire的Spring Data为您的Pivota

  • Releases Pieter Humphrey October 29, 2012 SpringSource is pleased to announce the GA release of Spring Data GemFire 1.2.1. This is being released concurrently with GemFire 7.0, adding Spring XML names

  • This tutorial explains the integration between Spring Data REST, GemFire and AngularJS frameworks. We are going to develop a REST service which returns the JSON response and that will be accessed by t

  • Spring Integration 提供了基于Spring的EIP(Enterprise Integration Patterns,企业集成模式)的实现。Spring Integration 主要解决的问题是不同系统之间交互的问题,通过异步消息驱动来达到系统交互时系统之间的松耦合。 Spring Integration 主要有Message、Channel、Message EndPoint组成。

  •           Spring Ingegration提供了基于spring的EIP(Enterprise Integration Patterns,企业集成模式)的实现。Spring Integration主要解决的问题是不同系统之间(不同语言系统之间)的交互问题,通过异步消息驱动来达到系统交互时系统之间的松耦合。        Spring Integration主要有Message、Cha

  • Engineering Gunnar Hillert April 09, 2012 Just days ago, SpringSource Tool Suite™ (STS) 2.9.1 was released. Besides many new features, it provides several features that are especially exciting for Spr

  • Overview Learn The primary goal of the Spring Data for Pivotal GemFire project is to make it easier to build highly scalable Spring powered applications using Pivotal GemFire for distributed data man

  • News and Events Adam Fitzgerald April 06, 2012 The Spring Integration team is pleased to announce the release of Spring Integration 2.1.1.RELEASE. This is the first maintenance release of 2.1.x branch

  • Engineering Josh Long February 24, 2011 Applications don’t exist in a vacuum. They need to communicate with their customers and with other applications. Application Integration is all about enabling t

  • The primary goal of the Spring Data for Pivotal GemFire project is to make it easier to build highly scalable Spring powered applications using Pivotal GemFire for distributed data management. Spring

  • Spring Integration 4.3.10 发布了。Spring Integration 能在基于 Spring 的应用中进行简单的消息通信,并通过简单的适配器与外部系统集成。这些适配器提供了一个更高级别的抽象,超越了 Spring 对远程调用、消息和调度的支持。其主要目标是在保持关注点分离的同时,为构建企业集成解决方案提供一个简单的模型,该模型对产出可维护、可测试的代码来说是必不可少的。

  • 【From】 http://blog.csdn.net/w_x_z_/article/details/53316618   pring Ingegration 提供了基于Spring的EIP(Enterprise Integration Patterns,企业集成模式)的实现。Spring Integration 主要解决的问题是不同系统之间交互的问题,通过异步消息驱动来达到系统交互时系统之间的松

  • Engineering Mark Fisher October 29, 2010 We are pleased to announce the first release candidate of Spring Integration 2.0! Download | Reference Manual | JavaDoc I thought I would take the opportunity