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通用、高效、灵活的Golang Socket框架
授权协议 Apache
开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 国产
投 递 者 陆飞鸿
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Teleport is a versatile, high-performance and flexible socket framework.

It can be used for peer-peer, rpc, gateway, micro services, push services, game services and so on.




Self Test

  • A server and a client process, running on the same machine

  • CPU: Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge) 16 cores 2.53GHz

  • Memory: 16G

  • OS: Linux 2.6.32-696.16.1.el6.centos.plus.x86_64, CentOS 6.4

  • Go: 1.9.2

  • Message size: 581 bytes

  • Message codec: protobuf

  • Sent total 1000000 messages

  • teleport

client concurrency mean(ms) median(ms) max(ms) min(ms) throughput(TPS)
100 1 0 16 0 75505
500 9 11 97 0 52192
1000 19 24 187 0 50040
2000 39 54 409 0 42551
5000 96 128 1148 0 46367
  • teleport/socket
client concurrency mean(ms) median(ms) max(ms) min(ms) throughput(TPS)
100 0 0 14 0 225682
500 2 1 24 0 212630
1000 4 3 51 0 180733
2000 8 6 64 0 183351
5000 21 18 651 0 133886

Comparison Test

Environment Throughputs Mean Latency P99 Latency

More Detail

  • Profile torch of teleport/socket


svg file

  • Heap torch of teleport/socket


svg file


version status branch
v4 release v4
v3 release v3
v2 release v2
v1 release v1


go get -u -f github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport


  • Server and client are peer-to-peer, have the same API method
  • Support custom communication protocol
  • Support set the size of socket I/O buffer
  • Message contains both Header and Body two parts
  • Message Header contains metadata in the same format as HTTP header
  • Support for customizing Body coding types separately, e.g JSON Protobuf string
  • Support push, call, reply and other means of communication
  • Support plug-in mechanism, can customize authentication, heartbeat, micro service registration center, statistics, etc.
  • Whether server or client, the peer support reboot and shutdown gracefully
  • Support reverse proxy
  • Detailed log information, support print input and output details
  • Supports setting slow operation alarm threshold
  • Use I/O multiplexing technology
  • Support setting the size of the reading message (if exceed disconnect it)
  • Provide the context of the handler
  • Client session support automatically redials after disconnection
  • Support network list: tcptcp4tcp6unixunixpacket and so on
  • Provide an operating interface to control the connection file descriptor



package main

import (

	tp "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport"

func main() {
	// graceful
	go tp.GraceSignal()

	// server peer
	srv := tp.NewPeer(tp.PeerConfig{
		CountTime:   true,
		ListenPort:  9090,
		PrintDetail: true,

	// router

	// broadcast per 5s
	go func() {
		for {
			time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
			srv.RangeSession(func(sess tp.Session) bool {
					fmt.Sprintf("this is a broadcast, server time: %v", time.Now()),
				return true

	// listen and serve

// Math handler
type Math struct {

// Add handles addition request
func (m *Math) Add(arg *[]int) (int, *tp.Rerror) {
	// test query parameter
	tp.Infof("author: %s", m.Query().Get("author"))
	// add
	var r int
	for _, a := range *arg {
		r += a
	// response
	return r, nil


package main

import (

	tp "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport"

func main() {
	// log level

	cli := tp.NewPeer(tp.PeerConfig{})
	defer cli.Close()


	sess, err := cli.Dial(":9090")
	if err != nil {
		tp.Fatalf("%v", err)

	var result int
	rerr := sess.Call("/math/add?author=henrylee2cn",
		[]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
	if rerr != nil {
		tp.Fatalf("%v", rerr)
	tp.Printf("result: %d", result)

	tp.Printf("wait for 10s...")
	time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)

// Push push handler
type Push struct {

// Push handles '/push/status' message
func (p *Push) Status(arg *string) *tp.Rerror {
	tp.Printf("%s", *arg)
	return nil

More Examples



  • Peer: A communication instance may be a server or a client
  • Socket: Base on the net.Conn package, add custom package protocol, transfer pipelines and other functions
  • Message: The corresponding structure of the data package content element
  • Proto: The protocol interface of message pack/unpack
  • Codec: Serialization interface for Message.Body
  • XferPipe: Message bytes encoding pipeline, such as compression, encryption, calibration and so on
  • XferFilter: A interface to handle message data before transfer
  • Plugin: Plugins that cover all aspects of communication
  • Session: A connection session, with push, call, reply, close and other methods of operation
  • Context: Handle the received or send messages
  • Call-Launch: Call data from the peer
  • Call-Handle: Handle and reply to the calling of peer
  • Push-Launch: Push data to the peer
  • Push-Handle: Handle the pushing of peer
  • Router: Router that route the response handler by request information(such as a URI)

Data Message

Abstracts the data message(Message Object) of the application layer and is compatible with HTTP message:



You can customize your own communication protocol by implementing the interface:

type (
    // Proto pack/unpack protocol scheme of socket message.
    Proto interface {
        // Version returns the protocol's id and name.
        Version() (byte, string)
        // Pack writes the Message into the connection.
        // Note: Make sure to write only once or there will be package contamination!
        Pack(*Message) error
        // Unpack reads bytes from the connection to the Message.
        // Note: Concurrent unsafe!
        Unpack(*Message) error
    ProtoFunc func(io.ReadWriter) Proto

Next, you can specify the communication protocol in the following ways:

func SetDefaultProtoFunc(ProtoFunc)
type Peer interface {
    ServeConn(conn net.Conn, protoFunc ...ProtoFunc) Session
    DialContext(ctx context.Context, addr string, protoFunc ...ProtoFunc) (Session, *Rerror)
    Dial(addr string, protoFunc ...ProtoFunc) (Session, *Rerror)
    Listen(protoFunc ...ProtoFunc) error

Default protocol RawProto(Big Endian):

{4 bytes message length}
{1 byte protocol version}
{1 byte transfer pipe length}
{transfer pipe IDs}
# The following is handled data by transfer pipe
{2 bytes sequence length}
{1 byte message type} # e.g. CALL:1; REPLY:2; PUSH:3
{2 bytes URI length}
{2 bytes metadata length}
{1 byte body codec id}


Transfer filter pipe, handles byte stream of message when transfer.

// XferFilter handles byte stream of message when transfer.
type XferFilter interface {
    // Id returns transfer filter id.
    Id() byte
    // Name returns transfer filter name.
    Name() string
    // OnPack performs filtering on packing.
    OnPack([]byte) ([]byte, error)
    // OnUnpack performs filtering on unpacking.
    OnUnpack([]byte) ([]byte, error)
// Get returns transfer filter by id.
func Get(id byte) (XferFilter, error)
// GetByName returns transfer filter by name.
func GetByName(name string) (XferFilter, error)

// XferPipe transfer filter pipe, handlers from outer-most to inner-most.
// Note: the length can not be bigger than 255!
type XferPipe struct {
    // Has unexported fields.
func NewXferPipe() *XferPipe
func (x *XferPipe) Append(filterId ...byte) error
func (x *XferPipe) AppendFrom(src *XferPipe)
func (x *XferPipe) Ids() []byte
func (x *XferPipe) Len() int
func (x *XferPipe) Names() []string
func (x *XferPipe) OnPack(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (x *XferPipe) OnUnpack(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (x *XferPipe) Range(callback func(idx int, filter XferFilter) bool)
func (x *XferPipe) Reset()


The body's codec set.

type Codec interface {
    // Id returns codec id.
    Id() byte
    // Name returns codec name.
    Name() string
    // Marshal returns the encoding of v.
    Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
    // Unmarshal parses the encoded data and stores the result
    // in the value pointed to by v.
    Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error


Plug-ins during runtime.

type (
    // Plugin plugin background
    Plugin interface {
        Name() string
    // PreNewPeerPlugin is executed before creating peer.
    PreNewPeerPlugin interface {
        PreNewPeer(*PeerConfig, *PluginContainer) error


Peer(server or client) Demo

// Start a server
var peer1 = tp.NewPeer(tp.PeerConfig{
    ListenPort: 9090, // for server role


// Start a client
var peer2 = tp.NewPeer(tp.PeerConfig{})
var sess, err = peer2.Dial("")

Call-Controller-Struct API template

type Aaa struct {
func (x *Aaa) XxZz(arg *) (, *tp.Rerror) {
    return r, nil
  • register it to root router:
// register the call route: /aaa/xx_zz

// or register the call route: /xx_zz

Call-Handler-Function API template

func XxZz(ctx tp.CallCtx, arg *) (, *tp.Rerror) {
    return r, nil
  • register it to root router:
// register the call route: /xx_zz

Push-Controller-Struct API template

type Bbb struct {
func (b *Bbb) YyZz(arg *) *tp.Rerror {
    return nil
  • register it to root router:
// register the push route: /bbb/yy_zz

// or register the push route: /yy_zz

Push-Handler-Function API template

// YyZz register the route: /yy_zz
func YyZz(ctx tp.PushCtx, arg *) *tp.Rerror {
    return nil
  • register it to root router:
// register the push route: /yy_zz

Unknown-Call-Handler-Function API template

func XxxUnknownCall (ctx tp.UnknownCallCtx) (interface{}, *tp.Rerror) {
    return r, nil
  • register it to root router:
// register the unknown call route: /*

Unknown-Push-Handler-Function API template

func XxxUnknownPush(ctx tp.UnknownPushCtx) *tp.Rerror {
    return nil
  • register it to root router:
// register the unknown push route: /*

The mapping rule of struct(func) name to URI path:

  • AaBb -> /aa_bb
  • Aa_Bb -> /aa/bb
  • aa_bb -> /aa/bb
  • Aa__Bb -> /aa_bb
  • aa__bb -> /aa_bb
  • ABC_XYZ -> /abc/xyz
  • ABcXYz -> /abc_xyz
  • ABC__XYZ -> /abc_xyz

Plugin Demo

// NewIgnoreCase Returns a ignoreCase plugin.
func NewIgnoreCase() *ignoreCase {
    return &ignoreCase{}

type ignoreCase struct{}

var (
    _ tp.PostReadCallHeaderPlugin = new(ignoreCase)
    _ tp.PostReadPushHeaderPlugin = new(ignoreCase)

func (i *ignoreCase) Name() string {
    return "ignoreCase"

func (i *ignoreCase) PostReadCallHeader(ctx tp.ReadCtx) *tp.Rerror {
    // Dynamic transformation path is lowercase
    ctx.UriObject().Path = strings.ToLower(ctx.UriObject().Path)
    return nil

func (i *ignoreCase) PostReadPushHeader(ctx tp.ReadCtx) *tp.Rerror {
    // Dynamic transformation path is lowercase
    ctx.UriObject().Path = strings.ToLower(ctx.UriObject().Path)
    return nil

Register above handler and plugin

// add router group
group := peer.SubRoute("test")
// register to test group
group.RouteCall(new(Aaa), NewIgnoreCase())
peer.RouteCallFunc(XxZz, NewIgnoreCase())


type PeerConfig struct {
    Network            string        `yaml:"network"              ini:"network"              comment:"Network; tcp, tcp4, tcp6, unix or unixpacket"`
    LocalIP            string        `yaml:"local_ip"             ini:"local_ip"             comment:"Local IP"`
    ListenPort         uint16        `yaml:"listen_port"          ini:"listen_port"          comment:"Listen port; for server role"`
    DefaultDialTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"default_dial_timeout" ini:"default_dial_timeout" comment:"Default maximum duration for dialing; for client role; ns,µs,ms,s,m,h"`
    RedialTimes        int32         `yaml:"redial_times"         ini:"redial_times"         comment:"The maximum times of attempts to redial, after the connection has been unexpectedly broken; for client role"`
    DefaultBodyCodec   string        `yaml:"default_body_codec"   ini:"default_body_codec"   comment:"Default body codec type id"`
    DefaultSessionAge  time.Duration `yaml:"default_session_age"  ini:"default_session_age"  comment:"Default session max age, if less than or equal to 0, no time limit; ns,µs,ms,s,m,h"`
    DefaultContextAge  time.Duration `yaml:"default_context_age"  ini:"default_context_age"  comment:"Default CALL or PUSH context max age, if less than or equal to 0, no time limit; ns,µs,ms,s,m,h"`
    SlowCometDuration  time.Duration `yaml:"slow_comet_duration"  ini:"slow_comet_duration"  comment:"Slow operation alarm threshold; ns,µs,ms,s ..."`
    PrintDetail        bool          `yaml:"print_detail"         ini:"print_detail"         comment:"Is print body and metadata or not"`
    CountTime          bool          `yaml:"count_time"           ini:"count_time"           comment:"Is count cost time or not"`


  • SetMessageSizeLimit sets max message size. If maxSize<=0, set it to max uint32.

    func SetMessageSizeLimit(maxMessageSize uint32)
  • SetSocketKeepAlive sets whether the operating system should send keepalive messages on the connection.

    func SetSocketKeepAlive(keepalive bool)
  • SetSocketKeepAlivePeriod sets period between keep alives.

    func SetSocketKeepAlivePeriod(d time.Duration)
  • SetSocketNoDelay controls whether the operating system should delay message transmission in hopes of sending fewer messages (Nagle's algorithm). The default is true (no delay), meaning that data is sent as soon as possible after a Write.

    func SetSocketNoDelay(_noDelay bool)
  • SetSocketReadBuffer sets the size of the operating system's receive buffer associated with the connection.

    func SetSocketReadBuffer(bytes int)
  • SetSocketWriteBuffer sets the size of the operating system's transmit buffer associated with the connection.

    func SetSocketWriteBuffer(bytes int)



package import description
json import "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/codec" JSON codec(teleport own)
protobuf import "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/codec" Protobuf codec(teleport own)
plain import "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/codec" Plain text codec(teleport own)
form import "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/codec" Form(url encode) codec(teleport own)


package import description
auth import "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/plugin/auth" A auth plugin for verifying peer at the first time
binder import binder "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/plugin/binder" Parameter Binding Verification for Struct Handler
heartbeat import heartbeat "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/plugin/heartbeat" A generic timing heartbeat plugin
proxy import "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/plugin/proxy" A proxy plugin for handling unknown calling or pushing
secure import secure "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/plugin/secure" Encrypting/decrypting the message body


package import description
rawproto import "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/proto/rawproto A fast socket communication protocol(teleport default protocol)
jsonproto import "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/proto/jsonproto" A JSON socket communication protocol
pbproto import "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/proto/pbproto" A Protobuf socket communication protocol


package import description
gzip import "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/xfer/gzip" Gzip(teleport own)
md5 import "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/xfer/md5" Provides a integrity check transfer filter


package import description
multiclient import "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/mixer/multiclient" Higher throughput client connection pool when transferring large messages (such as downloading files)
websocket import "github.com/henrylee2cn/teleport/mixer/websocket" Makes the Teleport framework compatible with websocket protocol as specified in RFC 6455
html html "github.com/xiaoenai/tp-micro/helper/mod-html" HTML render for http client

Projects based on Teleport

project description
TP-Micro TP-Micro is a simple, powerful micro service framework based on Teleport
Pholcus Pholcus is a distributed, high concurrency and powerful web crawler software

Business Users

深圳市梦之舵信息技术有限公司    平安科技 


Teleport is under Apache v2 License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text

  • 任意传送门——Teleport Vue3 的组合式 API 以及基于 Proxy 响应式原理已经有很多文章介绍过了,除了这些比较亮眼的更新; Vue3 还新增了一个内置组件:Teleport。这个组件的作用主要用来将模板内的 DOM 元素移动到其他位置。 为什么我们需要 Teleport Teleport 是一种能够将我们的模板移动到 DOM 中 Vue app 之外的其他位置的技术,就有点像哆啦

  • Teleport 是一种能够将我们的组件html结构移动到指定位置的技术。 <teleport to="移动位置"> <div v-if="isShow" class="mask"> <div class="dialog"> <h3>我是一个弹窗</h3> <button @click="isShow = false">关闭弹窗</button> </div> </div>

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