
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 充昌勋
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

NativeScript Build Release

A NativeScript utility to simplify the tns build --release command to quickly create an Android or iOS package, using only the nsconfig.json file. Currently available on MacOS and Linux.

We perfectly know DEBUG or RUN, but not necessarily BUILD...

Note: Work in progress to become a new functionality of NativeScript CLI. See the progression with the pull request #5296.

Getting Started


  • MacOS or Linux operating system.
  • Git installed and configured. (see Git website)
  • NativeScript installed and configured. (see CLI setup)
  • A functional project to use the utility. (see app templates)


In Terminal, run the following command to download the files from this directory.

git clone


In Terminal profile file (.bash_profile, .zprofile, etc.), add the following alias.

alias ns_build="sh ~/_PATH_TO_UTILITY_/nativescript-build-release/"


NSConfig file

The utility only uses the nsconfig.json file. It is at the root of your application folder, otherwise create it. (more info)

In the nsconfig.json file, you must add the buildRelease key. The buildRelease key can contain the following data:

  • android (more info)

    • keyStorePath
    • keyStoreAlias
    • copyPath
    • options (separated by commas)
      • aot
      • snapshot
      • compileSnapshot
      • uglify
      • report
      • sourceMap
      • hiddenSourceMap
      • force
      • aab (package extension)
      • 28 (and higher) or api28 or sdk28
  • ios (more info)

    • teamId
    • provisionUuid
    • copyPath
    • options (separated by commas)
      • aot
      • uglify
      • report
      • sourceMap
      • hiddenSourceMap
      • force
      • app (package extension)
      • icloud or iCloud

nsconfig.json example

    "buildRelease": {
        "android": {
            "keyStorePath": "/_PATH_TO_APP_/_APP_NAME_/android.keystore",
            "keyStoreAlias": "_APP_NAME_",
            "copyPath": "/_PATH_TO_APP_/_APP_NAME_/App/_BUILD_FOLDER_NAME_",
            "options": "uglify, aab"
        "ios": {
            "provisionUuid": "0a0a00aa-0aaa-0a00-aa00-00000a0a00a0",
            "copyPath": "/_PATH_TO_APP_/_APP_NAME_/App/_BUILD_FOLDER_NAME_",
            "options": "uglify"


In Terminal, navigate to your application root folder and run ns_build alias to start the utility.

Screenshot of NativeScript Build Release utility


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Benjamin Grand @elvticc

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  • 安卓项目发布到真机上测试需要打包成apk。就介绍下打包流程: 产生签名的key 该过程会用到keytool,开发过安卓的都应该接触过该东西。详细请见密钥和证书管理工具。 在项目的主目录中执行,最后一步输入“是”: keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias my-key-alias -keyalg RSA -keysize

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  • 1. 生成签名: E:\ReactLove\rn_hello\rnHello_060>keytool -genkey -v -keystore D:\shudan.keystore -alias shudan-alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 注意:记住输入的密钥库的口令,后面会用到 E:\ReactLove\rn_hello\rnHe

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