
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 陆野
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Command Line Application that can automatically update changelog file of your project after each commit/pull request/tag/release

Table of contents:


There are similar, more popular projects around, why this? Automation is designed to give project owner a bit moreflexibility and control over the changelog generation process. If pull requests are properly described Automationwill take that description, parse it and extract following types of changes from it:

  • added
  • changed
  • fixed
  • removed
  • deprecated
  • security

Those types are part of keep a changelog notation.

Pull Request Description by definition is easy to update/change, also once commits are merged which makes it really easyto get back to a specific PR when generating a changelog, fix it and get a better changelog output.

What if pull requests does not have expected description? Then Automation will fall back into commit messages but even here it willfirst try to look for conventional commit notation and if that fail it will look for common prefixeslike Fix, Added, Removed.

Still not convinced by keep a changelog theme? No problem, Automation is supporting also more classical approach, just use --theme=classic option.

What if one would still prefer commit messages over pull requests? Don't worry, --only-commits option is here for him, just like --only-pull-requests is for the opposite camp.

Turn This

Into This


Not sure if automated changelog generation is for you?

  • Software with stable release cycle, following SemVer
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

Thos are two most popular use cases.

Releasing open source project you will probably look into --tag option that will take a all changes between given and previous tag and generate changelog.

When working on a project that is released multiple times every day and does not really have a predictable release cycle you might want to store last deployed commit SHA hash and pass it later through --commit-end option. Automation will be able then to generate changelog since last release for you.



Generate full changelog for repository

docker run -t -e AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_TOKEN --rm aeonphp/automation changelog:generate:all aeon-php/calendar --skip-from="dependabot[bot]" --skip-from="aeon-automation"

Generate full changelog for repository ⚠️ update file and all releases ⚠️

docker run -t -e AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_TOKEN --rm aeonphp/automation changelog:generate:all aeon-php/calendar --github-release-update --skip-from="dependabot[bot]" --skip-from="aeon-automation"

Generate unreleased changes for repository

docker run -t -e AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_TOKEN --rm aeonphp/automation changelog:generate aeon-php/calendar --skip-from="dependabot[bot]" --skip-from="aeon-automation"

Generate changelog for specific tag

docker run -t -e AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_TOKEN --rm aeonphp/automation changelog:generate aeon-php/calendar --tag=0.15.0 --skip-from="dependabot[bot]" --skip-from="aeon-automation"

In order to generate a changelog Automation takes 4 steps.

Currently, Automation takes the whole project history directly from GitHub but more sources are coming.

1) Detect Changes Scope

When generating a changelog, Automation is first trying to understand what is the scope of changes. By default, it takes head of the default branch and it looks for the latest tag (from a semantic versioning point of view). Of course, this can be overwritten by telling automation to start from a specific tag using --tag option or even more precisely by providing start and end commit SHA, --commit-start, --commit-end.

There are 2 more options that could help to setup the right scope, --changed-after and --changed-before which also supports relative formats like --changed-after=noon or --changed-after="-1 day"

2) Fetch Project History

When the scope is detected, Automation will fetch the history of changes from source. It all starts from commits, and it works pretty much as git log origin..HEAD command. When commits are fetched, Automation pulls all Pull Requests since they also have valuable data about changes (this can be skipped using --only-commits option).Not all contributions are worth mentioning, sometimes you might want to exclude changes from bots. --skip-from option makes possible to skip changes from given authors.

3) Analyze Project History

Automation follows the Keep a Changelog philosophy and it can recognize following types of changes:

  • Added
  • Changed
  • Deprecated
  • Removed
  • Fixed
  • Security

There are several strategies making this recognition possible:

They are applied in given order until first one parse changes source and properly detect all changes.

4) Format Changelog

When all changes are detected and grouped by types Automation moves to the last step, changelog generation.


Automation supports following changelog formats:

  • markdown
  • html


Automation supports following themes:

  • keepachangelog
  • classic

All themes are supported by all formats.


This theme follows Keep a Changelog convention, changes are organized by type.


This theme does not organize changes in any particular way, each change is displayed as a separated line item ordered by change date.Combined with --only-pull-requests option will provide clean and organized classical list of changes taken from pull request titles.


Before you start, generate your own GitHub personal access token.It can be provided as environment variable AUTOMATION_GH_TOKEN or through CLI option --github-token

If Automation is not working as you expected, increase verbosity to see how it works under the hood.It can be done by providing one of following options:

  • -v - normal
  • -vv - verbose
  • -vvv - debug


docker pull aeonphp/automation
docker run -t --rm aeonphp/automation --help


git clone
cd automation 
composer install
bin/automation --help


TODO: Coming soon

Because Automation is using GitHub API to grab project history you can use it against any popular github projects.

automation changelog:generate organization/name -v


Looking for a way to contribute? Awesome ❤️ Below you can find few places to start with:

You are also more than welcome to open an issue if anything about this project bothers you.




  command [options] [arguments]

  -h, --help                                         Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
  -q, --quiet                                        Do not output any message
  -V, --version                                      Display this application version
      --ansi                                         Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi                                      Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction                               Do not ask any interactive question
      --configuration=CONFIGURATION                  Custom path to the automation.xml configuration file.
      --cache-path=CACHE-PATH                        Path to root cache directory, taken from sys_get_tmp_dir() function or AEON_AUTOMATION_CACHE_DIR env variable [default: "/Users/norzechowicz/.automation"]
      --github-token=GITHUB-TOKEN                    Github personal access token, generated here: By default taken from AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_TOKEN env variable
      --github-enterprise-url=GITHUB-ENTERPRISE-URL  Github enterprise URL, by default taken from AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_ENTERPRISE_URL env variable
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose                               Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Available commands:
  help                            Displays help for a command
  list                            Lists commands
  branch:list                     List project branches
  cache:clear                     Clears all or specific caches.
  changelog:generate              Generate change log for a release.
  changelog:generate:all          Generate change log for all tags.
  changelog:get                   Get project changelog.
  changelog:release:unreleased    Update changelog file by turning Unreleased section into the next release
  milestone:create                Create new milestone for project
  pull-request:description:check  Check if pull request has changes in expected by Automation format.
  pull-request:template:show      Display pull request template required by this tool to properly parse keepachangelog format
  release:list                    List all project releases
  tag:list                        Display all tags following SemVer convention sorted from the latest to oldest
  workflow:job:list               List project Github actions jobs status from the latest workflow run


  Generate change log for a release.

  changelog:generate [options] [--] <project>

  project                                                project name, for example aeon-php/calendar

      --commit-start=COMMIT-START                        Optional commit sha from which changelog is generated . When not provided, default branch latest commit is taken
      --commit-end=COMMIT-END                            Optional commit sha until which changelog is generated . When not provided, latest tag is taken
      --changed-after=CHANGED-AFTER                      Ignore all changes after given date, relative date formats like "-1 day" are also supported
      --changed-before=CHANGED-BEFORE                    Ignore all changes before given date, relative date formats like "-1 day" are also supported
      --tag=TAG                                          List only changes from given release
      --tag-next=TAG-NEXT                                List only changes until given release
      --tag-only-stable                                  Check SemVer stability of all tags and remove all unstable
      --release-name=RELEASE-NAME                        Name of the release when --tag option is not provided [default: "Unreleased"]
      --only-commits                                     Use only commits to generate changelog
      --only-pull-requests                               Use only pull requests to generate changelog
      --compare-reverse                                  When comparing commits, revers the order and compare start to end, instead end to start.
      --format=FORMAT                                    How to format generated changelog, available formatters: "markdown", "html" [default: "markdown"]
      --theme=THEME                                      Theme of generated changelog: "keepachangelog", "classic" [default: "keepachangelog"]
      --skip-from=SKIP-FROM                              Skip changes from given author|authors (multiple values allowed)
      --github-release-update                            Update GitHub release description if you have right permissions and release exists
      --github-file-update-path=GITHUB-FILE-UPDATE-PATH  Update changelog file directly at GitHub by reading existing file content and changing related release section. For example:
      --github-file-update-ref=GITHUB-FILE-UPDATE-REF    The name of the commit/branch/tag from which to take file for option. Default: the repository’s default branch.
  -h, --help                                             Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
  -q, --quiet                                            Do not output any message
  -V, --version                                          Display this application version
      --ansi                                             Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi                                          Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction                                   Do not ask any interactive question
      --configuration=CONFIGURATION                      Custom path to the automation.xml configuration file.
      --cache-path=CACHE-PATH                            Path to root cache directory, taken from sys_get_tmp_dir() function or AEON_AUTOMATION_CACHE_DIR env variable [default: "/Users/norzechowicz/.automation"]
      --github-token=GITHUB-TOKEN                        Github personal access token, generated here: By default taken from AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_TOKEN env variable
      --github-enterprise-url=GITHUB-ENTERPRISE-URL      Github enterprise URL, by default taken from AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_ENTERPRISE_URL env variable
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose                                   Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

  When no parameters are provided, this command will generate Unreleased change log. Please be careful when using --github-release-update and --github-file-update-path since those options will do changes in project repository.


  Generate change log for all tags.

  changelog:generate:all [options] [--] <project>

  project                                                project name, for example aeon-php/calendar

      --tag-start=TAG-START                              Generate changelog from given tag, if not provided it starts from the earliest tag
      --tag-end=TAG-END                                  Generate changelog until given tag, if not provided it ends at the last tag
      --tag-skip=TAG-SKIP                                Skip specific tags (multiple values allowed)
      --tag-only-stable                                  Check SemVer stability of all tags and remove all unstable
      --skip-from=SKIP-FROM                              Skip changes from given author|authors (multiple values allowed)
      --only-commits                                     Use only commits to generate changelog
      --only-pull-requests                               Use only pull requests to generate changelog
      --compare-reverse                                  When comparing commits, revers the order and compare start to end, instead end to start.
      --format=FORMAT                                    How to format generated changelog, available formatters: "markdown", "html" [default: "markdown"]
      --theme=THEME                                      Theme of generated changelog: "keepachangelog", "classic" [default: "keepachangelog"]
      --github-release-update                            Update GitHub release description if you have right permissions and release exists
      --github-file-update-path=GITHUB-FILE-UPDATE-PATH  Update changelog file directly at GitHub by reading existing file content and changing related release section. For example:
      --github-file-update-ref=GITHUB-FILE-UPDATE-REF    The name of the commit/branch/tag from which to take file for option. Default: the repository’s default branch.
  -h, --help                                             Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
  -q, --quiet                                            Do not output any message
  -V, --version                                          Display this application version
      --ansi                                             Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi                                          Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction                                   Do not ask any interactive question
      --configuration=CONFIGURATION                      Custom path to the automation.xml configuration file.
      --cache-path=CACHE-PATH                            Path to root cache directory, taken from sys_get_tmp_dir() function or AEON_AUTOMATION_CACHE_DIR env variable [default: "/Users/norzechowicz/.automation"]
      --github-token=GITHUB-TOKEN                        Github personal access token, generated here: By default taken from AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_TOKEN env variable
      --github-enterprise-url=GITHUB-ENTERPRISE-URL      Github enterprise URL, by default taken from AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_ENTERPRISE_URL env variable
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose                                   Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

  When no parameters are provided, this command will generate changelog for each commit that follows semver semantic.


  Update changelog file by turning Unreleased section into the next release

  changelog:release:unreleased [options] [--] <project> <changelog-file-path> <release-name>

  project                                              project name, for example aeon-php/calendar
  changelog-file-path                                  Path to the changelog file from repository root. For example:
  release-name                                         Name of the next release.

      --format=FORMAT                                  How to format generated changelog, available formatters: "markdown", "html" [default: "markdown"]
      --theme=THEME                                    Theme of generated changelog: "keepachangelog", "classic" [default: "keepachangelog"]
      --github-release-update                          Update GitHub release description if you have right permissions and release exists
      --github-file-changelog-update                   Update changelog file by pushing commit to GitHub directly
      --github-file-update-ref=GITHUB-FILE-UPDATE-REF  The name of the commit/branch/tag from which to take file for changelog-file-path argument. Default: the repository’s default branch.
  -h, --help                                           Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
  -q, --quiet                                          Do not output any message
  -V, --version                                        Display this application version
      --ansi                                           Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi                                        Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction                                 Do not ask any interactive question
      --configuration=CONFIGURATION                    Custom path to the automation.xml configuration file.
      --cache-path=CACHE-PATH                          Path to root cache directory, taken from sys_get_tmp_dir() function or AEON_AUTOMATION_CACHE_DIR env variable [default: "/Users/norzechowicz/.automation"]
      --github-token=GITHUB-TOKEN                      Github personal access token, generated here: By default taken from AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_TOKEN env variable
      --github-enterprise-url=GITHUB-ENTERPRISE-URL    Github enterprise URL, by default taken from AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_ENTERPRISE_URL env variable
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose                                 Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

  This command only manipulates the changelog file, it does not create new releases.


  Get project changelog.

  changelog:get [options] [--] <project>

  project                                            project name, for example aeon-php/calendar

      --github-file-path=GITHUB-FILE-PATH            changelog file path [default: ""]
      --github-file-ref=GITHUB-FILE-REF              The name of the commit/branch/tag from which to take file for option. Default: the repository’s default branch.
      --sha1-hash                                    Optional display only sha1 hash of the changelog file instead of file content
  -h, --help                                         Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
  -q, --quiet                                        Do not output any message
  -V, --version                                      Display this application version
      --ansi                                         Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi                                      Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction                               Do not ask any interactive question
      --configuration=CONFIGURATION                  Custom path to the automation.xml configuration file.
      --cache-path=CACHE-PATH                        Path to root cache directory, taken from sys_get_tmp_dir() function or AEON_AUTOMATION_CACHE_DIR env variable [default: "/Users/norzechowicz/.automation"]
      --github-token=GITHUB-TOKEN                    Github personal access token, generated here: By default taken from AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_TOKEN env variable
      --github-enterprise-url=GITHUB-ENTERPRISE-URL  Github enterprise URL, by default taken from AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_ENTERPRISE_URL env variable
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose                               Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

  When no parameters are provided, this command will generate Unreleased change log. Please be careful when using --github-release-update and --github-file-update-path since those options will do changes in project repository.


  Display all tags following SemVer convention sorted from the latest to oldest

  tag:list [options] [--] <project>

  project                                            project name

      --with-date                                    display date when tag was committed
      --with-commit                                  display commit SHA of tag
      --limit=LIMIT                                  Maximum number of tags to get
  -h, --help                                         Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
  -q, --quiet                                        Do not output any message
  -V, --version                                      Display this application version
      --ansi                                         Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi                                      Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction                               Do not ask any interactive question
      --configuration=CONFIGURATION                  Custom path to the automation.xml configuration file.
      --cache-path=CACHE-PATH                        Path to root cache directory, taken from sys_get_tmp_dir() function or AEON_AUTOMATION_CACHE_DIR env variable [default: "/Users/norzechowicz/.automation"]
      --github-token=GITHUB-TOKEN                    Github personal access token, generated here: By default taken from AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_TOKEN env variable
      --github-enterprise-url=GITHUB-ENTERPRISE-URL  Github enterprise URL, by default taken from AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_ENTERPRISE_URL env variable
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose                               Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug


  List project Github actions workflows billable minutes usage in current billing cycle

  workflow:timing:list [options] [--] <project>

  project                                            project name

      --os=OS                                        Show billable minutes for operating systems [default: ["ubuntu","macos","windows"]] (multiple values allowed)
  -h, --help                                         Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
  -q, --quiet                                        Do not output any message
  -V, --version                                      Display this application version
      --ansi                                         Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi                                      Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction                               Do not ask any interactive question
      --configuration=CONFIGURATION                  Custom path to the automation.xml configuration file.
      --cache-path=CACHE-PATH                        Path to root cache directory, taken from sys_get_tmp_dir() function or AEON_AUTOMATION_CACHE_DIR env variable [default: "/Users/norzechowicz/.automation"]
      --github-token=GITHUB-TOKEN                    Github personal access token, generated here: By default taken from AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_TOKEN env variable
      --github-enterprise-url=GITHUB-ENTERPRISE-URL  Github enterprise URL, by default taken from AEON_AUTOMATION_GH_ENTERPRISE_URL env variable
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose                               Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

  Billable minutes only apply to workflows in private repositories that use GitHub-hosted runners.

Integration Request

If you would lik to integrate Automation with your project but not sure how, feel free to Open Integration Request.
We will first test your project and if possible prepare an integration Pull Request.

  •      自动化算是远古时代的技术了吧?不过你还真别怀疑"没有过时的技术,只有过时的思想"这句话的可靠性!这不,最最在“研究”如何“挂接”浏览器中有关元素的事件(如挂接TextArea的onselect事件),其中用到了IDispatch接口,用自动化实现。以前没学过自动化,昨天“小究”了一下,打算把它用的“挂接事件”这个工程中去。各位如果想知道如何挂接事件,敬请关注本博客,嘿嘿!     好了,

  • 问题内容: 我是Web自动化测试工具的新手。我想自动化我的网络功能测试。 请建议我一些网络自动测试工具。我想使用Java编写自动化测试工具。 我访问了以下站点,以选择一个好的工具,但是由于我不知道,很难为我选择一个合适的工具。 source/web-testing-tools 谁能建议我一个很好的网络测试工具? 问题答案: 对于Web测试,

  • 问题内容: 我想自动化Web应用程序的本地化功能。当浏览器语言更改时,根据我的应用程序,应用程序语言应根据浏览器语言自动更改。怎么做? 问题答案: 如下所示启动驱动程序之前,请在chrome选项中设置语言代码。 对于语言代码:https : //

  • 问题内容: 我正在使用pycharm和我的pythn 版本3.6.7点9.0.1 和selenium版本selenium-3.141.0 urllib3-1.24.1 我使用此命令安装selenium 然后我这样编码 当我运行这个时,我得到这个错误 在这一行中 , 我的 geckodriver版本的 正确路径 是0.23.0 问题答案: 虽然有工作 GeckoDriver , 火狐 和 硒 ,你需

  • 问题内容: 我一直在使用Appium来测试混合android应用程序,包括NATIVE和WEBVIEW上下文之间的频繁转换。这些Webview是使用React库开发的。 根据我的理解和纠正,如果我错了,React的工作方式 是它使用真实的DOM创建虚拟DOM并生成与javascript中的名称相对应的动态类名。该DIFF算法提供了有效的方法来区分使用这些自动生成的类名称的对象。 我面临的问题是,使

  • 背景:我是一个自动化新手,我正在尝试使用红宝石和硒进行一些测试。我对自己在做什么有一些了解,但我仍然很新手。 问题:当尝试调用应该从页面部分继承该方法的对象上的方法时,我得到了一个“nil: nilclass的nomethoderror未定义方法”。 故障排除和研究:我搜索了nil:nilclass问题的类似问题,但找不到任何真正符合我尝试做的事情(或者在我的noob眼里不是这样)。我怀疑我没有正

  • 我正在制作一个reddit机器人,它将在评论中查找某些属性,使用selenium访问信息网站,并使用获取该标记内的值,但它不起作用。 当我使用时,这是返回的数据: 当我使用

  • 所以我一直在尝试通过selenium访问我的gmail或Google Colab笔记本。我没有通过电子邮件和密码进行身份验证,而是使用已保存的Google Chrome配置文件启动chromedriver,但它会抛出以下内容: 我已经尝试了以前行之有效的每一个解决方案,但现在不起作用了,我尝试的一些解决方案有: 禁用双因素身份验证 允许不太安全的应用程序访问 禁用我知道的每个标志,让网站检测到该网

  • 我正在尝试为我的组织自动下载特定文件。在这样做的过程中,我遇到了使用Selenium的浏览器自动化。我已经到了可以注入用户凭据的地步,但现在我需要通过单击登录按钮登录到页面。 这是父URL,我在其中插入凭据 然后我需要点击登录按钮。以下是该元件的检查输出: 这是我到目前为止的代码,我知道它是基本的,我正在清理它,并将一些东西定义到函数中。