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软件类型 开源软件
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Awesome macOS Command Line / Awesome Command-Line Apps

Due to personal changes, GitHub changes, a desire of not wanting to continue todeal with mostly very low-effort contributions, entitled behavior and lowquality, I've permanently moved these projects to my personal Git instance,where they will live from now on.

This is not least because of a substantially lacking readiness to donate even asingle dollar — despite hundreds of daily visitors and almost 30k combinedstars. Instead, these repositories are being linked to from large corporateintranets as a free source of knowledge, at times even from inside Apple. Therehave been two notable exceptions over the last six years: one donation to theNGO of a dear friend and a single GitHub sponsor for a couple of months. 100%were forwarded to the NGO as well. My thanks go out to you, you know who youare.

Available under the same license it has always been, you can still contributeand are encouraged to do so by sending a git am style patch via email. Thisis intentional to keep the lazy ones out and I much prefer working mostly inthe shell. Please invest the five minutes to figure out how to if you thinkyour contribution matters. You can clone this repository, you can find out myemail address.

Bonus link:

  • awesome-macos-command-line 收集了很多有趣的 Mac 终端命令。 看了一遍后,发现帮助很大。 见识许多没有使用过的命令,加深了对 Mac 的认识。 所以翻译成了中文,共享给其他需要使用的人。 Github 地址 翻译不妥的地方,欢迎提 issue 或者 pull request 。 转载于:

  • awesome-macos-command-line 收集了很多有趣的 Mac 终端命令。 看了一遍后,发现帮助很大。 见识许多没有使用过的命令,加深了对 Mac 的认识。 所以翻译成了中文,共享给其他需要使用的人。 Github 地址 翻译不妥的地方,欢迎提 issue 或者 pull request 。 转载于:

  • keil编译时出现"no source": Error: command-line: #564: cannot open embedded assembler output file"C:\Users\ADMINI~1.CQ-\AppData\Local\Temp】\p2100-2":类似错误, 关闭keil后,使用管理员权限打开keil就好了

  • 标题@[TOC](Command line is too long.Shorten the command line XXX) 问题描述 Error running XXX. Command line is too long. Shorten the command line via JAR manifest or via a classpath file and rerun. 解决方案 进入项

  • @echo off ::设置7z的命令行程序路径 set Sz=C:\7zip\7-Zip\7z.exe ::设置压缩包保存路径 set Save=D:\2 ::设置要打包压缩的文件夹 set Com=D:\a for /f “delims=” %%a in (‘dir /a-d/s/b “%Com%”’) do “%Sz%” a “%Save%\%%~na.7z” “%%~a” pause ne

  • 或许很多人都是不明白xcode command line tools是什么东西,有什么用。 在使用Mac电脑的时候用Xcode会让用户下载xcode command line tools这个东西,但是不下载一样可以编译运行C程序。所以很多人都是不理解。 其实xcode command line tools就是命令行啊,看名字也是终端命令行的意思。 安装了xcode command line too

  • 一、关于 pkgutil pkgutil: Query and manipulate Mac OS X Installer packages and receipts. reciept & bom reciept 和 bom 文件存放在 /private/var/db/receipts 文件夹。 可以使用lsbom 命令来查看 bom 文件 lsbom : list contents of a b

  • The Command Line! Your window into the computer. Introduction Linux has a graphical user interface and it works pretty much like the GUI's on other systems that you are familiar with such as Windows a

  • MacOS的快捷键 ctrl + space: 切换输入法 command + N: 新建窗口 command + T: 新建标签页 command + ‘+/-’: 放大/缩小网页 command + tab: 切换应用进程 ctrl + 触控板: 鼠标右键 shift + command + 3/4: 截屏(全屏/选择区域) command + z: 撤回 command + shift +

  • 异常的出现是因为运行项目的指令过长引起的 问题解决 方式一: 在idea的.idea/workspace.xml中开启动态路径。 在workspace.xml中的 <component name="PropertiesComponent">条目下添加属性 <property name="dynamic.classpath" value="true" /> 方式二: 在项目配置的运行参数配置中可以选

  • security cms -D -i XXX.mobileprovision查看mobileprovision Start Jenkins: sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist Stop Jenkins: sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/

  • For general information about writing shell scripts, read Shell Scripting Primer. NETWORKSETUP(8) BSD System Manager's Manual NETWORKSETUP(8) NAME networksetup -- confi

  •   This is a linux command line reference for common operations. Examples marked with • are valid/safe to paste without modification into a terminal, so you may want to keep a terminal window open whil

  •  命令: mdls 这个命令显示指定文件的metadata的属性 可以制定具体的属性名称,则只显示该属性的值 例如: mdls /var 下面是我机器上的输出: ~/Desktop admin$ mdls MACvsPCCombined.pdf MACvsPCCombined.pdf ------------- kMDItemAttributeChangeDate = 1969-12-31 17:

  • Awesome macOS Command Line / Awesome Command-Line Apps Due to personal changes, GitHub changes, a desire of not wanting to continue todeal with mostly very low-effort contributions, entitled behavior

  • 命令模式在操作之间添加抽象级别,并包含一个调用这些操作的对象。 在此设计模式中,客户端创建一个命令对象,其中包含要执行的命令列表。 创建的命令对象实现特定的接口。 以下是命令模式的基本架构 - 如何实现命令模式? 我们现在将看到如何实现设计模式。 def demo(a,b,c): print 'a:',a print 'b:',b print 'c:',c class Comma

  • Command-Line Usage Cordova now ships with a set of command-line tools that make it easier for you to develop cross-platform applications. You can build, clean, and launch an emulator with a single com

  • the '-m' option Show all compiled-in modules then exit. Tengine supports DSO modules since 1.4.0. The tag 'static' means static module. The tag 'shared' means dynamic shared module which is also attac

  • Parameters for winscp.exe executable: winscp.exe site|workspace|folder winscp.exe <session_url>[/path/[file]] winscp.exe [mysession] [/sessionname=<name>] winscp.exe [mysession] [/newinstance] winscp.

  • Table of Contents Usage gitea [global options] command [command or global options] [arguments...] Global options All global options can be placed at the command level. --help, -h: Show help text and e