
🐚 Use your terminal shell to do awesome things.
授权协议 Readme
开发语言 SHELL
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 鲜于德泽
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Awesome macOS Command Line / Awesome Command-Line Apps

Due to personal changes, GitHub changes, a desire of not wanting to continue todeal with mostly very low-effort contributions, entitled behavior and lowquality, I've permanently moved these projects to my personal Git instance,where they will live from now on.

This is not least because of a substantially lacking readiness to donate even asingle dollar — despite hundreds of daily visitors and almost 30k combinedstars. Instead, these repositories are being linked to from large corporateintranets as a free source of knowledge, at times even from inside Apple. Therehave been two notable exceptions over the last six years: one donation to theNGO of a dear friend and a single GitHub sponsor for a couple of months. 100%were forwarded to the NGO as well. My thanks go out to you, you know who youare.

Available under the same license it has always been, you can still contributeand are encouraged to do so by sending a git am style patch via email. Thisis intentional to keep the lazy ones out and I much prefer working mostly inthe shell. Please invest the five minutes to figure out how to if you thinkyour contribution matters. You can clone this repository, you can find out myemail address.

Bonus link:

  • Awesome macOS Command Line / Awesome Command-Line Apps Due to personal changes, GitHub changes, a desire of not wanting to continue todeal with mostly very low-effort contributions, entitled behavior

  • Command-Line Usage Cordova now ships with a set of command-line tools that make it easier for you to develop cross-platform applications. You can build, clean, and launch an emulator with a single com

  • the '-m' option Show all compiled-in modules then exit. Tengine supports DSO modules since 1.4.0. The tag 'static' means static module. The tag 'shared' means dynamic shared module which is also attac

  • Parameters for winscp.exe executable: winscp.exe site|workspace|folder winscp.exe <session_url>[/path/[file]] winscp.exe [mysession] [/sessionname=<name>] winscp.exe [mysession] [/newinstance] winscp.

  • Table of Contents Usage gitea [global options] command [command or global options] [arguments...] Global options All global options can be placed at the command level. --help, -h: Show help text and e

  • 命令行是非常高效的工具,但是很多命令行过一段时间就容易忘记。虽然我们可以上网搜索,但还是很不方便。常见的做法是,将容易忘记的命令行写到笔记中去,忘了再查。 navi,它提供了一个交互式的备忘录。navi 允许你查阅所有的备忘录并执行对应的命令。 navi 可以使用已有的命令行备忘录,也能自己导入以前常用的备忘录,配置可以直接运行的命令行,只需要手动加上参数就行;也可以写上备忘录注释,再手动键入命令