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开发语言 SHELL
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 能烨华
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

git-flow (AVH Edition)

A collection of Git extensions to provide high-level repository operationsfor Vincent Driessen's branching model. This fork adds functionality not added to the original branch.

Getting started

For the best introduction to get started with git flow, please read JeffKreeftmeijer's blog post:

Or have a look at one of these screen casts:

A quick cheatsheet was made by Daniel Kummer:

Installing git-flow

See the Wiki for up-to-date Installation Instructions.

Integration with your shell

For those who use the Bash or ZSHshell, you can use my fork of git-flow-completionwhich includes several additions for git-flow (AVH Edition), or you can use theoriginal git-flow-completionproject by bobthecow. Both offer tab-completionfor git-flow subcommands and branch names with my fork including tab-completionfor the commands not found in the original git-flow.


  • See the FAQ sectionof the project Wiki.
  • Version Numbering Scheme.
    Starting with version 1.0, the project uses the following scheme:<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<REVISION>\
  • AVH is the acronym of "A VirtualHome"

Please help out

This project is under constant development. Feedback and suggestions are verywelcome and I encourage you to use the Issueslist on Github to provide thatfeedback.

Feel free to fork this repository and to commit your additions. For a list ofall contributors, please see the AUTHORS file.

Any questions, tips, or general discussion can be posted to the Google group: is the original group set up to support the nvie branch, but I am monitoringthe list as well for any questions related to my version.When you do post a question on the list please indicate which version you are,using the complete version number.


Fork the repository. Then, run:

git clone -b master<username>/gitflow-avh.git
cd gitflow-avh

The -b master switch has to be added since the fork operation automaticallyclones the develop branch of the official gitflow repository and cloning itresults in a local repository with just a develop branch.

If you do not have gitflow installed yet install it by running make && make install.

After that initialize the local gitflow repository with gitflow itself:

git flow init -d
git flow feature start <your feature>

Then, do work and commit your changes.

git flow feature publish <your feature>

When done, open a pull request to your feature branch.

License terms

git-flow is published under the FreeBSD License, see theLICENSE file. Although the FreeBSD License does not require you toshare any modifications you make to the source code, you are very muchencouraged and invited to contribute back your modifications to the community,preferably in a Github fork, of course.

git flow usage


To initialize a new repo with the basic branch structure, use:

git flow init [-d]

This will then interactively prompt you with some questions on which branchesyou would like to use as development and production branches, and how youwould like your prefixes be named. You may simply press Return on any ofthose questions to accept the (sane) default suggestions.

The -d flag will accept all defaults.

Screencast git flow init

Creating feature/release/hotfix/support branches

  • To list/start/finish/delete feature branches, use:
git flow feature
git flow feature start <name> [<base>]
git flow feature finish <name>
git flow feature delete <name>

For feature branches, the <base> arg must be a branch, when omitted it defaults to the develop branch.

  • To push/pull a feature branch to the remote repository, use:
git flow feature publish <name>
git flow feature track <name>
  • To list/start/finish/delete release branches, use:
git flow release
git flow release start <release> [<base>]
git flow release finish <release>
git flow release delete <release>

For release branches, the <base> arg must be a branch, when omitted it defaults to the develop branch.

  • To list/start/finish/delete hotfix branches, use:
git flow hotfix
git flow hotfix start <release> [<base>]
git flow hotfix finish <release>
git flow hotfix delete <release>

For hotfix branches, the <base> arg must be a branch, when omitted it defaults to the production branch.

  • To list/start support branches, use:
git flow support
git flow support start <release> <base>

For support branches, the <base> arg must be a branch, when omitted it defaults to the production branch.

Share features with others

You can easily publish a feature you are working on. The reason can be to allow other programmers to work on it or to access it from another machine. The publish/track feature of gitflow simplify the creation of a remote branch and its tracking.

When you want to publish a feature just use:

git flow feature publish <name>

or, if you already are into the feature/<name> branch, just issue:

git flow feature publish

Now if you execute git branch -avv you will see that your branch feature/<name> tracks [origin/feature/<name>]. To track the same remote branch in another clone of the same repository use:

git flow feature track <name>

This will create a local feature feature/<name> that tracks the same remote branch as the original one, that is origin/feature/<name>.

When one developer (depending on your work flow) finishes working on the feature he or she can issue git flow feature finish <name> and this will automatically delete the remote branch. All other developers shall then run:

git flow feature delete <name>

to get rid of the local feature that tracks a remote branch that no more exist.

Share hotfixes with others

You can publish an hotfix you are working on. The reason can be to allow other programmers to work on it or validate it or to access it from another machine.

When you want to publish an hotfix just use (as you did for features):

git flow hotfix publish <name>

or, if you already are into the hotfix/<name> branch, just issue:

git flow hotfix publish

Other developers can now update their repositories and checkout the hotfix:

git pull
git checkout hotfix/<name>

and eventually finish it:

git flow hotfix finish

Using Hooks and Filters

For a wide variety of commands hooks or filters can be called before and afterthe command.
The files should be placed in .git/hooks
In the directory hooks you can find examples of all the hooks available.

Showing your appreciation

Of course, the best way to show your appreciation for the git-flow tool itselfremains contributing to the community. If you'd like to show your appreciationin another way, however, consider donating through PayPal:


  • 首先 安装 git flow                osx homebrew $ brew install git-flow-avh ,  Macports $ port install git-flow-avh            linwx  $ apt-get install git-flow windows $ wget -q -O - --no-check-certificat

  • IDE升级到2020.1版本之后,部分IDE不支持git-flow,显示unsupport gitflow version 不支持的主要原因是使用brew安装的git-flow,使用brew安装的git-flow版本很久没有得到更新,所以我们要写在原先的版本再安装另一个版本的git-flow 1. 卸载git-flow terminal 运行 git flow version 查看版本 如果版本小

  • 什么是 git-flow? 一旦安装安装 git-flow,你将会拥有一些扩展命令。这些命令会在一个预定义的顺序下自动执行多个操作。是的,这就是我们的工作流程! git-flow 并不是要替代 Git,它仅仅是非常聪明有效地把标准的 Git 命令用脚本组合了起来。 严格来讲,你并不需要安装什么特别的东西就可以使用 git-flow 工作流程。你只需要了解,哪些工作流程是由哪些单独的任务所组成的,并

  • 请看上一篇前端小纠结--约定式提交和自动生成changelog git flow工作流对比 Git工作流指南 git flow 介绍 git flow源自这篇文章a-successful-git-branching-model,大神!!!。 关于git flow的使用,请看以下链接,非常多的文章,写的非常好。 如何正确的使用git flow git-flow 备忘清单 git-branching-

  • 安装 安装git: $ brew install git 安装git-flow: $ brew install git-flow-avh 安装git-flow发现类似问题: Could not symlink share/zsh/site-functions/git-flow-completion.zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions is not w

  • 1.首先安装gitflow 作者本人电脑配置为windows环境,使用如下命令: wget -q -O - --no-check-certificate install stable | bash 其他环境: linu

  • gitflow 是一个 Git 扩展的集合,可为Vincent Driessen的分支模型提供高级存储库操作。 安装完git-flow后,你可以在当前目录下创建一个全新的仓库或把一个现有的仓库转换成新的分支结构: $ git flow init

  • Gitflow 工作流,扩展了集中式工作流与功能分支工作流。 Gitflow 是 Vincent Driessen 在他的博客 nvie 上介绍的一种 Git 工作流程。 开发分支 在开发中使用 Gitlfow 工作流。开发者们都要在本地创建一个开发分支,一般叫 develop。开发者创建的功能分支(feature branch)要基于这个开发分支(develop),功能分支完成以后,要合并到这个

  • 我正在与实时流的AVPlayer HLS工作,有时,视频会落后,我需要所有的客户端与流同步。我们怎么知道什么时候会发生这种情况?当它落后时,我想重新同步它。 谢谢

  • avhttp  avhttp是一个基于Boost.Asio实现的HTTP客户端开发工具库. 简介 它支持HTTP(1.0/1.1)、HTTPS, 断点续传, 多线程并发下载, 异步, HTTP/SOCKS4/SOCKS5代理支持等特性, 开发者可以轻松的基于这个库开发其他相关应用. 快速上手 #include <iostream>#include <boost/array.hpp>#include



