
Tiny semantic commit messages for Git.
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Semantic Git commit messages

Inspired by Sparkbox's awesome article on semantic commit messages.

What is this?

These are very simple custom git commands that enforce the git user to write better git commit messages. If still confused, read the article above.


  1. Clone this repo, preferably in your $HOME directory.
git clone ~/.git-semantic-commits

Tip: If you're using Cygwin, open it and type echo $USERPROFILE. This will show you the location of the $HOME directory.

  1. Install it as a set of bash scripts or git aliases:
  • bash scripts
cd ~/.git-semantic-commits && ./ --scripts
  • git aliases
cd ~/.git-semantic-commits && ./

Tip: Installation script is idempotent and could be harmlessly executed multiple times. It adds bash scripts to the PATH in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc files or adds git aliases to the ~/.gitconfig file respectively (without any duplication).

  1. Commit away!


There are 8 new Git commands now.

New command -> what it does:

  • git feat "commit message here" -> git commit -m 'feat: commit message here'
  • git docs "commit message here" -> git commit -m 'docs: commit message here'
  • git chore "commit message here" -> git commit -m 'chore: commit message here'
  • git fix "commit message here" -> git commit -m 'fix: commit message here'
  • git refactor "commit message here" -> git commit -m 'refactor: commit message here'
  • git style "commit message here" -> git commit -m 'style: commit message here'
  • git test "commit message here" -> git commit -m 'test: commit message here'
  • git localize "commit message here" -> git commit -m 'localize: commit message here'

If you would like to add an optional scope, as described here, use the '-s' flag and quote the scope message:

  • git docs -s "scope here" "commit message here" -> git commit -m 'docs(scope here): commit message here'

If you would still like to use your text editor for your commit messagesyou can omit the message, and do your commit message in your editor.

  • git feat -> git commit -m 'feat: ' -e

Aliases for those who use git-extras (will be installed only if you have git-extras):

  • git rf "commit message here" -> git commit -m 'refactor: commit message here'
  • git ch "commit message here" -> git commit -m 'chore: commit message here'


You can manually uninstall git-semantic-commits by:

  • Removing the added aliases from ~/.gitconfig.
  • Removing the line added to the $PATH variable from ~/.bashrc.

How to contribute

Open a pull request/issue or fork this repo and submit your changes via a pull request.

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