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投 递 者 郭德惠
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Filter Bank Multicarrier Modulation (FBMC)

This repository compares FBMC to OFDM based schemes. All Figure from R. Nissel, S. Schwarz, and M. Rupp, “Filter bank multicarrier modulation schemes for future mobile communications”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2017,can be reproduce. In particular this repository

  • calculates the Power Spectral Density (PSD),
  • simulates a MIMO transmission,
  • calculates the Signal-to-Interference Ratio (SIR) in doubly-selective channels,
  • calculates the time-frequency efficiency,
  • simulates the throughput.


We used Windows 7 (64bit) and Matlab R2013b/2016a, but newer versions (and some older) should also work. Note that Figure 12 requires the Matlab “Communications System Toolbox” for turbo coding.

Reproducible Figures

The figure numbers are the same as in “Filter bank multicarrier modulation schemes for future mobile communications”:

Additional Explanations of FBMC

  1. Explained_A_PrototypeFilters.m: Illustration of different prototype filters.
  2. Explained_B_FBMC_OQAM.m: Describes a back-to-back FBMC-OQAM transmission, based on Section III. In particular, the transmit matrix (18)-(22) as well as the IFFT approach (32) are implemented.
  3. Explained_C_Coded_FBMC_OQAM.m: Shows how to find the precoding matrix, see (26) and (27), allowing QAM transmissions in FBMC-OQAM at full rate. Furthermore, it illustrates the time/frequency spreading concept.
  4. Explained_D_SIR_DoublySelectiveChannel.m: Implements Equation (35)-(40). Furthermore, it compares the theoretical values to simulations.

5G New Radio

We also include a comparison to New Radio (NR) waveforms (WOLA, UFMC, f-OFDM):

  1. NR_5G_BER_DoublySelectiveChannel.m: Simulates the Bit Error Ratio (BER) in a doubly-selective channel. It compares FBMC-OQAM, CP-OFDM, WOLA, UFMC and f-OFDM.

  2. NR_5G_SIR_TimeFrequencyOffset.m: Calculates the Signal-to-Interference Ratio (SIR) in case of a time and a frequency offset for FBMC-OQAM, FBMC-QAM, CP-OFDM, WOLA, UFMC and f-OFDM.

Please Cite Our Paper

	author  = {R. Nissel and S. Schwarz and M. Rupp},
	journal = {IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications},
	title   = {Filter Bank Multicarrier Modulation Schemes for Future Mobile Communications},
	year 	= {2017},
	volume 	= {35},
	number 	= {8},
	pages 	= {1768-1782}, 
	doi 	= {10.1109/JSAC.2017.2710022},
	ISSN 	= {0733-8716},
	month 	= {Aug},


  • 目录 1.算法概述 2.仿真效果 3.MATLAB仿真源码 1.算法概述         为了应对第五代移动通信(5G)中更高数据率和更低时延的需求,大规模MIMO(massive multiple-input multiple-output)技术已经被提出并被广泛研究。大规模MIMO技术能大幅度地提升多用户网络的容量。而在5G中的带宽研究方面,特别是针对碎片频谱和频谱灵活性问题,现有的正交频分多

  • 目录 1.算法概述 2.仿真效果 3.MATLAB仿真源码 1.算法概述        进入21世纪以来,在无线通信技术飞速发展的大环境下,基于OFDM技术的第四代移动通信系统已经暴露出其矩形窗带外衰落缓慢,在频偏影响下子载波干扰明显,循环前缀对频谱效率的降低等问题,随着新一代移动通信系统研发的迫近,急需新的调制解调系统以解决这些问题。为了满足下一代无线通信技术的需求,其中具备诸多优良特性的滤波器