A repository containing the camera calibration API
camera_calibration.py:contains an API which tries to minic the MATLAB's camera calibration app functionality. This API is a thin wrapper around the opencv's camera calibration functionalities.
examples: A directory containing various examples
The Camera Calibration API is a wrapper around the opencv's camera calibration functionalities. This tries to mimic the MATLAB camera calibration app's functionality in python
. The API supports all the 3 calibration patterns supported by opencv namely: Chessboards, Asymmetric circular grids and Symmetric circular grids. The API by default runs on 4 threads for speedup. The speed-up may not be marginal in the case of chessboard calibration because in most cases the bottle neck will be a single chessboard image (run on a single core) which the algorithm takes time to detect.
works in both python-3 and python-2
opencv (Tested in version 3.3.0)
Examples to use the Camera_Calibration_API() for calibration using chessboard, symmetric circular grids and asymmetric circular grids can be found in the example_notebooks folder
method after calibration.Blob detection parameters
for detecting asymmetric and symmetric circular grids can be accessed and modified via the Camera_Calibration_API's object prior to calling the calibrate_camera
support with minimal control on the variables. Use it as an importable module for better control over the variablesSo you want to extend the API for a custom calibration pattern? Well... OK! Just follow the follow the steps below
accepts two additional arguments called custom_world_points_function
and custom_image_points_function
methodNOTE: 'Custom' pattern is not supported when accessed from terminal
The code assumes that each asymmetric circle is placed at half the distance_in_world_units
in both (x,y) from each other.
The distance_in_world_units
is specified as the distance between 2 adjacent circle centers at the same y coordinate
The above is a 4 x 11 (r x c) asymmetrical circular grid.
If you are using the same orientation as the above, Then this orientation is termed as double_count_in_column which is by default set to True
If you are using an orientation which is 90deg to the above orientation 11 x 4 (r x c) then the double count
is along the rows. In this case, set object.double_count_in_column = False
prior to calling object.calibrate_camera
CameraCharacteristics.Key Public methods Return Name Description boolean equals(Object o) 某个对象是否与这个相等 String getName() 返回camelCase形式名字 int hashCode() 返回对象的哈希编码值 String toString() 返回字符串形式的CameraCharact
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操作步骤。。。 Camera Camera FOV Calibration 利用A3 纸无缩放打印calibration-pattern.pdf 目标文件, 同时将它挂在墙上。 calibration-pattern.pdf 目标文件的地址如下: https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/source.android.com/zh-CN//compati
Android:Camera API 学习(二) 一、Android:保存媒体文件 用户创建的照片和视频等媒体文件应保存到设备的外部存储目录(SD 卡)中,这样不仅可以节省系统空间,还能让用户在不使用其设备的情况下访问这些文件。您可以将媒体文件保存至设备上的多个目录位置,但作为开发者,您应考虑的标准位置仅有两个: Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirect
简介 在ros中有很多的camera包了,提供了非常好的camera支持。针对我的kinetic 可以搜素一下看看。 $ apt-cache search camera | grep ros-kinetic ros-kinetic-astra-camera - Drivers for Orbbec Astra Devices. ros-kinetic-avt-vimba-camera - Wr
教程1:你好ZED 原教程及代码链接:https://github.com/wangjhit/zedStereoCamera_tutorials/tree/master/tutorial%201%20-%20hello%20ZED 本教程仅显示如何配置和打开ZED,然后打印其序列号,然后关闭相机。这是使用ZED SDK最基本的步骤和良好的开端。 先决条件 Windows 7 64位或更高版本,Ub