Project Pages is Jekyll Template specifically geared towards collaborative science. For more information, click here.
If you have seemingly random pages popping up on your Nav Bar recently, this is due to the fact that GitHub/Jekyll changed a fundemental rule they used to render pages.
It used to be that if a markdown file didn't have ---
frontmatter at the beginning, it wasn't rendered as a page. This was changed very recently (like in the last 2 days) so that every markdown file anywhere no matter what gets rendered as a page.
or yourreponame/plugin/projector/
and delete the
file. This can be done graphically for the non-Git-savvy by simply going to your:
GitHub account -> Your Profile -> Repositories -> Project-Pages/Your Repo -> Plugin -> projector
and clicking on the files, then clicking on the "thrash can / delete this file" icon on the top right corner of the file.
or yourreponame/css/theme/
and delete the
file. This can be done graphically for the non-Git-savvy by simply going to your:
GitHub account -> Your Profile -> Repositories -> Project-Pages/Your Repo -> Plugin -> projector
and clicking on the files, then clicking on the "thrash can / delete this file" icon on the top right corner of the file.
大家都知道可以通过github pages 发布自己的静态博客,然后通过 可以访问。例如我的博客可以通过 访问,不过我的已经绑定域名 ,所以会直接跳转到域名显示。 但是我们通常有很多其他的静态项目需要展示,所以今天我总结一下如何利用gh-pages分支来发布自己的静态项目,然后可以通过域
npm install uni-simple-router 突然uniapp无法运行启动了 报错 ERROR Error loading vue.config.js: ERROR Error: Cannot find module 'uni-read-pages' vue.config.js const TransformPages = require('uni-read-pages') 找不
The Linux man-pages project The Linux man-pages project documents the Linux kernel and C library interfaces that are employed by user-space programs. With respect to the C library, the primary focus i
The Linux man-pages project documents the Linux kernel and C library interfaces that are employed by user-space programs. With respect to the C library, the primary focus is the GNU C library (glibc),
我这边报错最后是报 index.js 出错 而我出错的原因是在配置uniapp路由的时候多了个逗号... 如果有类似问题的不妨去 page.json 里面看看路由的配置如何。
有时需要将一些前端静态资源部署到GitHub上,如博客、在线简历这类的情况。 这只涉及一些简单的页面和静态文件,为了减少一些脚本的使用,前端有gh-pages这样一个模块,可以帮助部署到GitHub上。 1.注册 GitHub 账号 确保有一个GitHub账号,新建仓库,并设置与本地关联,具体步骤参考网上的资料。 2.创建 gh-pages 分支 为了不影响项目的开发,在 GitHub 上创建一个
Look here to find these beauties: The Linux man-pages project documents the Linux kernel and C library interfaces that are employed by user-space programs. With
The Linux man-pages project The Linux man-pages project documents the Linux kernel and C library interfaces that are employed by user-space programs. It provides manual pages in the following sections
fis. project fis 项目相关 Source: project.js, line 6 Members (static) getSourceByPatterns 返回项目目录下符合检索规则的文件。以 project.files 为匹配规则,project.ignore 为排除规则进行检索 Source: project.js, line 50 Methods (static) curre
SRS团队致力于和开源社区一起打造最牛逼的流媒体分发平台,我们很自豪能投入到SRS的开发、发布、衍生新的开源项目。 让我们一起在流媒体领域从装逼到牛逼吧~
Project Settings You can set various application configuration parameters using a platform-agnostic configuration file, config.xml. This file is based on the W3C Packaged Web Apps (Widgets) specificat
Apart from various contributions, WinSCP is mostly a one-man project. The man is me, Martin Prikryl. The following is a list of project milestones. See also version history. I started the first work o
AngularJS基于模型视图控制器,而Angular 2基于组件结构。 Angular 4与Angular2的结构相同,但与Angular2相比更快。 Angular4使用TypeScript 2.2版本,而Angular 2使用TypeScript版本1.8。 这给性能带来了很多不同。 为了安装Angular 4,Angular团队提出了Angular CLI,简化了安装。 您需要运行一些命令
Spring Boot CLI可用于创建一个新项目,使用init命令将maven作为默认构建工具。 Maven将使用https://start.spring.io服务。 在下面的示例中,我们将使用百日咳创建一个Web应用程序。 转到E:\Test文件夹并键入以下命令 - E:/Test> spring init --dependencies = web,thymeleaf MavenApplica