
simple terminal ascii tables for nim
授权协议 BSD-3-Clause License
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 严宇
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


simple terminal ascii tables for nim


project is deprecated in favor for nim-terminaltables

How to use

asciitables has a very simple api

  • setHeaders to set column names
  • addRow to add a row to the table
  • addRows to add multiple rows at once
  • suggestWidths to suggest widths for each column

options and styles

  • cellEdge controls the the corners of each cell default is +
  • colSeparator is the separator after each column set to | by default
  • rowSeparator is the separator between rows and is set to - by default
  • separateRows is option to add a row separator after rendering each row or not.


when isMainModule:
  var t = newAsciiTable()
  t.tableWidth = 80
  t.setHeaders(@["ID", "Name", "Date"])
  t.addRow(@["1", "Aaaa", "2018-10-2"])
  t.addRow(@["2", "bbvbbba", "2018-10-2"])
  t.addRow(@["399", "CCC", "1018-5-2"])

should render

|ID                         |Name                       |Date                       |
|1                          |Aaaa                       |2018-10-2                  |
|2                          |bbvbbba                    |2018-10-2                  |
|399                        |CCC                        |1018-5-2                   |

t.tableWidth = 0
|ID |Name   |Date     |
|1  |Aaaa   |2018-10-2|
|2  |bbvbbba|2018-10-2|
|399|CCC    |1018-5-2 |

and if you don't want separateRows

t.tableWidth = 0
  t.separateRows = false
|ID |Name   |Date     |
|1  |Aaaa   |2018-10-2|
|2  |bbvbbba|2018-10-2|
|399|CCC    |1018-5-2 |

and to suggest widths for columns

  t.suggestWidths(@[10, 80, 30])
  t.setHeaders(@["ID", "Name", "Date"])
  t.addRow(@["1", "Aaaa", "2018-10-2"])
  t.addRow(@["2", "bbvbbba", "2018-10-2"])
  t.addRow(@["399", "CCC", "1018-5-2"])

you will see

|ID        |Name                                                                            |Date                          |
|1         |Aaaa                                                                            |2018-10-2                     |
|2         |bbvbbba                                                                         |2018-10-2                     |
|399       |CCC                                                                             |1018-5-2                      |


I couldn't find any terminal ascii table library for nim and I found myself writing horrible code like this

var widths = @[0,0,0,0]  #id, name, ports, root
      for k, v in info:
        if len($ > widths[0]:
          widths[0] = len($
        if len($ > widths[1]:
          widths[1] = len($
        if len($v.ports) > widths[2]:
          widths[2] = len($v.ports)
        if len($v.root) > widths[3]:
          widths[3] = len($v.root)
      var sumWidths = 0
      for w in widths:
        sumWidths += w
      echo "-".repeat(sumWidths)

      let extraPadding = 5
      echo "| ID"  & " ".repeat(widths[0]+ extraPadding-4) & "| Name" & " ".repeat(widths[1]+extraPadding-6) & "| Ports" & " ".repeat(widths[2]+extraPadding-6 ) & "| Root" &  " ".repeat(widths[3]-6)
      echo "-".repeat(sumWidths)

      for k, v in info:
        let nroot = replace(v.root, "", "").strip()
        echo "|" & $ & " ".repeat(widths[0]-len($ + extraPadding) & "|" & & " ".repeat(widths[1]-len( + extraPadding) & "|" & v.ports & " ".repeat(widths[2]-len(v.ports)+extraPadding) & "|" & nroot & " ".repeat(widths[3]-len(v.root)+ extraPadding-2) & "|"
        echo "-".repeat(sumWidths)
      result = ""

Pull requests are very welcome :)

  • Nim

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