
Terminal dashboards for Nim
授权协议 LGPL-3.0 License
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 康泽宇
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Dashing is a library to quickly create terminal-based dashboards in Nim.


Dashing provides high-level components: vertical and horizontal charts, gauges, log panes, text windows and screen splitting. It’s built on top of the terminal module.

Similar libraries for other languages: dashing termui blessed blessed-contrib


Use packages from your Linux distribution, or:

nimble install dashing


import terminal
from os import sleep

import dashing

proc demo() =
  var ui = Tile(kind:HSplit, title:"foo", border_color:"f00", items: @[
    Tile(kind:VSplit, items: @[
      Tile(kind:HGauge, val:50, title:"only title", border_color:"f88"),
      Tile(kind:HGauge, label:"only label", val:20, border_color:"f88"),
      Tile(kind:HGauge, label:"only label", val:30, border_color:"f88"),
      Tile(kind:HGauge, label:"only label", val:50, border_color:"f88"),
      Tile(kind:HGauge, label:"only label", val:80, border_color:"f88"),
      Tile(kind:HGauge, val:20),
      Tile(kind:HGauge, label:"label, no border", val:55),
      Tile(kind:HSplit, items: @[
        Tile(kind:VGauge, val:0),
        Tile(kind:VGauge, val:5),
        Tile(kind:VGauge, val:30),
        Tile(kind:VGauge, val:50),
        Tile(kind:VGauge, val:80),
        Tile(kind:VGauge, val:95),
    Tile(kind:VSplit, items: @[
      Tile(kind:HSplit, border_color:"0ff"),
      Tile(kind:HChart, border_color:"0f0", low_color:"2d2", high_color:"bfb"),
      Tile(kind:Log, title:"logs", border_color:"000"),
    Tile(kind:HSplit, items: @[
      # Tile(kind:VGauge, val:95, low_color:"2d2", high_color:"22d"),
      # Tile(kind:VGauge, val:95, low_color:"2d2", high_color:"22d"),
      # Tile(kind:VGauge, val:95, low_color:"2d2", high_color:"22d"),
      # Tile(kind:VGauge, val:95, low_color:"0c0", high_color:"c00"),
      Tile(kind:Text, text:"Hello World,\nthis is dashing.", border_color:"000"),
      Tile(kind:Log, title:"logs", border_color:"000"),
      Tile(kind:VChart, border_color:"", color:""),
      Tile(kind:HChart, border_color:"0f0", low_color:"2d2", high_color:"bfb"),
      Tile(kind:HBrailleChart, border_color:"", color:""),
      Tile(kind:HBrailleFilledChart, border_color:"", color:"")

  ui.items[0].items[0].val = 0.5
  sleep 1000
  set_cursor_at(0, terminal_height() - 1)
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