
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 司雅畅
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

This repository contains the code for the System.CommandLine libraries and the dotnet-suggest global tool.


Package Version Description
System.CommandLine Command line parser, model binding, invocation, shell completions
System.CommandLine.DragonFruit Build command-line apps by convention with a strongly-typed Main method
System.CommandLine.Rendering Structured terminal output rendering and ANSI support
System.CommandLine.Hosting support for using System.CommandLine with Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
dotnet-suggest A command-line tool to provide shell completions for apps built using System.CommandLine.

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Getting started

Syntax Concepts and Parser


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This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behavior in our community. For more information, see the .NET Foundation Code of Conduct


See the Contributing guide for developer documentation.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

.NET Foundation

.NET is a .NET Foundation project.

  • 大家好!我是躺平哥。         今天模拟客户端和服务端交互时遇到了一个问题: “package command-line-arguments is not a main package”          翻译过来就是包命令行参数不是主包 知识补充(可跳过)         因为在Go语言中,和java的main是有所区别的,具体区别如下:         在java中,任何一个java文件

  • 一、概览 Android SDK由多个软件包组成,这些包是应用程序开发所必需的。这个页面列出了最重要的命令行工具,这些工具是由它们配送的包组织。 你可以安装和更新每一个软件包,使用Android Studio的SDK Manager 或者 sdkmanager 命令行工具。所有的包都被下载到您的Android SDK目录中,您可以将其定位如下: 在Android Studio, click Fil

  • You must install each client separately. Run the following command to install or update a client package: 首先,你必须分开安装每个客户端。运行下面的指令来安装或更新客户端软件包:$ sudo pip install [--update] python-client Where is the p

  • Chapter 14 基础脚本构建 Chapter 16. Writing Build Scripts 写脚本 Chapter17. More about Tasks Chapter 20. The Build Lifecycle 生命周期 第四章:使用Gradle命令行 Chapter 4. Using the Gradle Command-Line 4.1. Executing multipl

  • Command-Line Arguments are strings of keywords that you can pass when running the executable via the command line or a shortcut to the executable. Their purpose is to customize the manner in which the

  • 以前用不惯命令行,今天看别人源码,用Python click 库创建一个命令行API,简洁优雅,举个例子: import click # 首先加上 command 装饰器 @click.command() # 接下来添加几个 option 装饰器, 用法就和 argparse 大体相同, 但是比 argparse 好用多了!! # 这是字符串参数 @click.option('-i',

  • Command-Line Usage Cordova now ships with a set of command-line tools that make it easier for you to develop cross-platform applications. You can build, clean, and launch an emulator with a single com

  • the '-m' option Show all compiled-in modules then exit. Tengine supports DSO modules since 1.4.0. The tag 'static' means static module. The tag 'shared' means dynamic shared module which is also attac

  • Parameters for winscp.exe executable: winscp.exe site|workspace|folder winscp.exe <session_url>[/path/[file]] winscp.exe [mysession] [/sessionname=<name>] winscp.exe [mysession] [/newinstance] winscp.

  • Table of Contents Usage gitea [global options] command [command or global options] [arguments...] Global options All global options can be placed at the command level. --help, -h: Show help text and e

  • 命令行是非常高效的工具,但是很多命令行过一段时间就容易忘记。虽然我们可以上网搜索,但还是很不方便。常见的做法是,将容易忘记的命令行写到笔记中去,忘了再查。 navi,它提供了一个交互式的备忘录。navi 允许你查阅所有的备忘录并执行对应的命令。 navi 可以使用已有的命令行备忘录,也能自己导入以前常用的备忘录,配置可以直接运行的命令行,只需要手动加上参数就行;也可以写上备忘录注释,再手动键入命令

  • Shiro 1.2.0 及以后版本提供了一个命令行程序,可以哈希字符串和资源(文件、url、classpath 、 实体)几乎任何类型。 要使用它,您必须安装一个 Java 虚拟机,并且“Java”命令必须能访问访问 $PATH 环境变量。 使用 确保你可以访问shiro-tools-hasher-version-cli.jar 文件。 你可以发现这在 buildroot/tools/hasher