linux安装openstack客户端,OpenStack command-line clients---Install the clients(安装命令行客户端)...


You must install each client separately.

Run the following command to install or update a client package:

首先,你必须分开安装每个客户端。运行下面的指令来安装或更新客户端软件包:$ sudo pip install [--update] python-client

Where is the project name and has one of the following values:


nova. Compute API and extensions. (计算服务和扩展)

neutron. Networking API. (网络API)

keystone. Identity Service API. (身份识别API)

glance. Image Service API. (镜像服务API)

swift. Object Storage API. (对像存储API)

cinder. Block Storage Service API. (块存储服务API)

heat. Orchestration API.(这个东东,如何翻译???)

For example, to install the nova client, run the following command:

比如,要安装nova客户端,则运行下面的命令:$ sudo pip install python-novaclient

To update the nova client, run the following command:

要更新nova客户端,则运行下面的命令:$ sudo pip install --upgrade python-novaclient

To remove the nova client, run the following command:

要删除nova客户端,则运行下面的命令:$sudo pip uninstall python-novaclient
