Simple, beautiful publishing.
Created by Cory LaViska
Maintained by Marc Apfelbaum
This is the development repo! You'll need to build Leafpub using the instructions below before running it.
Download the latest ready-to-use version from:
Leafpub uses Composer and NPM to manage dependencies and Gulp as its task runner. To contribute to this project, you'll need to clone the repository and install the required development tools listed below.
Please read through our contributing guidelines.
Something is wrong with a translation? Your language isn't available? Please read through the language section
Once you have the necessary development tools installed:
composer install
Composer will install its own dependencies and then run npm install
. This may take a few minutes as packages are downloaded. Once complete, Composer will trigger gulp build
which will generate all the assets you need to run Leafpub.
Important: You'll also need to add the default theme to content/themes/range/
manually. This will happen automatically once Leafpub is out of beta.
From the root directory, you can use gulp help
to see all available tasks:
gulp [TASK] [OPTIONS...]
Available tasks
build Run all build tasks. [build:fonts, build:images, build:prune, build:scripts, build:styles]
build:fonts Build font assets. [clean:fonts]
build:images Optimize images. [clean:images]
build:prune Prune unused files from vendor packages.
build:scripts Build scripts. [jshint, clean:scripts]
build:styles Build styles. [clean:styles]
clean Clean up generated files. [clean:fonts, clean:images, clean:scripts, clean:styles]
clean:fonts Delete generated fonts.
clean:images Delete generated images.
clean:scripts Delete generated scripts.
clean:styles Delete generated styles.
default Run the default task. [watch]
help Display this help text.
jshint Lint source scripts with JSHint.
release:clean Delete all generated releases.
release:make Generate a release.
watch Watch for script and style changes.
For development, use gulp watch
to automatically compile Sass/JavaScript as you work.
You can run Leafpub on PHP's built in web server using the following command:
php -S localhost:8080 -t app
Then open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
Note: You might need to use
instead of localhost
in your database config!
Leafpub is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines and we adhere to them as closely as possible.
Marc Apfelbaum
©2018 Marc
This software is copyrighted. You may use it under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 or later. See for licensing details.
All code is copyright 2016-2018 by Marc except where noted. Third-party libraries are copyrighted and licensed by their respective owners.
We do not consider Leafpub themes and plugins to be derivative works, as they are used to extend and enhance the software's functionality strictly through its API and they do not in any way modify Leafpub's core codebase. Therefore, in our opinion, themes and plugins may be licensed completely at the author's discretion.
Please visit for support.
“The starting point of all achievement is desire.” — Napoleon Hill
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Beautiful Soup 3是上一个发布版本,目前已经停止维护.Beautiful Soup 3库目前已经被几个主要的linux平台添加到源里: $ apt-get install Python-beautifulsoup 在PyPi中分发的包名字是 BeautifulSoup : $ easy_install BeautifulSoup $ pip install BeautifulSoup
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如果你用的是新版的Debain或ubuntu,那么可以通过系统的软件包管理来安装: $ apt-get install Python-bs4 Beautiful Soup 4 通过PyPi发布,所以如果你无法使用系统包管理安装,那么也可以通过 easy_install 或 pip 来安装.包的名字是 beautifulsoup4 ,这个包兼容Python2和Python3. $ easy_inst
如果你用的是新版的Debain或ubuntu,那么可以通过系统的软件包管理来安装: $ apt-get install Python-bs4 Beautiful Soup 4 通过PyPi发布,所以如果你无法使用系统包管理安装,那么也可以通过 easy_install 或 pip 来安装.包的名字是 beautifulsoup4 ,这个包兼容Python2和Python3. $ easy_inst