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Manage FastAPI can be installed by running
pip install manage-fastapi
Easiest way to start is using the defaults:
fastapi startproject [name]
But there is an interactive mode!
fastapi startproject [name] --interactive
Manage FastAPI provides three different commands.
You can list them with
fastapi --help
The idea is to have a highly customizable CLI, but at the same time a simple interface for new users. You can see the available options for startproject
running fastapi startproject --help
The other commands are already available but the current implementation is too shallow. More details about startapp
and run
commands will be provided once they have more functionalities, at the moment you can run startapp
by just:
fastapi startapp {name}
On the other hand, the run
command expects you to have a startproject
fastapi run
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
本文将使用Python Web框架 FastAPI 实现与关系数据库MySQL的连接与操作。 FastAPI 官方教程 一、连接 MySQL 在database.py中,完成与MySQL的连接 # from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_
一、apSheduler 第一部分内容限于apSheduler3.0以下版本,以上版本可移步至 FastAPI+apSheduler动态定时任务 1. 引子(Introduction) Advanced Python Scheduler (APScheduler) 是一个轻量级但功能强大的进程
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目前Python Web生态圈中涌现出许许多多优秀的Web框架,投入生产最多的要属Flask和Django,Tornado有别于上述两种框架,它是Python界的一大异步网络框架,可以支撑上万级的连接,FastAPI则是这几个框架中的一个新秀,它是一款集成了Swagger文档的高性能Web框架。 对于这四种不同的Python Web框架,各有特点,一般适用于不同的业务场景。为了进一步了解他们的并发
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