This Laravel package creates a backup of your application. The backup is a zip file that contains all files in the directories you specify along with a dump of your database. The backup can be stored on any of the filesystems you have configured in Laravel.
Feeling paranoid about backups? No problem! You can backup your application to multiple filesystems at once.
Once installed taking a backup of your files and databases is very easy. Just issue this artisan command:
php artisan backup:run
But we didn't stop there. The package also provides a backup monitor to check the health of your backups. You can be notified via several channels when a problem with one of your backups is found.To avoid using excessive disk space, the package can also clean up old backups.
We invest a lot of resources into creating best in class open source packages. You can support us by buying one of our paid products.
We highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using. You'll find our address on our contact page. We publish all received postcards on our virtual postcard wall.
This package requires PHP 8.0 and Laravel 8.0 or higher.You'll find installation instructions and full documentation on
If you are on a PHP version below 8.0 or a Laravel version below 8.0 just use an older version of this package.
Read the extensive documentation on version 3, on version 4, on version 5 and on version 6. We won't introduce new features to v6 and below anymore but we will still fix bugs.
Run the tests with:
composer test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security-related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
You're free to use this package, but if it makes it to your production environment we highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using.
Our address is: Spatie, Kruikstraat 22, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium.
We publish all received postcards on our company website.
And a special thanks to Caneco for the logo
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
代码已放在 github 上,欢迎参考和提出 issue:laravel-quick-start github地址 环境+包 一共需要安装的包 // 不需要手动引入服务提供者 "arcanedev/log-viewer": "^4.3", // 不需要手动引入服务提供者 "barryvdh/laravel-debugbar": "^2.4", // 不需要手动引入服务提供者 "encore/lar
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在过去的这段时间里,laravel-admin发布了v1.5.16、v1.5.19、v1.6.0等几个版本,在这里对这几个版本中比较大的更新,做一下总结 数据详情页 在版本v1.5.16中增加了model-show用来显示数据详情 class UserController extends Controller { public function show($id, Content $con
laravel-swoole nginx配置 配置实现了,只api接口使用nginx转发 upstream laravels { # By IP:Port server weight=5 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s; # By UnixSocket Stream file #server unix:/xxxpath/lar
最近项目用户徒增,购买的服务器还是和公司另外一个项目共用的同一台服务器,想着要是服务器崩了,还没个容灾方案,万一。。。不得被用户整死 选用方案 laravel-backup 配合laravel的任务调度,每天1点和13点进行数据库自动备份; 申请七牛云账号,利用laravel的文件系统&云存储,在备份完成之后立即将文件上传至七牛云; 设计数据表backup,在任务完成的同时,配合任务监听larav
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我需要空间/Laravel权限的帮助。当我试图分配它给我错误哎呀,看起来像出了问题。 错误 Connection.php第761行中的QueryExcema:SQLSTATE[23000]:完整性约束冲突:1048列role_id不能为空(SQL:插入到(,)值(9,))
Laravel 作为现在最流行的 PHP 框架,其中的知识较多,所以单独拿出来写一篇。 简述 Laravel 的生命周期 Laravel 采用了单一入口模式,应用的所有请求入口都是 public/index.php 文件。 注册类文件自动加载器 : Laravel通过 composer 进行依赖管理,无需开发者手动导入各种类文件,而由自动加载器自行导入。 创建服务容器:从 bootstrap/ap
简介 Laravel Scout 为 Eloquent 模型 全文搜索提供了简单的,基于驱动的解决方案。通过使用模型观察者,Scout 会自动同步 Eloquent 记录的搜索索引。 目前,Scout 自带一个 Algolia 驱动;不过,编写自定义驱动很简单, 你可以轻松的通过自己的搜索实现来扩展 Scout。 安装 首先,通过 Composer 包管理器来安装 Scout: composer
简介 Laravel 致力于让整个 PHP 开发体验变得愉快, 包括你的本地开发环境。 Vagrant 提供了一种简单,优雅的方式来管理和配置虚拟机。 Laravel Homestead 是一个官方预封装的 Vagrant box,它为你提供了一个完美的开发环境,而无需在本地机器安装 PHP 、Web 服务器和其他服务器软件。不用担心会搞乱你的操作系统!Vagrant boxes 是一次性的。如果
WebStack-Laravel 一个开源的网址导航网站项目,具备完整的前后台,您可以拿来制作自己的网址导航。 部署 克隆代码: git clone 安装依赖: composer installphp artisan key:generate 编辑配置: cp .env.example .env ...D
百度编辑器 For Laravel 5 支持自定义路由, 默认前后台独立控制器,支持重写方法方便自己的业务逻辑处理,支持扩展图片助手(推荐使用Intervention\Image第三方包) 官网 NinJa911工作室. 疑问讨论 请在issue里new一个. 授权 此Laravel 扩展包基于MIT协议开源MIT license. 安装 1.Composer 安装 composer requir
laravel-admin是一个基于laravel的后台管理开发框架,能帮助你使用很少的时间和代码量开发出功能完备的管理后台,另外它作为一个三方包,可以和框架内其它项目并行开发,真正做到前后台开发分离。 功能: RBAC权限管理模块。 菜单管理,和权限系统结合。 模型数据表格,能快速构建数据表格,并支持多种模型关系。 模型表单以及30+种form元素组件,自动实现增、删、改功能。 支持本地和云存储