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开发语言 Python
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MudPi Smart Automation for the Garden & Home

MudPi Smart Automation for the Garden & Home

A python package to gather sensor readings, trigger components, control devices and more in an event based system that can be run on a linux SBC, including Raspberry Pi.


For full documentation visit mudpi.app


Install MudPi using the Installer that will guide you through the process. You can also view the manual install instructions


For examples and guides on how to setup and use MudPi check out the free guides available.


MudPi core is open source and has a bunch of free resources built around it. Being a solo developer it has become quite a lot to maintain the various areas of the project. It makes me happy seeing how MudPi has helped many people worldwide. I would like to continue working on MudPi and put even more time into the project to take on bigger ambitions. However it has come to a point that MudPi is taking more time to build with little to no income to help justify it. I really could use help from the community to continue building MudPi. If you like my work and MudPi please consider helping me fund the project and keep the lights on.


Any contributions you can make will be greatly appreciated. If you are interested in contributing please get in touch with me and submit a pull request. There is much more I would like to add support for, however being a single developer limits my scope. Therefore mainly bugs will be accepted as issues.





MudPi Hardware

There are custom circuit boards designed around MudPi available.


This project is licensed under the BSD-4-Clause License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

MudPi Smart Garden

  • 问题内容: 这是我的JSP页面的taglib指令: 我收到以下错误: 我已经在 / WEB-INF / lib 文件夹中添加了JAR文件 jstl.jar 和 standard.jar 。 谁能告诉我我在哪里犯错了? __ 问题答案: 看起来您正在使用带有1.1 / 1.2的taglib URI的JSTL 1.0。您有不同版本的JSTL: 1.0 :存在两个JAR文件和。Taglib URI 在路

  • 问题内容: 在线查看职位空缺时,我注意到某些职位需要“核心Java”知识。什么是核心Java,它与Java有何不同? 问题答案: “核心Java”是Sun的术语,用于指 Java SE,标准版 和一组相关技术,例如Java VM,CORBA等。这主要是为了区别于Java ME或Java EE。 还要注意,他们在谈论的是一组库,而不是编程语言。也就是说,无论使用什么库,编写Java的基本方式都不会改

  • 问题内容: 我目前正在将JSF-1.2应用程序迁移到Wildfly 8 Final,并被卡住了:( 首先,我已经阅读了很多有关问题的文章(例如https://community.jboss.org/message/845006或将JSF 1.2 Seam应用程序迁移到WildFly Beta 1 ),但是建议的解决方案(不包括焊接子系统)没有不为我工作。 我做了什么: 我在这里遵循了multi-j

  • 问题内容: 我在GAE中使用支撑架。我正在使用GAE 1.8和struts 2.3.15 jar文件。 在我的应用程序中,我面临这个异常 我做了很多搜索,有人说从sturts.xml文件中删除此属性值 有人说将值从true更改为false。我做到了,但是没用。请给出一个解决方案。我也更改了jar文件并使用2.1.8版本,但是在此过程中我在服务器启动时遇到了异常 我也在struts jar文件中使用

  • 问题内容: 我已经创建了自己的NER模型与斯坦福大学“斯坦福大学NER”软件,并按照这些方向。 我知道CoreNLP按照以下顺序开箱即用地加载了三个NER模型: 我现在想将我的NER模型包括在上面的列表中,并先用NER模型标记文本。 我已经找到了关于该主题的两个以前问题,它们是“使用自定义NER模型的Stanford OpenIE[”和“为什么Stanford CoreNLP NER注释器默认加载

  • 问题内容: 我刚刚在Linux中获得了一个核心转储文件 我该如何附加gdb 我需要给它命令行参数。 示例执行: 帮助我进入gdb 干杯!! 问题答案: 如果您的核心文件刚刚运行 用进行事后分析。 如果您想在没有核心的情况下使用,请考虑 否则运行,然后向发出命令。 如果您的进程仍以pid 1234的身份运行,则可以将gdb附加到正在运行的进程。 您确实应该 阅读 gdb文档 。