import java.util.*; import java.io.*; /** * Recursive file listing under a specified directory. * * @author javapractices.com * @author Alex Wong * @author anonymous user */ public final class FileListing { /** * Demonstrate use. * * @param aArgs - <tt>aArgs[0]</tt> is the full name of an existing * directory that can be read. */ public static void main(String... aArgs) throws FileNotFoundException { File startingDirectory= new File(aArgs[0]); List<File> files = FileListing.getFileListing(startingDirectory); //print out all file names, in the the order of File.compareTo() for(File file : files ){ System.out.println(file); } } /** * Recursively walk a directory tree and return a List of all * Files found; the List is sorted using File.compareTo(). * * @param aStartingDir is a valid directory, which can be read. */ static public List<File> getFileListing( File aStartingDir ) throws FileNotFoundException { validateDirectory(aStartingDir); List<File> result = getFileListingNoSort(aStartingDir); Collections.sort(result); return result; } // PRIVATE // static private List<File> getFileListingNoSort( File aStartingDir ) throws FileNotFoundException { List<File> result = new ArrayList<File>(); File[] filesAndDirs = aStartingDir.listFiles(); List<File> filesDirs = Arrays.asList(filesAndDirs); for(File file : filesDirs) { result.add(file); //always add, even if directory if ( ! file.isFile() ) { //must be a directory //recursive call! List<File> deeperList = getFileListingNoSort(file); result.addAll(deeperList); } } return result; } /** * Directory is valid if it exists, does not represent a file, and can be read. */ static private void validateDirectory ( File aDirectory ) throws FileNotFoundException { if (aDirectory == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Directory should not be null."); } if (!aDirectory.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Directory does not exist: " + aDirectory); } if (!aDirectory.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Is not a directory: " + aDirectory); } if (!aDirectory.canRead()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Directory cannot be read: " + aDirectory); } } }
问题内容: 如何在Java目录中递归列出所有文件?框架是否提供任何实用程序? 我看到了很多hacky的实现。但是框架或nio都没有 问题答案: Java 8提供了一个不错的流来处理树中的所有文件。 这提供了一种遍历文件的自然方法。由于它是流,因此你可以对结果进行所有不错的流操作,例如限制,分组,映射,提早退出等。 更新:我可能会指出,还有Files.find带有BiPredicate,如果需要检查
本文向大家介绍Python递归遍历列表及输出的实现方法,包括了Python递归遍历列表及输出的实现方法的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文实例讲述了Python递归遍历列表及输出的实现方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体实现方法如下: 运行结果如下: 希望本文所述对大家的Python程序设计有所帮助。
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