pip3 install dlib pip3 install face_recognition
pip3 install imutils
. ├── dataset │ ├── alan_grant [22 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir] │ ├── claire_dearing [53 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir] │ ├── ellie_sattler [31 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir] │ ├── ian_malcolm [41 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir] │ ├── john_hammond [36 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir] │ └── owen_grady [35 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir] ├── examples │ ├── example_01.png │ ├── example_02.png │ └── example_03.png ├── output │ ├── lunch_scene_output.avi │ └── webcam_face_recognition_output.avi ├── videos │ └── lunch_scene.mp4 ├── encode_faces.py ├── encodings.pickle ├── recognize_faces_image.py ├── recognize_faces_video_file.py ├── recognize_faces_video.py └── search_bing_api.py 10 directories, 12 files
python3 encode_faces.py --dataset dataset --encodings encodings.pickle -d hog
# USAGE # python encode_faces.py --dataset dataset --encodings encodings.pickle # import the necessary packages from imutils import paths import face_recognition import argparse import pickle import cv2 import os # construct the argument parser and parse the arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-i", "--dataset", required=True, help="path to input directory of faces + images") ap.add_argument("-e", "--encodings", required=True, help="path to serialized db of facial encodings") ap.add_argument("-d", "--detection-method", type=str, default="hog", help="face detection model to use: either `hog` or `cnn`") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) # grab the paths to the input images in our dataset print("[INFO] quantifying faces...") imagePaths = list(paths.list_images(args["dataset"])) # initialize the list of known encodings and known names knownEncodings = [] knownNames = [] # loop over the image paths for (i, imagePath) in enumerate(imagePaths): # extract the person name from the image path print("[INFO] processing image {}/{}".format(i + 1, len(imagePaths))) name = imagePath.split(os.path.sep)[-2] # load the input image and convert it from RGB (OpenCV ordering) # to dlib ordering (RGB) image = cv2.imread(imagePath) rgb = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # detect the (x, y)-coordinates of the bounding boxes # corresponding to each face in the input image boxes = face_recognition.face_locations(rgb, model=args["detection_method"]) # compute the facial embedding for the face encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(rgb, boxes) # loop over the encodings for encoding in encodings: # add each encoding + name to our set of known names and # encodings knownEncodings.append(encoding) knownNames.append(name) # dump the facial encodings + names to disk print("[INFO] serializing encodings...") data = {"encodings": knownEncodings, "names": knownNames} f = open(args["encodings"], "wb") f.write(pickle.dumps(data)) f.close()
python3 recognize_faces_image.py --encodings encodings.pickle --image examples/example_01.png
# USAGE # python recognize_faces_image.py --encodings encodings.pickle --image examples/example_01.png # import the necessary packages import face_recognition import argparse import pickle import cv2 # construct the argument parser and parse the arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-e", "--encodings", required=True, help="path to serialized db of facial encodings") ap.add_argument("-i", "--image", required=True, help="path to input image") ap.add_argument("-d", "--detection-method", type=str, default="cnn", help="face detection model to use: either `hog` or `cnn`") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) # load the known faces and embeddings print("[INFO] loading encodings...") data = pickle.loads(open(args["encodings"], "rb").read()) # load the input image and convert it from BGR to RGB image = cv2.imread(args["image"]) rgb = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # detect the (x, y)-coordinates of the bounding boxes corresponding # to each face in the input image, then compute the facial embeddings # for each face print("[INFO] recognizing faces...") boxes = face_recognition.face_locations(rgb, model=args["detection_method"]) encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(rgb, boxes) # initialize the list of names for each face detected names = [] # loop over the facial embeddings for encoding in encodings: # attempt to match each face in the input image to our known # encodings matches = face_recognition.compare_faces(data["encodings"], encoding) name = "Unknown" # check to see if we have found a match if True in matches: # find the indexes of all matched faces then initialize a # dictionary to count the total number of times each face # was matched matchedIdxs = [i for (i, b) in enumerate(matches) if b] counts = {} # loop over the matched indexes and maintain a count for # each recognized face face for i in matchedIdxs: name = data["names"][i] counts[name] = counts.get(name, 0) + 1 # determine the recognized face with the largest number of # votes (note: in the event of an unlikely tie Python will # select first entry in the dictionary) name = max(counts, key=counts.get) # update the list of names names.append(name) # loop over the recognized faces for ((top, right, bottom, left), name) in zip(boxes, names): # draw the predicted face name on the image cv2.rectangle(image, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 255, 0), 2) y = top - 15 if top - 15 > 15 else top + 15 cv2.putText(image, name, (left, y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75, (0, 255, 0), 2) # show the output image cv2.imshow("Image", image) cv2.waitKey(0)
到此这篇关于Python基于Dlib的人脸识别系统的实现的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Python Dlib人脸识别内容请搜索小牛知识库以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持小牛知识库!
本文向大家介绍简单的Python人脸识别系统,包括了简单的Python人脸识别系统的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 案例一 导入图片 思路: 1.导入库 2.加载图片 3.创建窗口 4.显示图片 5.暂停窗口 6.关闭窗口 案例二 在图片上添加人脸识别 思路: 1.导入库 2.加载图片 3.加载人脸模型 4.调整图片灰度 5.检查人脸 6.标记人脸 7.创建窗口 8.显示图片 9.暂停窗口
我试图在Android上开发一个人脸识别应用程序,因为我不想在项目上使用NDK(根本没有时间切换),我坚持用Java开发整个应用程序,因此我遇到了一些问题: > 似乎Contrib模块没有包含在OpenCV 2.4.2中。有没有在项目中使用它? 我尝试使用JavaCV来使用Contrib模块的“FaceRecognizer”类。有两个可用的类,称为“FaceRecognizer”和“FaceRec
导语今天给大家介绍一个非常简洁的人脸识别系统:人脸识别,是基于人的脸部特征信息进行身份识别的一种生物识别技术。而通过我们Python编程,几行代码就可以实现人脸识别,这主要得益于face_recognition库。想领取完整源码跟Python学习资料私信我或点击这行字体即可一、安装过程face_recognition 库主要封装了dlib这一 C++ 图形库,通过 Python 语言将它封装为一个非常简单就可以实现人脸识别的 API 库,屏蔽了人脸识别的算法细节,大大降...
本文向大家介绍基于Python实现人脸自动戴口罩系统,包括了基于Python实现人脸自动戴口罩系统的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 1、项目背景 2019年新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情发生以来,牵动人心,举国哀痛,口罩、酒精、消毒液奇货可居。 抢不到口罩,怎么办?作为技术人今天分享如何使用Python实现自动戴口罩系统,来安慰自己,系统效果如下所示: 本系统的实现原理是借助 Dlib模块的L
我能够找到这些面孔,并使用python将它们保存在本地目录中,然后根据下面视频中的代码打开cv 但是现在我想知道那个视频里有脸的人的身份...... 我如何定义此人的身份? 喜欢扫描人脸并将其匹配到本地人脸数据库中,如果找到匹配项,请给出姓名等
我正在开发一个用于人脸识别的android应用程序,使用JavaCV,JavaCV是OpenCv的非官方包装器。导入后,我应用并测试以下已知方法: 使用createLBPHFaceRecognizer()方法的LBPH 使用createFisherFaceRecognizer()方法的fisherface 使用createEigenFaceRecognizer()方法的特征面 在识别检测到的人脸之