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sql - Informix如何查看表的主键使用了哪些列?


通过sysconstraints只能看到一个{tab_id}_{id}字符串. 无法确认这个主键用了哪些列




select c.colno,c.colname,sc.idxname FROM syscolumns c join SYSCONSTRAINTS sc on sc.tabid = c.tabid join (    select idxname,part1 as colno from SYSINDEXES si where tabid=107 and part1 >0    union all     select idxname,part2 as colno from SYSINDEXES si where tabid=107 and part2 >0    union all    select idxname,part3 as colno from SYSINDEXES si where tabid=107 and part3 >0    union all    select idxname,part4 as colno from SYSINDEXES si where tabid=107 and part4 >0    union all    select idxname,part5 as colno from SYSINDEXES si where tabid=107 and part5 >0    union all    select idxname,part6 as colno from SYSINDEXES si where tabid=107 and part6 >0    union all    select idxname,part7 as colno from SYSINDEXES si where tabid=107 and part7 >0    union all    select idxname,part8 as colno from SYSINDEXES si where tabid=107 and part8 >0    union all    select idxname,part9 as colno from SYSINDEXES si where tabid=107 and part9 >0    union all    select idxname,part10 as colno from SYSINDEXES si where tabid=107 and part10 >0    union all    select idxname,part11 as colno from SYSINDEXES si where tabid=107 and part11 >0    union all    select idxname,part12 as colno from SYSINDEXES si where tabid=107 and part12 >0) as t on t.colno = c.colno and t.idxname =sc.idxname where c.tabid=107 and sc.constrtype = 'P'
  • 问题内容: 我有一个非聚集索引要删除(它是聚集索引的副本)。但是,外键约束正在使用它。我希望能够确定哪个约束正在使用索引,因此我可以对其进行更新以使用主键索引。 当我尝试删除它时: 我收到一个错误: 不允许在索引’dbo.MyTable.idx_duplicate’上使用显式的DROP INDEX。它被用于FOREIGN KEY约束实施。 我尝试通过以下查询找到罪魁祸首,但没有运气: 问题答案:

  • 问题内容: 我们有一个名为asamembr的表,其中有两个字段:cust_code和mbrcode。 还有另一个表成员消息与外键具有相同的字段,但是当我使用以下查询创建约束时: 我收到此错误: 您能否在表asamembr的两个字段cust_code和mbr_code上告诉您如何查询主键? 问题答案: 首先寻找PK的索引名称(pk_idx列) 其中的构造型: constrtype CHAR(1) C

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