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alter table 'informix'.messageclubmembership add constraint foreign key 
            (membership_number, member_code)
            references 'informix'.asamembr
            (cust_code, mbr_code) 
            on delete cascade 
            constraint fk_messageclubm926;


 Cannot find unique constraint or primary key on referenced table (informix.asamembr)




select c.constrname, c.constrtype as tp , c.idxname as pk_idx , t2.tabname, c2.idxname
from sysconstraints c, systables t, outer (sysreferences r, systables t2, sysconstraints c2)
where t.tabname = "asamembr"
  and t.tabid = c.tabid
  and r.constrid = c.constrid
  and t2.tabid = r.ptabid
  and c2.constrid = r.constrid


constrtype CHAR(1) Code identifying the constraint type:
C = Check constraint
N = Not NULL
P = Primary key
R = Referential
T = Table
U = Unique


   select unique
      , i.idxname
      , i.idxtype
      , (select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part1 )
      , (select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part2 )
      , (select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part3 )
      , (select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part4 )
      , (select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part5 )
      , (select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part6 )
      , (select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part7 )
      , (select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part8 )
      , (select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part9 )
      , (select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part10)
      , (select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part11)
      , (select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part12)
      , (html" target="_blank">select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part13)
      , (select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part14)
      , (select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part15)
      , (select c.colname from syscolumns c where c.tabid = i.tabid and c.colno = i.part16)
      from sysindexes i , systables t
      where i.tabid = t.tabid
        and t.tabname = "asamembr";


idxtype CHAR(1) Index type:
U = Unique
D = Duplicates allowed
G = Nonbitmap generali
g = Bitmap generalized
u = unique, bitmap
d = nonunique, bitmap

sysconstraints”或“ sysindexes”

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