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javascript - 请问如何优化这个存在异步逻辑的滚动事件监听函数?

async _handleBrandListScroll() {  const { ids, mainScrollerOffset } = this.data;  let indexs: number[] = [];  for (const id of ids) {    const [[{ top: rectTop }]] = await queryBoundingClient(this, id);    if (typeof rectTop !== 'number') continue;    if (rectTop <= mainScrollerOffset) {      const idIndexs = getIdIndexs(id);      if (!_.isUndefined(idIndexs)) {        indexs = idIndexs;      }    } else {      break;    }  }  const [mainIndex, subIndex] = indexs;  if (this.data.currentLeftTabIndex !== mainIndex) {    this.setData({ currentLeftTabIndex: mainIndex });    this.updateCurrentTopTabList(mainIndex);  }  if (this.data.currentTopTabIndex !== subIndex) {    this.setData({ currentTopTabIndex: subIndex });    this.updateTopTabsScrollLeft(subIndex);  }},

主要问题是 queryBoundingClient 是异步返回结果的(在微信小程序环境中),导致 _handleBrandListScroll 的 throttle 无效,结果 indexs 不准。体现在视图上就是,滑动过快时当前选中的 tab 来回横跳。


async _handleBrandListScroll() {  const { ids, mainScrollerOffset } = this.data;  let indexs: number[] = [];  // Step 1: 批量处理异步请求  const rectTops = await Promise.all(ids.map(id => queryBoundingClient(this, id)));    for (let i = 0; i < rectTops.length; i++) {    const [[{ top: rectTop }]] = rectTops[i];    if (typeof rectTop !== 'number') continue;    if (rectTop <= mainScrollerOffset) {      const idIndexs = getIdIndexs(ids[i]);      if (!_.isUndefined(idIndexs)) {        indexs = idIndexs;      }    } else {      break;    }  }  const [mainIndex, subIndex] = indexs;  if (this.data.currentLeftTabIndex !== mainIndex) {    this.setData({ currentLeftTabIndex: mainIndex });    this.updateCurrentTopTabList(mainIndex);  }  if (this.data.currentTopTabIndex !== subIndex) {    this.setData({ currentTopTabIndex: subIndex });    this.updateTopTabsScrollLeft(subIndex);  }},
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