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每个GitHub API每次提交时不可能传递多个文件?


我已经使用GitHub API进行了自动提交

Create a file
This method creates a new file in a repository
PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path

但是,是否可以在每个GitHub API的一次提交中包含多个文件?



扩展Dan Dowma的答案,有可能将这些更改推送到现有分支

final String branchName = "main";

// start with a Repository ref
GHRepository repo = ...

// get a sha to represent the root branch to start your commit from.  
// this can come from any number of classes:
//   GHBranch, GHCommit, GHTree, etc...

// for this example, we'll start from the selected branch
GHBranch selectedBranch = repo.getBranch(branchName);

// get a tree builder object to build up into the commit. 
// the base of the tree will be the master branch
GHTreeBuilder treeBuilder = repo.createTree().baseTree(selectedBranch.getSHA1());

// add entries to the tree.
treeBuilder = treeBuilder.add(pathToFile, contentOfFile, executable);

// perform the commit
GHCommit commit = repo.createCommit()
  // base the commit on the tree we built
  // set the parent of the commit as the master branch
  .parent(selectedBranch.getSHA1()).message("multi-file commit").create();

// Update an existing branch from that commit
GHRef existingBranchRef = repo.getRef("/refs/heads/" + branchName);





// start with a Repository ref
GHRepository repo = ...

// get a sha to represent the root branch to start your commit from.  
// this can come from any number of classes:
//   GHBranch, GHCommit, GHTree, etc...

// for this example, we'll start from the master branch
GHBranch masterBranch = repo.getBranch("master");

// get a tree builder object to build up into the commit. 
// the base of the tree will be the master branch
GHTreeBuilder treeBuilder = repo.createTree().baseTree(masterBranch.getSHA1());

// add entries to the tree in various ways.  
// the nice thing about GHTreeBuilder.textEntry() is that it is an "upsert" (create new or update existing)
treeBuilder = treeBuilder.textEntry(pathToFile, contentOfFile, executable);

// repeat calls of treeBuider.textEntry() or .shaEntry() or .entry() ....

// perform the commit
GHCommit commit = repo.createCommit()
  // base the commit on the tree we built
  // set the parent of the commit as the master branch
  .parent(masterBranch.getSHA1()).message("multi-file commit").create();

// create a new branch from that commit
String newBranchName = "myNewBranchName";
GHRef newRef = repo.createRef("/refs/heads/" + newBranchName, commit.getSHA1();
GHBranch newBranch = repo.getBranch(newBranchName);

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