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如何使用spring data repository for mongodb从具有动态字段名的mongo存储库中获取数据?



public interface SupplierResponseRepo extends MongoRepository<SupplierResponse, String>  {}

public class SupplierResponse{
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private String supplierResponseId;
    private String orderId;
    private String orderName;



mongoTemplate.find(query, DBObject.class,"supplier");





 * @ReadingConverter: Spring data mongodb annotation to enable the class to handle the mapping of DBObject into Java
 * Objects
public class SupplierResponseConverter implements Converter<Document, SupplierResponse> {
     * Map DBObject to SupplierResponse inherited class according to the MongoDB document attributes
     * @param source MongoDB Document object
     * @return SupplierResponse Object
    public SupplierResponse convert(Document source) {
        if (source.get("supp_id") != null) {
            SupplierResponse supplierResponse = new SupplierResponse();
            supplierResponse.setSupplierId(source.get("supp_id", String.class)
        //repeat this operation for all your attribute in order to map them according to a condition of your choice


 * @Configuration: allow to register extra Spring beans in the context or import additional configuration classes
public class DataportalApplicationConfig extends AbstractMongoConfiguration {

    //@Value: inject property values into components
    private String uri;
    private String database;

     * Configure the MongoClient with the uri
     * @return MongoClient.class
    public MongoClient mongoClient() {
        return new MongoClient(new MongoClientURI(uri));

     * Database name getter
     * @return the database the query will be performed
    protected String getDatabaseName() {
        return database;

     * @Bean: explicitly declare that a method produces a Spring bean to be managed by the Spring container.
     * Configuration of the custom converter defined for the entity schema.
     * @return MongoCustomConversions.class
    public MongoCustomConversions customConversions() {
        List<Converter<?, ?>> converterList = new ArrayList<>();
        converterList.add(new ContactReadConverter());
        converterList.add(new GeometryGeoJSONReadConverter());
        converterList.add(new SamplingFeatureReadConverter());
        converterList.add(new SensorReadConverter());
        return new MongoCustomConversions(converterList);

     * @Bean: explicitly declare that a method produces a Spring bean to be managed by the Spring container.
     * Configuration of the MongoTemplate with the newly defined custom converters. The MongoTemplate class is the
     * central class of Spring’s MongoDB support and provides a rich feature set for interacting with the database. The
     * template offers convenience operations to create, update, delete, and query MongoDB documents and provides a
     * mapping between your domain objects and MongoDB documents.
     * @return MongoTemplate.class
    public MongoTemplate mongoTemplate() {
        MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = new MongoTemplate(mongoClient(), getDatabaseName());
        MappingMongoConverter mongoMapping = (MappingMongoConverter) mongoTemplate.getConverter();
        mongoMapping.setCustomConversions(customConversions()); // tell mongodb to use the custom converters
        return mongoTemplate;
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