from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp
from ortools.constraint_solver import routing_enums_pb2
Matrix = [
[0,557,763,1156,813,618,822,700,112], # Depot
[523,0,598,1107,934,607,658,535,589], # 1 - Location
[631,480,0,968,960,570,451,135,582], # 2 - Location
[1343,1247,1367,0,1270,1289,809,1193,1253], # 3 - Location
[746,1000,1135,1283,0,1003,1186,1071,776], # 4 - Location
[685,627,810,1227,990,0,712,709,550], # 5 - Location
[869,718,558,732,1105,650,0,384,821], # 6 - Location
[679,528,202,878,1008,618,412,0,630], # 7 - Location
[149,626,762,1124,696,532,821,698,0] # 8 - Location
Windows = [
[ 28800, 28800 ], # Depot
[ 43200, 43200 ], # 1 - Location
[ 50400, 50400 ], # 2 - Location
[ 21600, 79200 ], # 3 - Location
[ 21600, 79200 ], # 4 - Location
[ 21600, 79200 ], # 5 - Location
[ 21600, 79200 ], # 6 - Location
[ 21600, 79200 ], # 7 - Location
[ 21600, 79200 ] # 8 - Location
# Create the routing index manager.
manager = pywrapcp.RoutingIndexManager(len(Matrix), 1, 0)
# Create Routing Model.
routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(manager)
# Create and register a transit callback.
def time_callback(from_index, to_index):
# Returns the travel time between the two nodes.
# Convert from routing variable Index to time matrix NodeIndex.
from_node = manager.IndexToNode(from_index)
to_node = manager.IndexToNode(to_index)
return Matrix[from_node][to_node]
transit_callback_index = routing.RegisterTransitCallback(time_callback)
# Define cost of each arc.
# Add Time Windows constraint.
86400, # An upper bound for slack (the wait times at the locations).
86400, # An upper bound for the total time over each vehicle's route.
False, # Determine whether the cumulative variable is set to zero at the start of the vehicle's route.
time_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie('Time')
# Add time window constraints for each location except depot.
for location_idx, time_window in enumerate(Windows):
if location_idx == 0:
index = manager.NodeToIndex(location_idx)
time_dimension.CumulVar(index).SetRange(time_window[0], time_window[1])
# Add time window constraints for each vehicle start node.
index = routing.Start(0)
# Instantiate route start and end times to produce feasible times.
# Setting first solution heuristic.
search_parameters = pywrapcp.DefaultRoutingSearchParameters()
search_parameters.first_solution_strategy = (routing_enums_pb2.FirstSolutionStrategy.PATH_CHEAPEST_ARC)
# Setting local search metaheuristics:
search_parameters.local_search_metaheuristic = (routing_enums_pb2.LocalSearchMetaheuristic.GUIDED_LOCAL_SEARCH)
search_parameters.time_limit.seconds = 5
search_parameters.log_search = False
# Solve the problem.
solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters)
# Return the solution.
time = 0
index = routing.Start(0)
while not routing.IsEnd(index):
time = time_dimension.CumulVar(index)
print("{0} ({1}, {2})".format(manager.IndexToNode(index),solution.Min(time),solution.Max(time)))
index = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(index))
print("{0} ({1}, {2})".format(manager.IndexToNode(index),solution.Min(time),solution.Max(time)))
0 (28800, 28800)
8 (28912, 42041)
5 (29444, 42573)
1 (43200, 43200)
2 (50400, 50400)
7 (50535, 50535)
6 (50947, 50947)
3 (51679, 51679)
4 (52949, 52949)
0 (52949, 52949)
(Min_time, Max_time)
其中,Min\u time
0 (28800, 28800) // must arrive and leave no later than 28800
8 (28912, 42041) // must arrive at or after 28912 and leave no later than 42041
5 (29444, 42573) // must arrive at or after 29444and leave no later than 42573
1 (43200, 43200) // must arrive and leave no later than 43200
2 (50400, 50400) // must arrive and leave no later than 50400
Depot [28800, 28800] -> Travel (0, 8) 112-> Loc 8 [21600, 79200] -> Travel (8, 5) 532 -> Loc 5 [21600, 79200] -> Travel (5, 1) 685 -> Loc 1 [43200, 43200]
在时间28800出发,行程时间为112,您将在时间28912(您的解决方案中的最小值)到达loc 8;立即出发,行程时间为532,您将在时间29444到达loc 5。
现在,loc 1有一个可用的时间段,即43200。因此,如果车辆在时间29444离开,行驶时间为627,它将在时间30071到达位置1,这不是有效的到达时间。但是,如果车辆在43200-627=42573发车,它将准时到达。因此,这意味着车辆需要怠速(松弛)一段时间才能行驶。由于loc 8和loc 5都有一个范围,解决方案是说明这些位置有一些可用的松弛。因此,最小值和最大值真正告诉您的是,只要到达和离开在这些范围内,解决方案是可行的。
我们有一个具有时间和容量约束的VRP示例。 我们的场景如下: 我们有5辆车 我们的问题是,算法有时在得到新请求时,会丢弃一些我们已经标记为可行并添加到车辆调度中的节点(乘客请求)。如何防止丢弃已经添加到解决方案(然后在初始解决方案中)的节点? 我们尝试从初始解决方案中为节点设置int.max惩罚,并对我们当前添加的节点设置稍微小的惩罚。当已经确认的节点稍后被删除时,它确实减少了事件的数量,但它仍然
要求 我有一个车队。每辆车都有一个容量和它的存款,这个存款有一个时间窗口。从VRP的OptaPlanner的例子来看,我只对我作为浮点处理的容量做了一个变化。据我所知,OptaPlanner示例中的所有车辆都被移动到一个仓库。在我的情况下,每辆车都有自己的车辆段,每辆车都有自己固定的车辆段,有可能几辆车都有同一个车辆段。 R2-我有访问(送货服务)。每次访问都有一个需求和一个时间窗口。从VRP的O
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