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import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class GamePanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
public static final int COL_COUNT = 8;
private static final int VISIBLE_ROW_COUNT = 16;
public static final int ROW_COUNT = VISIBLE_ROW_COUNT;
public static final int TILE_SIZE = 30;

private boolean _pauseState;
private JLabel _pauseText;
private int _randomNum;

private javax.swing.Timer _timer; //  = new javax.swing.Timer(500, this); //board timer

//2D array of ColorShapes to record Color Shape placements
private ColorShape[][] _tiles; 

private ProxyPiece _proxyPiece;
private Piece _newPiece;

//Key Interactors for the up,left,and down arrow keys
private LeftListener _leftListener;
private RightListener _rightListener;
private DownListener _downListener;
private PauseListener _pauseListener;

public GamePanel()
    _pauseState = false;
    _timer = new javax.swing.Timer(500, this);

    _pauseText = new JLabel("PAUSED");

    _leftListener = new LeftListener(this);
    _rightListener = new RightListener(this);
    _downListener = new DownListener(this);
    _pauseListener = new PauseListener(this);
    _tiles = new ColorShape[8][17];

    _proxyPiece = new ProxyPiece();

    for (int i = 0; i<16; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<8;j++){
            _tiles[j][i] = null;

    //create a hidden bottom row of black rectangles to act as a boundary for the     pieces in the array
    for (int j=0; j<8;j++){
            _tiles[j][16] = new ColorRectangle(Color.BLACK);

public void dropDown(){
    if(_tiles[_proxyPiece.getXLocation()/30][_proxyPiece.getYLocation()/30 + 1] == null){
   else if ((_tiles[_proxyPiece.getXLocation()/30][_proxyPiece.getYLocation()/30 + 1] != null) && (_tiles[3][0] == null)){
    //record the piece into array
        int _currentCol = _proxyPiece.getXLocation()/30;  
        int _currentRow = _proxyPiece.getYLocation()/30;

        _tiles[_currentCol][_currentRow - 1] = _proxyPiece.getFirstPiece();  
        _tiles[_currentCol][_currentRow] = _proxyPiece.getSecondPiece();


     //checks for a GameOver
     if(_tiles[3][0] != null){
       System.out.println("Game Over");



  // i = row , j = col
 public void purge(){
  for (int i = 0; i<16; i++){
     for(int j=0; j<8;j++){
        if(_tiles[j][i] != null){
           if(_tiles[j][i].getShapeType() == 2){ //checks if object is a circle
               //insert a recursive function that looks up,down,left,right for similar colors and sets spot to null
             else continue;
        else continue;

 //flood fill algorithm
 // x=col , y=row
 public void removeLikeColorsFrom(ColorShape[][] _tiles, int x, int y){
Color colorToRemove = _tiles[x][y].getColor();
Stack<Point> stack = new Stack<Point>();
stack.add(new Point(x,y));
    Point next = stack.pop();
    //check if this shape is the proper color
        _tiles[next.x][next.y] = null;
        x = next.x;
        y = next.y;
        //now push all neighbors onto stack for processing
        if(x-1>-1 && _tiles[x-1][y] != null) 
            stack.push(new Point(x-1,y));
            stack.push(new Point(x+1,y));
            stack.push(new Point(x,y+1));
            stack.push(new Point(x,y-1));
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e){
   if(_proxyPiece.getPiece() == null){
   else {  


//factory method that produces a random shape
public Piece newPiece(){
    _randomNum = randomNumber(1,3);

    switch (_randomNum){
        case 1:
           return new Piece(new ColorEllipse(randomColor()), new ColorEllipse(randomColor())); //a new 2 Ellipse Piece w/ random colors
        case 2:
           return new Piece(new ColorRectangle(randomColor()), new ColorRectangle(randomColor())); 
        case 3:
           return new Piece(new ColorEllipse(randomColor()), new ColorRectangle(randomColor()));
           System.out.println("randomNumber failed");

    //default return value to test if switch case failed
    return new Piece(new ColorRectangle(Color.RED), new ColorRectangle(Color.RED));

public Color randomColor(){
    _randomNum = randomNumber(1,4);
        case 1:
            return Color.GREEN;
        case 2:
            return Color.BLUE;
        case 3:
            return Color.RED;
        case 4:
            return Color.YELLOW;

    //default return value to test if switch case failed
    return Color.RED;

public static int randomNumber(int low, int high){
    return low + (int)(Math.random()*(high-low+1));

public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    if (_pauseState == false){

    // simplify the positioning of things.
    g.translate(0, 0);

    //Draws the board outline and fills it white
    g.drawRect(0, 0, 240, 480);
    g.fillRect(0, 0, 240, 480);

    //Draws a dark gray grid 

    for(int x = 0; x < COL_COUNT + 1; x++) {
         for(int y = 0; y < VISIBLE_ROW_COUNT+1; y++) {
             g.drawLine(0, y * TILE_SIZE, COL_COUNT * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE);
             g.drawLine(x * TILE_SIZE, 0, x * TILE_SIZE, VISIBLE_ROW_COUNT * TILE_SIZE);

    Graphics2D aBetterPen = (Graphics2D)g;    

    for (int i = 0; i<16; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<8;j++){
            if(_tiles[j][i] != null)
   else if (_pauseState == true){
       // simplify the positioning of things.
       g.translate(0, 0);
       g.drawRect(0, 0, 240, 480);
       g.fillRect(0, 0, 240, 480);



private class LeftListener extends KeyInteractor{
    public LeftListener (JPanel aPanel){
        super(aPanel, KeyEvent.VK_LEFT);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
        if( (_proxyPiece.getXLocation()>0) && (_tiles[_proxyPiece.getXLocation()/30 - 1][_proxyPiece.getYLocation()/30] == null) ){

private class RightListener extends KeyInteractor{
    public RightListener (JPanel aPanel){
        super(aPanel, KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
        if( ((_proxyPiece.getXLocation()<210)) && (_tiles[_proxyPiece.getXLocation()/30 + 1][_proxyPiece.getYLocation()/30] == null) ){

private class DownListener extends KeyInteractor{
    public DownListener (JPanel aPanel){
        super(aPanel, KeyEvent.VK_DOWN);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
        //Loop that will keep dropping the piece until it hits another piece or the bottom of the board
        while(_tiles[_proxyPiece.getXLocation()/30][_proxyPiece.getYLocation()/30 + 1] == null){

private class PauseListener extends KeyInteractor{
    public PauseListener (JPanel aPanel){
        super(aPanel, KeyEvent.VK_P);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
        if (_pauseState == false){
            _pauseState = true;

        else if (_pauseState == true){
            _pauseState = false;


import java.awt.*;
public class ProxyPiece
private Piece _currentPiece; // peer object
public ProxyPiece()
  _currentPiece = null;
public Piece getPiece(){
    return _currentPiece;
public ColorShape getFirstPiece(){
    return _currentPiece.getFirstShape();   
 public ColorShape getSecondPiece(){
    return _currentPiece.getSecondShape();   
    public void setPiece(Piece aPiece){
    _currentPiece = aPiece;
public void moveLeft(){
public void moveRight(){
public void moveDown(){
public int getXLocation(){
    return _currentPiece.getXLocation();
public int getYLocation(){
    return _currentPiece.getYLocation();
public void rotate(){}

public void fill(Graphics2D aBetterPen){


import java.awt.*;
public class Piece
private final int X_START = 90;
private final int Y_START = 0;
private ColorShape _colorShape;
private ColorEllipse _colorEllipse1, _colorEllipse2;
private ColorRectangle _colorRectangle1, _colorRectangle2;
private int _type;

public Piece(ColorEllipse firstEllipse, ColorEllipse secondEllipse)
    _colorEllipse1 = firstEllipse;
    _colorEllipse2 = secondEllipse;
    _type = 1; //a Piece that has 2 Ellipses

public Piece(ColorRectangle firstRectangle, ColorRectangle secondRectangle)
    _colorRectangle1 = firstRectangle;
    _colorRectangle2 = secondRectangle;

    _type = 2; //a Piece that has 2 squares

public Piece(ColorEllipse firstEllipse, ColorRectangle secondRectangle)
    _colorEllipse1 = firstEllipse;
    _colorRectangle1 = secondRectangle;

    _type = 3; //a Piece that has 1 ellipse and 1 square

public void setLocation(int x, int y){
    if (_type == 1){
    else if (_type == 2){
    else if (_type == 3){


//public void rotate(){
//    newX = centerOfRotationX - centerOfRotationY + oldYLocation; 
//    newY = centerOfRotationY - centerOfRotationX - oldXLocation;
//    this.setLocation(newX, newY);

public void moveLeft(){
    if (_type == 1){
       if((int)_colorEllipse1.getX() > 0){ 
       this.setLocation((int)_colorEllipse1.getX()-30, (int)_colorEllipse1.getY());
   else if (_type == 2){
        if((int)_colorRectangle1.getX() > 0){ 
        this.setLocation((int)_colorRectangle1.getX()-30, (int)_colorRectangle1.getY());
   else if (_type == 3){
      if((int)_colorEllipse1.getX() > 0){ 
       this.setLocation((int)_colorEllipse1.getX()-30, (int)_colorEllipse1.getY());
public void moveRight(){
   if (_type == 1){
     if((int)_colorEllipse1.getX() < 210){   
      this.setLocation((int)_colorEllipse1.getX()+30, (int)_colorEllipse1.getY());
   else if (_type == 2){
     if((int)_colorRectangle1.getX() < 210){      
      this.setLocation((int)_colorRectangle1.getX()+30, (int)_colorRectangle1.getY());
   else if (_type == 3){
     if((int)_colorEllipse1.getX() < 210){        
     this.setLocation((int)_colorEllipse1.getX()+30, (int)_colorEllipse1.getY());
public void moveDown(){
    if (_type == 1){
    this.setLocation((int)_colorEllipse1.getX(), (int)_colorEllipse1.getY()+30);
   else if (_type == 2){
    this.setLocation((int)_colorRectangle1.getX(), (int)_colorRectangle1.getY()+30);
   else if (_type == 3){
    this.setLocation((int)_colorEllipse1.getX(), (int)_colorEllipse1.getY()+30);
public int getXLocation(){
   if (_type == 1){
    return (int)_colorEllipse1.getX();
   else if (_type == 2){
    return (int)_colorRectangle1.getX();
   else if (_type == 3){
    return (int)_colorEllipse1.getX();
   return 1;
public int getYLocation(){
   if (_type == 1){
    return (int)_colorEllipse1.getY()+30;
   else if (_type == 2){
    return (int)_colorRectangle1.getY()+30;
   else if (_type == 3){
    return (int)_colorEllipse1.getY()+30;
   return 1;
public void fill(Graphics2D aBetterPen){
    if (_type == 1){
    else if (_type == 2){
    else if (_type == 3){

public ColorShape getFirstShape(){
  if (_type == 1){
    return _colorEllipse1;
  else if (_type == 2){
    return _colorRectangle1;
  else if (_type == 3){
    return _colorEllipse1;
   return null;

public ColorShape getSecondShape(){
    if (_type == 1){
     return _colorEllipse2;
    else if (_type == 2){
     return _colorRectangle2;
    else if (_type == 3){
     return _colorRectangle1;   
    return null;

my ColorEllipse是一个椭圆2D Double,ColorRectangle是一个矩形2D Double。它们都是ColorShape的子类,继承了它的方法。


public void removeLikeColorsFrom(ColorShape[][] _tiles, int x, int y){
    Color colorToReturn = _tiles[x][y].getColor();
    Stack<Point> stack = new Stack<Point>();
    stack.add(new Point(x,y));
        Point next = stack.pop();
        //check if this shape is the proper color
            _tiles[next.x][next.y] = null;
            x = next.x;
            y = next.y;
            //now push all neighbors onto stack for processing
            if(x-1>-1 && _tiles[x-1][y]!=null) 
                stack.push(new Point(x-1,y));
                stack.push(new Point(x+1,y));
                stack.push(new Point(x,y+1));
                stack.push(new Point(x,y-1));
  • 问题内容: 我试图通过代码提高效率,但是我却放屁了。我编写的这段代码很好用,并且完全满足我的需要:它检查一个数组并删除一个未知索引处的Object。但是我觉得有一种更好,更有效的编写方法。我去了Array.remove(at :),但这需要一个已知的索引。我正在使用大的O表示法,并且不知道如何使它更易于处理。有任何想法吗? 问题答案: 使用(在 Swift 4.1 和更早版本中先前称为)使用谓词在

  • 如何在打字稿中从数组中删除对象? 所以我想从所有对象中删除drug_id。我该如何实现呢?谢谢!

  • } 现在,我的要求是当我单击“删除列”时,它会进入此方法,并且我想删除与之关联的特定列和行。 提前谢谢你的帮助。

  • 我有一个如下所示的对象;

  • 我在创建包含自定义对象数组的数组时遇到了问题。 出于多种原因,我希望将容器创建为可比较数组的标准数组: 其中包含的每个自定义对象数组必须具有不同的长度 自定义对象数组内置了自动排序工具,这些工具不适合我希望它们适合的较大包含数组 自定义对象数组可以工作,并且已经过彻底测试。 我在创建较大对象时收到的例外情况是: 线程“main”中出现异常java.lang.ClassCastException:

  • 我知道有人问过这个问题,但我不能使用它的解决方案来做我想做的事情,我的问题是每次我从函数调用并输入一个Id,它总是告诉我Id被删除,即使我输入了一个从未输入的Id,它仍然打印相同的任何提示和帮助,将不胜感激:)注意:我不想在其中使用ArrayList这里是我的代码: