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function woocommerce_total_product_price() {
    global $woocommerce, $product;
    // let's setup our divs
    echo sprintf('<div id="product_total_price" style="margin-bottom:20px;">%s %s</div>', __('Totale Prodotto:','woocommerce'),'<span class="price">' . $product->get_price() . '</span>');
    echo sprintf('<div id="product_total_weight" style="margin-bottom:20px;">%s %s</div>', __('Totale Peso:','woocommerce'),'<span class="weight">' . $product->get_weight() . '</span>');
            jQuery(function($) {
                var price = <?php echo $product->get_price(); ?>, 
                    currency = '<?php echo get_woocommerce_currency_symbol(); ?>';
                var weight = <?php echo $product->get_weight(); ?>;

                $('[name=quantity]').change(function() {
                    if (!(this.value < 1)) {
                        var product_total = parseFloat(price * this.value);

                        $('#product_total_price .price').html( currency + product_total.toFixed(2) );
                        var weight_total = parseFloat(weight * this.value);
                        $('#product_total_weight .weight').html( weight_total.toFixed(2) + ' kg');                      
add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_total_product_price', 31 );



我在我使用的主题中看到一个quantity_input.php文件,也许就是在这里,quantity input被重置了。

if ( $max_value && $min_value === $max_value ) {
<div class="quantity hidden">
    <input type="hidden" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $input_id ); ?>" class="qty" name="<?php echo esc_attr( $input_name ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $min_value ); ?>" />
} else {
/* translators: %s: Quantity. */
$labelledby = ! empty( $args['product_name'] ) ? sprintf( esc_html__( '%s quantity', 'essentials' ), strip_tags( $args['product_name'] ) ) : '';
<div class="quantity mr-2 pix-px-10 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-sm d-inline-block">
    <label class="screen-reader-text sr-only" for="<?php echo esc_attr( $input_id ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Quantity', 'essentials' ); ?></label>
    <a href="#" class="minus d-inline-block text-body-default" >-</a>
        id="<?php echo esc_attr( $input_id ); ?>"
        class="input-text qty text form-control shadow-0 d-inline-block"
        step="<?php echo esc_attr( $step ); ?>"
        min="<?php echo esc_attr( $min_value ); ?>"
        max="<?php echo esc_attr( 0 < $max_value ? $max_value : '' ); ?>"
        name="<?php echo esc_attr( $input_name ); ?>"
        value="<?php echo esc_attr( $input_value ); ?>"
        title="<?php echo esc_attr_x( 'Qty', 'Product quantity input tooltip', 'essentials' ); ?>"

        pattern="<?php echo esc_attr( $pattern ); ?>"
        inputmode="<?php echo esc_attr( $inputmode ); ?>"
        aria-labelledby="<?php echo esc_attr( $labelledby ); ?>" />
        <a href="#" class="plus d-inline-block text-body-default" >+</a>


jQuery(函数 ( $ ) {

    if ( ywmmq.variations ) {

        $( document ).on(
            function () {

                var product_id   = parseInt( $( '.single_variation_wrap .product_id, .single_variation_wrap input[name="product_id"]' ).val() ),
                    variation_id = parseInt( $( '.single_variation_wrap .variation_id, .single_variation_wrap input[name="variation_id"]' ).val() );

                if ( ! isNaN( product_id ) && ! isNaN( variation_id ) ) {

                    get_variation_rules( product_id, variation_id );




    function get_variation_rules( product_id, variation_id ) {

        var container       = $( '.ywmmq-rules-wrapper' ),
            variations_form = $( '.single_variation_wrap' ),
            raq_button      = $( '.add-request-quote-button' );

        if ( variations_form.is( '.processing' ) ) {
            return false;

        variations_form.addClass( 'processing' );
        raq_button.addClass( 'disabled' );
                message   : null,
                overlayCSS: {
                    background: '#fff',
                    opacity   : 0.6

                type    : 'POST',
                url     : ywmmq.ajax_url,
                data    : {
                    action      : 'ywmmq_get_rules',
                    product_id  : product_id,
                    variation_id: variation_id
                success : function ( response ) {

                    if ( response.status === 'success' ) {

                        container.html( response.rules );

                        if ( parseInt( response.limits.max ) !== 0 ) {

                            $( '.single_variation_wrap .quantity input[name="quantity"]' ).attr( 'max', response.limits.max );

                        } else {

                            $( '.single_variation_wrap .quantity input[name="quantity"]' ).removeAttr( 'max' );


                        if ( parseInt( response.limits.min ) !== 0 ) {

                            $( '.single_variation_wrap .quantity input[name="quantity"]' ).attr( 'min', response.limits.min ).val( response.limits.min );

                        } else {

                            $( '.single_variation_wrap .quantity input[name="quantity"]' ).attr( 'min', 1 ).val( 1 );


                        if ( parseInt( response.limits.step ) !== 0 ) {

                            $( '.single_variation_wrap .quantity input[name="quantity"]' ).attr( 'step', response.limits.step );

                        } else {

                            $( '.single_variation_wrap .quantity input[name="quantity"]' ).attr( 'step', 1 ).val( 1 );


                        $( document ).trigger( 'ywmmq_additional_operations', [response.limits.min] );

                    } else {



                    variations_form.removeClass( 'processing' ).unblock();
                    raq_button.removeClass( 'disabled' );

                dataType: 'json'

        return false;


    $( document ).on(
        function ( event, form, variation ) {

            if ( form.is( '.processing' ) ) {
                return false;

            form.addClass( 'processing' );
                    message   : null,
                    overlayCSS: {
                        background: '#fff',
                        opacity   : 0.6

                    type    : 'POST',
                    url     : ywmmq.ajax_url,
                    data    : {
                        action      : 'ywmmq_get_rules',
                        product_id  : form.data( 'product_id' ),
                        variation_id: form.find( '.variation_id' ).val()
                    success : function ( response ) {

                        if ( response.status === 'success' ) {

                            if ( parseInt( response.limits.max ) !== 0 ) {

                                form.find( '.yith-wcpb-bundled-quantity' ).attr( 'max', response.limits.max );

                            } else {

                                form.find( '.yith-wcpb-bundled-quantity' ).removeAttr( 'max' );


                            if ( parseInt( response.limits.min ) !== 0 ) {

                                form.find( '.yith-wcpb-bundled-quantity' ).attr( 'min', response.limits.min ).val( response.limits.min );

                            } else {

                                form.find( '.yith-wcpb-bundled-quantity' ).attr( 'min', 1 ).val( 1 );


                            if ( parseInt( response.limits.step ) !== 0 ) {

                                form.find( '.yith-wcpb-bundled-quantity' ).attr( 'step', response.limits.step );

                            } else {

                                form.find( '.yith-wcpb-bundled-quantity' ).attr( 'step', 1 ).val( 1 );



                        form.removeClass( 'processing' ).unblock();

                    dataType: 'json'





  1. 创建一个包含产品类型和其他必要字段(价格、货币和权重)的PHP数组;
  2. 将PHP数组转换为Javascript对象以在脚本中使用
  3. 基于产品的类型,获取产品的价格和重量(如果产品是可变的,则获取所选变化的值)



  • 在单个页面中获取所选产品变体ID

我想我可以通过variation\u id类从隐藏的输入中获得所选变体id的值。






// shows the total price and total weight based on the quantity entered
add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'show_total_price_and_total_weight_by_quantity', 31 );
function show_total_price_and_total_weight_by_quantity() {
    // create the divs that will contain the total price and total weight
    echo sprintf('<div id="product_total_price" style="display:none;margin-bottom:20px;">%s %s</div>', __('Totale Prodotto:','woocommerce'),'<span class="price"></span>');
    echo sprintf('<div id="product_total_weight" style="display:none;margin-bottom:20px;">%s %s</div>', __('Totale Peso:','woocommerce'),'<span class="weight"></span>');

// change the total price and total weight based on the quantity entered
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'change_total_price_and_total_weight_by_quantity', 99 );
function change_total_price_and_total_weight_by_quantity() {
    // only on the product page
    if ( ! is_product() ) {

    global $product;
    // initializes the array that will contain the product data
    $product_data = array();

    // do divs need to be shown?
    $show = true;

    // gets the currency and unit of weight
    $currency = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol();
    $weight_unit = get_option('woocommerce_weight_unit');

    // if the product is simple
    if ( $product->is_type( 'simple' ) ) {
        // set the type of product
        $product_data['type']  = 'simple';
        // get simple product data
        $product_data['price'] = $product->get_price();
        $product_data['currency'] = $currency;
        $product_data['weight'] = $product->get_weight();
        $product_data['weight_unit'] = $weight_unit;

    // if the product is variable
    if ( $product->is_type( 'variable' ) ) {
        // set the type of product
        $product_data['type']  = 'variable';
        // get the ids of the product variations
        $variation_ids = $product->get_children();
        foreach ( $variation_ids as $variation_id ) {
            // gets the object of the variation product
            $variation = wc_get_product( $variation_id );
            // gets product variation data
            $product_data['variation'][$variation_id]['price'] = $variation->get_price();
            $product_data['variation'][$variation_id]['currency'] = $currency;
            $product_data['variation'][$variation_id]['weight'] = $variation->get_weight();
            $product_data['variation'][$variation_id]['weight_unit'] = $weight_unit;
        // hides the div
        $show = false;

    // returns the JSON representation of a data
    $product_data_json = json_encode( $product_data );

            jQuery(function($) {
                // create a javascript object with product data
                echo "var productData = ". $product_data_json . ";";
                if ( $show ) {
                    var product_total = parseFloat( productData.price * $('[name=quantity]').val());
                    $('#product_total_price .price').html( productData.currency + product_total.toFixed(2) );
                    var weight_total = parseFloat(productData.weight * $('[name=quantity]').val());
                    $('#product_total_weight .weight').html( weight_total.toFixed(2) + ' ' + productData.weight_unit);
                // when the quantity is changed or a product option is selected
                jQuery('[name=quantity], table.variations select').on('change',function(){
                    // shows data based on product type
                    switch( productData.type ) {
                        case 'simple':
                            // update the fields
                            var product_total = parseFloat(productData.price * $(this).val());
                            $('#product_total_price .price').html( productData.currency + product_total.toFixed(2) );
                            var weight_total = parseFloat(productData.weight * $(this).val());
                            $('#product_total_weight .weight').html( weight_total.toFixed(2) + ' ' + productData.weight_unit);                      
                        case 'variable':
                            // gets the id variation based on the options chosen
                            var variation_id = $('input.variation_id').val();
                            // if the variation id is valid and the current option is different from "Choose an option"
                            if ( parseInt( $('input.variation_id').val() ) > 0 && $('input.variation_id').val() != '' && $(this).find('option').filter(':selected').val() != '' ) {
                                // gets the object based on the selected variation
                                var obj = productData.variation[variation_id];
                                // update the fields
                                var product_total = parseFloat(obj.price * $(this).val());
                                $('#product_total_price .price').html( obj.currency + ' ' + product_total.toFixed(2) );
                                var weight_total = parseFloat(obj.weight * $(this).val());
                                $('#product_total_weight .weight').html( weight_total.toFixed(2) + ' ' + obj.weight_unit);
                            // otherwise it hides the divs
                            } else {



  • WooCommerce将每个产品的总销量作为wp_postmeta表里,可以用get_post_meta获取,方法如下 在主题的functions.php中加入如下代码 //在shop页面显示总销量 add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'wc_product_sold_count', 5 ); //在产品详情页面显示总销量 a

  • 我正在建立一个电子商务网站。我的产品有点问题。 “添加到购物车”按钮对简单的产品效果很好,但对可变的产品不起作用。它给出了一个通知。 我到处找,在网上试了几条建议,但都不管用。所以我查看了WooCommerce源文件:。 在函数: 所以我尝试回声,和。它们都没有任何内容,因为当我回声时:它不会输出任何内容。 有什么建议吗?

  • 我在我的WooCommerce 2.6.4商店上使用可变产品,我为同一产品的两种不同变体添加了不同的价格。当选择两个变体中的一个时,根本不显示任何价格。下面的div只是空的: 我希望预选的变异价格显示为默认,而非预选的变异价格应在选择时动态替换。几乎像这个演示,除了从一个预选的项目和价格应该显示为默认。

  • 我的商店里的价格是带税显示的,我还使用{price_unclused_tax}后缀来显示不含税的价格。但可变产品存在一个问题。。。商店只显示含税价格(促销时显示原价),但不显示不含税价格。两种可变产品的价格相同。我尝试使用以下代码: https://tomjesch.com/display-woocommerce-products-with-and-without-tax/ 但它不能正常工作-它显

  • 我正在创建一个WooCommerce商店,在那里我销售颜色/尺寸变化的产品。除此之外,我还使用WooCommerce产品附加组件,让用户输入一个将绣在他们产品上的名称。我整齐地输入所有的产品变化像这样: 在发布产品后,它没有显示任何价格。这怎么可能?产品如何在前端显示的屏幕截图: 我用于WooCommerce的插件和附加组件: WooCommerce产品插件 WooCommerce打印发票