JSON. Net中似乎没有类似的东西,我在任何地方都找不到类似的例子,所以我建立了自己的例子。我选择将选定的节点复制到新构建的文档中,而不是尝试删除所有不匹配的节点。鉴于可能存在多个匹配项,并且文档可能很大,它需要能够有效地处理将多个选择结果合并到单个树/JSON文档中。
public static void Main()
string json = @"..."; // snipped for brevity - see DotNetFiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/wKN1Hj
var root = (JContainer)JToken.Parse(json);
var t3 = root.SelectTokens("$.Array3B.[*].Array3B1.[*].*");
// See DotNetFiddle for simpler examples that work
Console.WriteLine($"{MergedAncestry(t3).ToString()}"); // Wrong output!
// Returns a single document merged using the full ancestry of each of the input tokens
static JToken MergedAncestry(IEnumerable<JToken> tokens)
JObject merged = null;
foreach(var token in tokens)
if (merged == null)
// First object
merged = (JObject)GetFullAncestry(token);
// Subsequent objects merged
merged.Merge((JObject)GetFullAncestry(token), new JsonMergeSettings
// union array values together to avoid duplicates
MergeArrayHandling = MergeArrayHandling.Union
return merged ?? new JObject();
// Recursively builds a new tree to the node matching the ancestry of the original node
static JToken GetFullAncestry(JToken node, JToken tree = null)
if (tree == null)
// First level: start by cloning the current node
tree = node?.DeepClone();
if (node?.Parent == null)
// No parents left, return the tree we've built
return tree;
// Rebuild the parent node in our tree based on the type of node
JToken a;
switch (node.Parent)
case JArray _:
return GetFullAncestry(node.Parent, new JArray(tree));
case JProperty _:
return GetFullAncestry(node.Parent, new JProperty(((JProperty)node.Parent).Name, tree));
case JObject _:
return GetFullAncestry(node.Parent, new JObject(tree));
return tree;
"Array3A": [
{ "Item_3A1": "Desc_3A1" }
"Array3B": [
{ "Item_3B1": "Desc_3B1" },
"Array3B1": [
{ "Item_1": "Desc_3B11" },
{ "Item_2": "Desc_3B12" },
{ "Item_3": "Desc_3B13" }
"Array3B2": [
{ "Item_1": "Desc_3B21" },
{ "Item_2": "Desc_3B22" },
{ "Item_3": "Desc_3B23" }
"Array3B": [
"Array3B1": [
{ "Item_1": "Desc_3B11" },
{ "Item_2": "Desc_3B12" },
{ "Item_3": "Desc_3B13" }
"Array3B": [
"Array3B1": [ { "Item_1": "Desc_3B11" } ]
"Array3B1": [ { "Item_2": "Desc_3B12" } ]
"Array3B1": [ { "Item_3": "Desc_3B13" } ]
static JToken FilterByJSONPath(JToken document, IEnumerable<string> jPaths)
var matches = jPaths.SelectMany(path => document.SelectTokens(path, false));
return MergeAncestry(matches);
static JToken MergeAncestry(IEnumerable<JToken> tokens)
if (tokens == null || !tokens.Any())
return new JObject();
// Get a dictionary of tokens indexed by their depth
var tokensByDepth = tokens
.GroupBy(t => t.Ancestors().Count())
g => g.Key,
g => g.Select(node => new CarbonCopyToken { Original = node, CarbonCopy = node.DeepClone() })
// start at the deepest level working up
int depth = tokensByDepth.Keys.Max();
for (int i = depth; i > 0; i--)
// If there's nothing at the next level up, create a list to hold parents of children at this level
if (!tokensByDepth.ContainsKey(i - 1))
tokensByDepth.Add(i - 1, new List<CarbonCopyToken>());
// Merge all tokens at this level into families by common parent
foreach (var parent in MergeCommonParents(tokensByDepth[i]))
tokensByDepth[i - 1].Add(parent);
// we should be left with a list containing a single CarbonCopyToken - contining the root of our copied document and the root of the source
var cc = tokensByDepth[0].FirstOrDefault();
return cc?.CarbonCopy ?? new JObject();
static IEnumerable<CarbonCopyToken> MergeCommonParents(IEnumerable<CarbonCopyToken> tokens)
var newParents = tokens.GroupBy(t => t.Original.Parent).Select(g => new CarbonCopyToken {
Original = g.First().Original.Parent,
CarbonCopy = CopyCommonParent(g.First().Original.Parent, g.AsEnumerable())
return newParents;
static JToken CopyCommonParent(JToken parent, IEnumerable<CarbonCopyToken> children)
switch (parent)
case JProperty _:
return new JProperty(((JProperty)parent).Name, children.First().CarbonCopy);
case JArray _:
var newParentArray = new JArray();
foreach (var child in children)
return newParentArray;
default: // JObject, or any other type we don't recognise
var newParentObject = new JObject();
foreach (var child in children)
return newParentObject;
public class CarbonCopyToken
public JToken Original { get; set; }
public JToken CarbonCopy { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// A generic object comparerer that would only use object's reference,
/// ignoring any <see cref="IEquatable{T}"/> or <see cref="object.Equals(object)"/> overrides.
/// </summary>
public class ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<T> where T : class
// Adapted from this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/1890230
// to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1890058/iequalitycomparert-that-uses-referenceequals
// By https://stackoverflow.com/users/177275/yurik
private static readonly IEqualityComparer<T> _defaultComparer;
static ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer() { _defaultComparer = new ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer<T>(); }
public static IEqualityComparer<T> Default { get { return _defaultComparer; } }
#region IEqualityComparer<T> Members
public bool Equals(T x, T y)
return ReferenceEquals(x, y);
public int GetHashCode(T obj)
return System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(obj);
List<string> filters = new {
var result = FilterByJSONPath(inputDocument, filters);
问题内容: 嘿,我想知道是否有人知道使用正则表达式或通配符(或SQL中的pehaps )的方式,以便可以使用JSONPath在大量JSON数据内进行搜索。 例如(是的,我正在解析,而不是在应用程序中读取数据): 我希望能够浏览这样的数据: 其中参数的内容是数据对中部分或全部值的一部分。 目前,我只找到文件上,,,和关系运算符,它不给我那么多的灵活性。 有谁知道一个方法可以让我只是 刚刚 JSONP
我正在尝试使用 Jolt 转换来转换 Json,在这里寻找一些输入。我正在尝试过滤一个键,该键是另一个属性的值。这是我的输入和预期输出 我看到的输出是 我试过的规格是 但是我没有得到预期的输出。我也尝试了一些其他组合,但未能获得正确的输出。有人能帮忙吗?
我有一个,我希望用户输入一个人的姓名。我认为名称应该包含、和示例。我正在使用来验证用户输入。但是,我不知道如何在我的中设置它。 问题:我应该如何修改我的过滤器来实现上述行为? 任何关于如何验证一个人的名字的建议都被接受。 这是我的DocumentFilter: 这是我的测试类:
考虑以下Firestore结构: 收藏 现在,我想查询宠物满足某些条件的人。例如,拥有两只以上宠物的人,或者拥有一只名为“ABC”的宠物的人。 这可能吗?
问题内容: 我在子文档中有这样的数组 我可以过滤> 3的子文档吗 我的预期结果如下 我尝试使用,$elemMatch但返回数组中的第一个匹配元素 我的查询: 结果返回数组中的一个元素 我尝试使用聚合与$match但不起作用 返回数组中的所有元素 我可以过滤数组中的元素以获得预期结果吗? 问题答案: 使用是正确的方法,但在应用数组之前需要先对数组进行过滤,以便可以过滤单个元素,然后用于将其放回原处:
我想知道是否有办法在过滤掉elasticsearch文档后更新它们。 假设我有一个包含以下文档的用户集合: 现在我需要做的是更新所有30岁以上用户的名字。查看大量文档并在谷歌上搜索数小时,包括以下文档http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/_updating_documents.html 我找不到办