public void initGL() {
GL11.glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
GLU.gluPerspective(fov, ((float) Display.getWidth()) / ((float) Display.getHeight() != 0 ? Display.getHeight() : 1), 0.1f, 100.0f);//fov is 45.0f
public final void lookThrough() {
GL11.glRotatef(this.roll, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
GL11.glRotatef(this.pitch, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
GL11.glRotatef(this.yaw, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
GL11.glTranslatef(-this.position.x, -this.position.y, -this.position.z);
public static final double zeroRad = Math.toRadians(0);
public static final double ninetyRad = Math.toRadians(90);
public static final double oneEightyRad = Math.toRadians(180);
public static final double twoSeventyRad = Math.toRadians(270);
public static final strictfp void updateLookVectorsIn6DoF(Vector3f yawPitchAndRoll, Vector3f forward, Vector3f up, Vector3f right) {
final double yaw = Math.toRadians(yawPitchAndRoll.getX());
final double pitch = Math.toRadians(yawPitchAndRoll.getY());
final double roll = Math.toRadians(yawPitchAndRoll.getZ());
final float sinYaw = ((float) Math.sin(yaw));
final float cosYaw = ((float) Math.cos(yaw));
final float sinYaw90 = ((float) Math.sin(yaw + ninetyRad));
//final float sinYaw180 = ((float) Math.sin(yaw + oneEightyRad));
final float cosYaw270 = ((float) Math.cos(yaw - ninetyRad));
final float sinRoll = ((float) Math.sin(roll));
final float cosRoll = ((float) Math.cos(roll));
//final float sinRoll180 = ((float) Math.sin(roll + oneEightyRad));
final float cosPitch90 = ((float) Math.cos(pitch + ninetyRad));
//final float cosPitch270 = ((float) Math.cos(pitch + twoSeventyRad));
final float sinPitch90 = ((float) Math.sin(pitch + ninetyRad));
final float sinPitch270 = ((float) Math.sin(pitch - ninetyRad));
//Forward:(No roll because roll goes around the Z axis and forward movement is in that axis.)
float x = sinYaw * ((float) Math.cos(pitch));
float y = -((float) Math.sin(pitch));
float z = cosYaw * ((float) Math.cos(pitch - oneEightyRad));
forward.set(x, y, z);
//cos(90) = 0, cos(180) = -1, cos(270) = 0, cos(0) = 1
//sin(90) = 1, sin(180) = 0, sin(270) = -1, sin(0) = 0
//Up: Strange things occur when roll is near 90 or 270 and yaw is near 0 or 180
x = -(sinYaw * cosPitch90) * cosRoll - (sinRoll * sinYaw90);
y = -sinPitch270 * cosRoll;
z = (cosYaw * cosPitch90) * cosRoll + (sinRoll * cosYaw270);
up.set(x, y, z);
//Right: Strange things occur when roll is near 90 or 270 and pitch is near 90 or 270
x = (cosRoll * sinYaw90) - (sinRoll * (sinYaw * cosPitch90));
y = 0 - (sinRoll * sinPitch90);//This axis works fine
z = (cosRoll * cosYaw270) + (sinRoll * (sinYaw * cosPitch90));
right.set(x, y, z);
public static final double zeroRad = Math.toRadians(0);
public static final double ninetyRad = Math.toRadians(90);
public static final double oneEightyRad = Math.toRadians(180);
public static final double twoSeventyRad = Math.toRadians(270);
public static final strictfp void updateLookVectorsIn6DoF(Vector3f yawPitchAndRoll, Vector3f forward, Vector3f up, Vector3f right) {
final double yaw = Math.toRadians(yawPitchAndRoll.getX());
final double pitch = Math.toRadians(yawPitchAndRoll.getY());
final double roll = Math.toRadians(yawPitchAndRoll.getZ());
final float sinYaw = ((float) Math.sin(yaw));
final float cosYaw = ((float) Math.cos(yaw));
final float sinYaw90 = ((float) Math.sin(yaw + ninetyRad));
final float sinYaw270 = ((float) Math.sin(yaw - ninetyRad));//+ twoSeventyRad));
final float cosYaw90 = ((float) Math.cos(yaw + ninetyRad));
final float cosYaw180 = ((float) Math.cos(yaw + oneEightyRad));
final float cosYaw270 = ((float) Math.cos(yaw - ninetyRad));//+ twoSeventyRad));
final float sinRoll = ((float) Math.sin(roll));
final float cosRoll = ((float) Math.cos(roll));
final float cosRoll180 = ((float) Math.cos(roll + oneEightyRad));
final float cosPitch90 = ((float) Math.cos(pitch + ninetyRad));
final float sinPitch90 = ((float) Math.sin(pitch + ninetyRad));
final float sinPitch270 = ((float) Math.sin(pitch - ninetyRad));
//Forward:(No roll because roll goes around the Z axis and forward movement is in that axis.)
float x = sinYaw * ((float) Math.cos(pitch));
float y = -((float) Math.sin(pitch));
float z = cosYaw * ((float) Math.cos(pitch - oneEightyRad));
forward.set(x, y, z);
//Multiply in this order: roll, pitch, yaw
//cos(90) = 0, cos(180) = -1, cos(270) = 0, cos(0) = 1
//sin(90) = 1, sin(180) = 0, sin(270) = -1, sin(0) = 0
//hmm... gimbal lock, eh? No!
x = (cosRoll180 * cosPitch90 * sinYaw) - (sinRoll * cosYaw180);
y = -sinPitch270 * cosRoll;
z = (cosRoll * cosPitch90 * cosYaw) + (sinRoll * sinYaw);
up.set(x, y, z);
x = (cosRoll * sinYaw90) - (sinRoll * cosPitch90 * cosYaw90);
y = 0 - (sinRoll * sinPitch90);//This axis works fine
z = (cosRoll * cosYaw270) + (sinRoll * cosPitch90 * sinYaw270);
right.set(x, y, z);
本文向大家介绍Android简单实现无限滚动自动滚动的ViewPager,包括了Android简单实现无限滚动自动滚动的ViewPager的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 经常我们会在应用中看到一个可以自动滚动,并且无限滚动的一个ViewPager,百度谷歌上面也有很多关于这方面的教程,但是感觉都略显麻烦,而且封装的都不是很彻底。所以试着封装一个比较好用的ViewPager 效果如下: 简
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本文向大家介绍JS JQUERY实现滚动条自动滚到底的方法,包括了JS JQUERY实现滚动条自动滚到底的方法的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 设置页面加载时滚动条自动滚到底的方法: jQuery: JavaScript: 以上2种方法均可以实现页面加载时滚动条自动滚动到底,小伙伴们根据自己的实际需求,自由选择吧
我正在尝试在Android中实现一个自定义线性布局管理器。用于获得水平自动滑动的RecolyerView。但是当我试图将自定义类调用到主java类中时,我会遇到一些问题。 下面列出了我的代码所面临的问题。 请告诉上述错误的解决方法。另外,请精确的代码,以实现水平自动滑动回收视图。使用我已经提到的自定义线性布局管理器。
本文向大家介绍android实现歌词自动滚动效果,包括了android实现歌词自动滚动效果的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 最近在做Android 的MP3播放的项目,要实现歌词的自动滚动,以及同步显示。 lyric的歌词解析主要用yoyoplayer里面的,显示部分参考了这里 ,这里只是模拟MP3歌词的滚动。 先上一下效果图: 滚动实现的代码其实也简单。显示画出当前时间点的歌词,然后再分
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