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$pages_query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id), BuyerName,BuyerEmail,TransactionID,DateTime 
               FROM `order` WHERE YEAR(DateTime)= $Year AND MONTH(DateTime) = $Month") 
or die(mysql_error());

$query = mysql_query("SELECT id, BuyerName,BuyerEmail,TransactionID,DateTime 
         FROM `order` WHERE YEAR(DateTime)= $Year AND 
         MONTH(DateTime) = $Month LIMIT $start, $per_page")
or die(mysql_error());




$button = $_GET ['submit'];
$Month = $_GET ['Month'];
$Year = $_GET ['Year'];
$per_page = 5;
$adjacents = 6; 

$pages_query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id), BuyerName,BuyerEmail,TransactionID,DateTime 
FROM `order`") 
or die(mysql_error());

//get total number of pages to be shown from  total result
$pages = ceil(mysql_result($pages_query, 0) / $per_page);

//get current page from URL ,if not present set it to 1
$page = (isset($_GET['page'])) ? (int)$_GET['page'] : 1 ;

//calcuproduct_namee actual start page with respect to Mysql 
$start = ($page - 1) * $per_page;

//execute a mysql query to retrieve  all result from current page by using LIMIT keyword in mysql
//if  query  fails stop further execution and show mysql error

$query = mysql_query("SELECT id, BuyerName,BuyerEmail,TransactionID,DateTime FROM `order` 
WHERE YEAR(DateTime)= $Year AND MONTH(DateTime) = $Month LIMIT $start, $per_page")
         or die(mysql_error());

//if current page is first show first only else reduce 1 by current page
$Prev_Page = ($page==1)?1:$page - 1;

//if current page is last show last  only else add  1 to  current page
$Next_Page = ($page>=$pages)?$page:$page + 1; 

//if we are not on first page show first link
if($page!=1) $pagination.= '<a href="?page=1">First</a>';
//if we are not on first page show previous link
if($page!=1) $pagination.='<a href="?page='.$Prev_Page.'">Previous</a>';

//we are going to display 5 links on pagination bar

//find the number of links to show on right of current page
//find the number of links to show on left of current page
//if  number of links on left of current page are zero we start from 1
//find the number of links to show on right of current page and make sure it must be less than total number of pages
//start building links from left to right of current page
for($x=$lpage; $x<=$upage; $x++){
//if current building link is current page we don't show link,we show as text else we show as linkn 
$pagination.=($x == $page) ? ' <strong>'.$x.'</strong>' : ' <a href="?page='.$x.'">'.$x.'</a>' ;
//we show next link and last link if user doesn't on last page
if($page!=$pages) $pagination.=  '  <a href="?page='.$Next_Page.'">Next</a>';
if($page!=$pages) $pagination.=  ' <a href="?page='.$pages.'">Last</a>';







  • 在分页链接中添加年和月,如:


    $Month = isset($_GET ['Month']) ? $_GET ['Month'] : '1';
    $Year = isset($_GET['Year']) ? $_GET ['Year'] : '2015';




    echo "SELECT id, BuyerName,BuyerEmail,TransactionID,DateTime FROM `order` 
    WHERE YEAR(DateTime)= $Year AND MONTH(DateTime) = $Month LIMIT $start, $per_page";

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