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Properties inner3 = new Properties();
inner3.put("i1", 1);
inner3.put("i2", 100);

Properties inner2 = new Properties();
inner2.put("aStringProp", "aStringValue");
inner2.put("inner3", inner3);

Properties inner1 = new Properties();
inner1.put("aBoolProp", true);
inner1.put("inner2", inner2);

Properties topLevelProp = new Properties();
topLevelProp.put("count", 1000000);
topLevelProp.put("size", 1);
topLevelProp.put("inner1", inner1);


  "inner1": {
    "inner2": {
      "aStringProp": "aStringValue",
      "inner3": {
        "i2": 100,
        "i1": 1
    "aBoolProp": true
  "size": 1,
  "count": 1000000


Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
String json = gson.toJson(topLevelProp); //{"inner1":{"inner2":{"aStringProp":"aStringValue","inner3":{"i2":100,"i1":1}},"aBoolProp":true},"size":1,"count":1000000}

//following line throws error: Expected a string but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 12 path $.
Properties propObj = gson.fromJson(json, Properties.class); 


ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.configure(MapperFeature.PROPAGATE_TRANSIENT_MARKER, true);
mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.ALL, Visibility.NONE);
mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, Visibility.ANY);
File file = new File("configs/config1.json");
mapper.writeValue(file, topLevelProp);




Properties jckProp = JsonSerializer.mapper.readValue(json, Properties.class);

无法反序列化START_OBJECT令牌中的java.lang.String实例[Source:{"inner1":{"inner2":{"aStringProp":"aStringValue","inner3":{"i2": 100,"i1": 1}},"aBoolProp": true},"size": 1,"count": 1000000}; line: 1,列: 11](通过引用链:java.util.属性["inner1"])



ObjectNode jckProp = JsonSerializer.mapper.readValue(json, ObjectNode.class);
System.out.println("jckProp: " + jckProp);
System.out.println("jckProp.inner: " + jckProp.get("inner1"));





public class Configuration extends Properties {
    public void load(JsonElement json) {
        addJson("", json);

    public void addJson(String root, JsonElement json) {

        // recursion for objects
        if (json instanceof JsonObject) {
            if (!root.equals("")) root += ".";
            final JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject();
            for ( final Entry<String, JsonElement> e : jsonObject.entrySet() ) {
            addJson(root + e.getKey(), e.getValue());

        // recursion for arrays
        if (json instanceof JsonArray) {
            final JsonArray jsonArray = json.getAsJsonArray();
            if (!root.equals("")) root += ".";
            int count = 0;
            for(final JsonElement e : jsonArray) {
                addJson(root+count, e);

        // leaves: add property
        this.setProperty(root, json.getAsString());





final class PropertiesJsonDeserializer
        implements JsonDeserializer<Properties> {

    private static final JsonDeserializer<Properties> propertiesJsonDeserializer = new PropertiesJsonDeserializer();

    private PropertiesJsonDeserializer() {

    static JsonDeserializer<Properties> getPropertiesJsonDeserializer() {
        return propertiesJsonDeserializer;

    public Properties deserialize(final JsonElement jsonElement, final Type type, final JsonDeserializationContext context)
            throws JsonParseException {
        final Properties properties = new Properties();
        final JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject();
        for ( final Entry<String, JsonElement> e : jsonObject.entrySet() ) {
            properties.put(e.getKey(), parseValue(context, e.getValue()));
        return properties;

    private static Object parseValue(final JsonDeserializationContext context, final JsonElement valueElement) {
        if ( valueElement instanceof JsonObject ) {
            return context.deserialize(valueElement, Properties.class);
        if ( valueElement instanceof JsonPrimitive ) {
            final JsonPrimitive valuePrimitive = valueElement.getAsJsonPrimitive();
            if ( valuePrimitive.isBoolean() ) {
                return context.deserialize(valueElement, Boolean.class);
            if ( valuePrimitive.isNumber() ) {
                return context.deserialize(valueElement, Number.class); // depends on the JSON literal due to the lack of real number type info
            if ( valuePrimitive.isString() ) {
                return context.deserialize(valueElement, String.class);
            throw new AssertionError();
        if ( valueElement instanceof JsonArray ) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Arrays are unsupported due to lack of type information (a generic list or a concrete type array?)");
        if ( valueElement instanceof JsonNull ) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Nulls cannot be deserialized");
        throw new AssertionError("Must never happen");



private static final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
        .registerTypeAdapter(Properties.class, getPropertiesJsonDeserializer())

public static void main(final String... args) {
    final Properties outgoingProperties = createProperties();
    final String json = gson.toJson(outgoingProperties);
    final Properties incomingProperties = gson.fromJson(json, Properties.class);

private static Properties createProperties() {
    final Properties inner3 = new Properties();
    inner3.put("i1", 1);
    inner3.put("i2", 100);
    final Properties inner2 = new Properties();
    inner2.put("aStringProp", "aStringValue");
    inner2.put("inner3", inner3);
    final Properties inner1 = new Properties();
    inner1.put("aBoolProp", true);
    inner1.put("inner2", inner2);
    final Properties topLevelProp = new Properties();
    topLevelProp.put("count", 1000000);
    topLevelProp.put("size", 1);
    topLevelProp.put("inner1", inner1);
    return topLevelProp;




final class PropertiesJsonDeserializer
        implements JsonDeserializer<Properties> {

    private static final JsonDeserializer<Properties> propertiesJsonDeserializer = new PropertiesJsonDeserializer();

    private PropertiesJsonDeserializer() {

    static JsonDeserializer<Properties> getPropertiesJsonDeserializer() {
        return propertiesJsonDeserializer;

    public Properties deserialize(final JsonElement jsonElement, final Type type, final JsonDeserializationContext context)
            throws JsonParseException {
        final Properties properties = new Properties();
        final JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject();
        for ( final Entry<String, JsonElement> e : jsonObject.entrySet() ) {
            properties.put(e.getKey(), parseValue(context, e.getValue()));
        return properties;

    private static Object parseValue(final JsonDeserializationContext context, final JsonElement valueElement) {
        if ( valueElement instanceof JsonObject ) {
            return context.deserialize(valueElement, Properties.class);
        if ( valueElement instanceof JsonPrimitive ) {
            final JsonPrimitive valuePrimitive = valueElement.getAsJsonPrimitive();
            if ( valuePrimitive.isBoolean() ) {
                return context.deserialize(valueElement, Boolean.class);
            if ( valuePrimitive.isNumber() ) {
                return context.deserialize(valueElement, Number.class); // depends on the JSON literal due to the lack of real number type info
            if ( valuePrimitive.isString() ) {
                return context.deserialize(valueElement, String.class);
            throw new AssertionError();
        if ( valueElement instanceof JsonArray ) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Arrays are unsupported due to lack of type information (a generic list or a concrete type array?)");
        if ( valueElement instanceof JsonNull ) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Nulls cannot be deserialized");
        throw new AssertionError("Must never happen");


final class TypeAwarePropertiesSerializer
        implements JsonSerializer<Properties> {

    private static final JsonSerializer<Properties> typeAwarePropertiesSerializer = new TypeAwarePropertiesSerializer();

    private TypeAwarePropertiesSerializer() {

    static JsonSerializer<Properties> getTypeAwarePropertiesSerializer() {
        return typeAwarePropertiesSerializer;

    public JsonElement serialize(final Properties properties, final Type type, final JsonSerializationContext context) {
        final JsonObject propertiesJson = new JsonObject();
        for ( final Entry<Object, Object> entry : properties.entrySet() ) {
            final String property = (String) entry.getKey();
            final Object value = entry.getValue();
            if ( value instanceof Boolean ) {
                propertiesJson.addProperty(property, (Boolean) value);
            } else if ( value instanceof Character ) {
                propertiesJson.addProperty(property, (Character) value);
            } else if ( value instanceof Number ) {
                final JsonObject wrapperJson = newWrapperJson(value);
                wrapperJson.addProperty("_$V", (Number) value);
                propertiesJson.add(property, wrapperJson);
            } else if ( value instanceof String ) {
                propertiesJson.addProperty(property, (String) value);
            } else if ( value instanceof Properties || value instanceof Collection || value instanceof Map ) {
                propertiesJson.add(property, context.serialize(value));
            } else if ( value != null ) {
                final Class<?> aClass = value.getClass();
                if ( aClass.isArray() ) {
                    final JsonObject wrapperJson = newWrapperJson(value);
                    wrapperJson.add("_$V", context.serialize(value));
                    propertiesJson.add(property, wrapperJson);
                } else {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot process: " + value);
            } else /* now the value is always null, Properties cannot hold nulls */ {
                throw new AssertionError("Must never happen");
        return propertiesJson;

    private static JsonObject newWrapperJson(final Object value) {
        final JsonObject wrapperJson = new JsonObject();
        wrapperJson.addProperty("_$T", value.getClass().getName());
        return wrapperJson;


final class TypeAwarePropertiesDeserializer
        implements JsonDeserializer<Properties> {

    private static final JsonDeserializer<Properties> typeAwarePropertiesDeserializer = new TypeAwarePropertiesDeserializer();

    private TypeAwarePropertiesDeserializer() {

    static JsonDeserializer<Properties> getTypeAwarePropertiesDeserializer() {
        return typeAwarePropertiesDeserializer;

    public Properties deserialize(final JsonElement jsonElement, final Type type, final JsonDeserializationContext context)
            throws JsonParseException {
        try {
            final Properties properties = new Properties();
            final JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject();
            for ( final Entry<String, JsonElement> e : jsonObject.entrySet() ) {
                properties.put(e.getKey(), parseValue(context, e.getValue()));
            return properties;
        } catch ( final ClassNotFoundException ex ) {
            throw new JsonParseException(ex);

    private static Object parseValue(final JsonDeserializationContext context, final JsonElement valueElement)
            throws ClassNotFoundException {
        if ( valueElement instanceof JsonObject ) {
            final JsonObject valueObject = valueElement.getAsJsonObject();
            if ( isWrapperJson(valueObject) ) {
                return context.deserialize(getWrapperValueObject(valueObject), getWrapperClass(valueObject));
            return context.deserialize(valueElement, Properties.class);
        if ( valueElement instanceof JsonPrimitive ) {
            final JsonPrimitive valuePrimitive = valueElement.getAsJsonPrimitive();
            if ( valuePrimitive.isBoolean() ) {
                return context.deserialize(valueElement, Boolean.class);
            if ( valuePrimitive.isNumber() ) {
                throw new AssertionError("Must never happen because of 'unboxing' above");
            if ( valuePrimitive.isString() ) {
                return context.deserialize(valueElement, String.class);
            throw new AssertionError("Must never happen");
        if ( valueElement instanceof JsonArray ) {
            return context.deserialize(valueElement, Collection.class);
        if ( valueElement instanceof JsonNull ) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Nulls cannot be deserialized");
        throw new AssertionError("Must never happen");

    private static boolean isWrapperJson(final JsonObject valueObject) {
        return valueObject.has("_$T") && valueObject.has("_$V");

    private static Class<?> getWrapperClass(final JsonObject valueObject)
            throws ClassNotFoundException {
        return Class.forName(valueObject.get("_$T").getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsString());

    private static JsonElement getWrapperValueObject(final JsonObject valueObject) {
        return valueObject.get("_$V");



topLevelProp.put("ARRAY", new String[]{ "foo", "bar" });
topLevelProp.put("RAW_LIST", asList("foo", "bar"));


private static final Gson typeAwareGson = new GsonBuilder()
        .registerTypeAdapter(Properties.class, getTypeAwarePropertiesSerializer())
        .registerTypeAdapter(Properties.class, getTypeAwarePropertiesDeserializer())


{RAW_LIST=[foo, bar], inner1={inner2={aStringProp=aStringValue, inner3={i2=100, i1=1}}, aBoolProp=true}, size=1, count=1000000, ARRAY=[Ljava.lang.String;@b81eda8}
{"RAW_LIST":["foo","bar"],"inner1":{"inner2":{"aStringProp":"aStringValue","inner3":{"i2":{"_$T":"java.lang.Integer","_$V": 100},"i1":{"_$T":"java.lang.Integer","_$V": 1}},"aBoolProp": true},"size":{"_$T":"java.lang.Integer","_$V": 1},"count":{"_$T":"java.lang.Integer","_$V"=aStringValue, inner3={i2=100, i1=1}}, aBoolProp=true}, size=1, count=1000000, ARRAY=[Ljava.lang.String;@e2144e4}





The Properties class represents a persistent set of properties.
The Properties can be saved to a stream or loaded from a stream.
Each key and its corresponding value in the property list is a string.
If the store or save method is called on a "compromised" Properties    
object that contains a non-String key or value, the call will fail. 


  • 在我的servlet中,我有以下代码: 响应从 Ajax 返回,代码如下: 当我运行代码时,我仍然收到以下错误(来自 ajax): 我还尝试显示序列化对象<code>List 我收到此错误: 请帮帮忙! 编辑:这个问题的最终解决方案

  • 问题内容: 我想将一个简单的对象序列化为JSON: 但是只要我这样做: 属性名称不作为指定部分,但类似于那些直接定义在类如的情况下它不是,但。 我究竟做错了什么? 问题答案: 我通过使用此问题答案中提供的技术解决了这个问题: 这是我上的课: 用法: 我还必须修改初始类:

  • 问题内容: 我面临一个问题。我想反序列化来自服务器的复杂JSON响应,但是我只需要其中一部分。 这是一个例子: 我还使用Csharp2json获取所需的类对象,我只是根据需要修改了菜单类: 现在,如果我只需要popup值和他的孩子,我该如何反序列化? 问题答案: 如果您想尝试一下,可以实际使用NewtonSoft.Json的Linq命名空间,并稍加修改代码以仅从JSON中获取“ popup”元素。

  • 问题内容: 使用Jackson 2,我正在寻找一种 通用的 方式将对象序列化为单个值(然后序列化它们,然后再填充该单个字段),而不必重复创建JsonSerializer / JsonDeserializer来处理每种情况。@JsonIdentityInfo批注非常接近,但由于我知道,它将始终对完整的子对象进行序列化,因此略微遗漏了该标记。 这是我想做的一个例子。给定的类: 我希望Order可以序列

  • Spring Boot提供了一种优雅的方法,可以使用将带有特定键前缀的属性注入Configuration类。这是显示在这里和这里。问题是,如何将前缀属性注入到实例中,如下所示?

  • 问题内容: 我有一个模型如下: 我从返回: 当我检查JSON结果时,它确实包含所有,但是(和)上的属性不可见。 如何将这些值也包含在JSON序列化的对象中? 我尝试使用属性来装饰属性,但没有成功。 问题答案: 您的基本困难是JSON有两种类型的容器:对象和数组。从标准: 数组是值的有序集合。数组以(左括号)开始,以(右括号)结束。值之间用(逗号)分隔。 对象是名称/值对的无序集合。对象以(左大括号