@JsonRootName(value = "Bixasset")
@JsonIgnoreProperties({"hibernateLazyInitializer", "handler"})
public class Bixasset implements java.io.Serializable {
private UUID id;
private Client client;
private String name;
private String asseturl;
private Character active;
private Integer width;
private Integer height;
private String thumbnailurl;
private Date createddate;
private String filetype;
private String category;
public Bixasset() {
public Bixasset(UUID id) {
this.id = id;
public Bixasset(UUID id, Client client, String name, String asseturl,Character active, Integer width, Integer height, String thumbnailurl
,Date createddate, String filetype, String category) {
this.id = id;
this.client = client;
this.name = name;
this.asseturl = asseturl;
this.active = active;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.thumbnailurl = thumbnailurl;
this.createddate = createddate;
this.filetype = filetype;
this.category = category;
public UUID getId() {
return this.id;
public void setId(UUID id) {
this.id = id;
@ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.REMOVE })
public Client getClient() {
return this.client;
public void setClient(Client client) {
this.client = client;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getAsseturl() {
return asseturl;
public void setAsseturl(String asseturl) {
this.asseturl = asseturl;
public Character getActive() {
return active;
public void setActive(Character active) {
this.active = active;
public Integer getWidth() {
return width;
public void setWidth(Integer width) {
this.width = width;
public Integer getHeight() {
return height;
public void setHeight(Integer height) {
this.height = height;
public String getThumbnailurl() {
return thumbnailurl;
public void setThumbnailurl(String thumbnailurl) {
this.thumbnailurl = thumbnailurl;
public Date getCreateddate() {
return createddate;
public void setCreateddate(Date createddate) {
this.createddate = createddate;
public String getFiletype() {
return filetype;
public void setFiletype(String filetype) {
this.filetype = filetype;
public String getCategory() {
return category;
public void setCategory(String category) {
this.category = category;
public Response queryBixAsset(@QueryParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("filetype") String filetype, @QueryParam("category") String category, @QueryParam("token") String token) {
List<Bixasset> results = new ArrayList<Bixasset>();
UUID ClientId = dAL.validateToken(token);
if(token != null && ClientId != null){
String query ="FROM Bixasset WHERE client.id = '" + ClientId + "' ";
if(id != null && !id.equals(""))
query += " AND id = '" + id + "'";
if(filetype != null && !filetype.equals(""))
query += " AND filetype.id = '" + filetype + "'";
if(category != null && !category.equals(""))
query += " AND category = '" + category + "'";
query+= " LIMIT 1000";
results = dAL.query(query);
System.out.println("query size" + results.size());
return Response.status(401).build();
return Response.ok(results).build();
}catch(Exception e){
return Response.status(400).build();
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"client": {
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"reseller": null,
"name": "Phizzle",
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"address1": "123",
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"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"postalcode": "80130",
"country": "USA",
"description": "Phizzle Master Client"
"name": "gears_animated.gif",
"asseturl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/asdad/99f516a2-f7ef-4bc9-a627-73981a2fc3ae.gif",
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"width": 141,
"height": 141,
"thumbnailurl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/dadadsda/99f516a2-f7ef-4bc9-a627-73981a2fc3ae__thumbnail.jpg",
"createddate": 1380927929287,
"filetype": "image/gif",
"category": "Images"
{"Bixasset" [
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"client": {
"id": "388e16d6-d35e-4f8c-bba5-b1147b824473",
"reseller": null,
"name": "Phizzle",
"createddate": 1357554435574,
"address1": "123",
"address2": "",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"postalcode": "80130",
"country": "USA",
"description": "Phizzle Master Client"
"name": "gears_animated.gif",
"asseturl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/adsdadd/99f516a2-f7ef-4bc9-a627-73981a2fc3ae.gif",
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"width": 141,
"height": 141,
"thumbnailurl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/adadsd/99f516a2-f7ef-4bc9-a627-73981a2fc3ae__thumbnail.jpg",
"createddate": 1380927929287,
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] }
@XmlRootElement(name = "Bixasset")
问题内容: 我需要解析一个连续的格式良好的XML元素流,仅向其提供一个已经构造的对象。这些元素没有包含在根元素中,也没有以XML标头开头,例如,但它们都是有效的XML。 使用Java 类是行不通的,因为XML Reader希望从封闭的根元素开始解析格式良好的XML。因此,它只是读取流中的第一个元素(它被视为根元素),而在下一个元素中失败,使用典型 org.xml.sax.SAXParseExcep
我调用了一些web服务(用Ruby构造)并得到如下JSON响应: ...为了读取WS客户端中WS调用的响应,我尝试: ...但我有以下例外: 这是因为我的代码试图像这样处理JSON响应对象(带有一些'root'元素): 谢谢
问题内容: 我希望能够根据列表中包含的对象类型为根列表元素添加别名。例如,这是我当前的输出: 这就是我想要的样子: 我可以在全球范围内做到这一点,方法是说所有列表都应以硬币为别名,但是我有很多不同的列表,这是行不通的。有关如何执行此操作的任何想法?似乎它应该很简单,但事实并非如此。 编辑:我应该指定,我正在尝试将对象序列化为xml。我正在使用Spring 3 MVC作为我的Web框架。 问题答案:
问题内容: 我正在制作带有Netflix徽标的pure徽标,但遇到问题了。我创建了span元素,也创建了span 2的元素。但是,当与.netflix span:nth-进行比较时,我不知道如何将.netflix span:nth-child(2)放在z轴上。 child(2):之前。基本上,我的问题是,有什么方法可以将元素放置在z轴上,而不是根据它们的父元素而不是我们想要的任何元素。在此
我不确定以下问题是否适用于jaxb,但我还是会问。 在某个项目中,我们使用带有定义模式的jaxb来创建xml文件的下一个结构。 我们还使用jaxb的自动类生成来创建类:aaa和bbb,其中aaa生成为@XmlRootElement。 我们现在希望在新项目中使用相同的模式,该模式也将与以前的项目兼容。我想做的是使用相同的jaxb生成的类,而不需要对模式进行任何更改,以便仅将单个bbb对象封送到xml
执行以下命令时, gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=野生动物。wmv!decodebin!队列ffmpegcolorspace!自动视频接收器12月!队列音频转换!音频重采样!自动音频接收器 I获取错误如下。 这里有什么问题?