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如何在Python中HibernateSelenium WebDriver毫秒



import time

它可以让我的Selenium WebDriverHibernate一秒,但怎么可能是250毫秒呢?


import time
time.sleep(1) #sleep for 1 sec
time.sleep(0.25) #sleep for 250 milliseconds
class selenium.webdriver.support.expected_conditions.presence_of_element_located(locator)

Parameter : locator - used to find the element returns the WebElement once it is located

Description : An expectation for checking that an element is present on the DOM of a page. This does not necessarily mean that the element is visible or interactable (i.e. clickable). 
class selenium.webdriver.support.expected_conditions.visibility_of_element_located(locator)

Parameter : locator -  used to find the element returns the WebElement once it is located and visible

Description : An expectation for checking that an element is present on the DOM of a page and visible. Visibility means that the element is not only displayed but also has a height and width that is greater than 0.
class selenium.webdriver.support.expected_conditions.element_to_be_clickable(locator)

Parameter : locator - used to find the element returns the WebElement once it is visible, enabled and interactable (i.e. clickable).

Description : An Expectation for checking an element is visible, enabled and interactable such that you can click it. 
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