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我一直在学习我的书中的第3章,将下载的独立书源文件拖放到我的项目包中,但是我的包中的一些.java文件不喜欢“public static void main(string[]args)”语句,尽管我的开始和结束花括号位于正确的位置。下面是其中一个文件的示例(错误在代码的注释中描述):

    public class Rectangle
   public static void main(String[] args){
   private double length;//ERROR: illegal start of expression
   private double width;

    * Constructor

   public Rectangle(double len, double w)
      length = len;
      width = w;

    * The setLength method accepts an argument
    * that is stored in the length field. 

   public void setLength(double len)
      length = len;

    * The setWidth method accepts an argument
    * that is stored in the width field.

   public void setWidth(double w)
      width = w;

    * The set method accepts two arguments
    * that are stored in the length and width
    * fields.

   public void set(double len, double w)
      length = len;
      width = w;

    * The getLength method returns the value
    * stored in the length field.

   public double getLength()
      return length;

    * The getWidth method returns the value
    * stored in the width field.

   public double getWidth()
      return width;

    * The getArea method returns the value of the
    * length field times the width field.

   public double getArea()
      return length * width;

}//end of: public static void main(String[] args)

}//end of: public class Rectangle  ERROR: class, interface, or enum expected

在我将“public static void main(string[]args)”添加到现有的rectangle.java文件后,出现了错误。你知道为什么会这样吗?


private double length;



public static void main(String[] args)


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