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to TeamRecruiting
  ;; I ask non-complete teams to...
  ask teams with [ teamsize != (count membership-neighbors) ]
    ;; ... count how many individuals they have...
    let actualteammembers count membership-neighbors
    ;; ... to save locally how many individuals they can share...
    let teamoverlap overlap
    ;; ... their target size...
    let neededsize teamsize
    ;; ... and their identity.
    let teamwho who
    ;; then I ask those individuals that have not yet more things than they can handle...
    ask individuals with [ indMTM != (count membership-neighbors) ]
      ;; ... to save locally who they are...
      let indwho who
      let createdalink 0
      ;; ... then if some conditions have been met ...
      if(some conditions)
        ;; I create a link (of my specific type) with the team...
        create-membership-with team teamwho
        ;; I do the following because more than one individual could join the team teamwho in the same run of the function
        ask team teamwho [ set actualteammembers (actualteammembers + 1) ]
        set createdalink 1
      ;; if the association occurred, ...
      if(createdalink = 1)
        ;; we ask all other teams to evaluate if the new connection violates their maximum overlap constraint between the team I am considering from the beginning of the function, and all other teams, in other words...
        ask teams with [ who != teamwho ]
        let numpaths 0
        let team2who who
        ;; I count how many individuals say that they are shared by the two teams
        ask individuals
          if((membership-neighbor? team teamwho) and (membership-neighbor? team team2who)) [ set numpaths (numpaths + 1) ]
        ;; ... and if the number of paths is more than the maximum allowed overlap...
        if(numpaths > teamoverlap)
          ;; I take the connection away...
          ask membership teamwho indwho [ die ]
          ;; and I reduce the actual number of team members
          set actualteammembers (actualteammembers - 1)




我认为问题很可能在于你引用你请求的链接的方式membership是一个无向链接,因此哪个代理是end1,哪个是end2取决于代理的创建顺序。who编号较低的一个是end1,另一个是end2。因此,如果团队代理是在个人代理之后创建的,那么特定的链接将是membership indwho teamwho。总的来说,使用世卫组织的数字是不好的做法,但如果你使用团队和个人代理人本身,而不是他们的世卫组织数字,同样的问题也会出现。


ifelse (indwho < teamwho) [
ask membership indwho teamwho [ die ]
ask membership teamwho indwho [ die ]



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