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它打印Hello World!没有问题,请注意它几乎拥有您需要的一切:嵌套循环,您可以执行的所有命令(除了)。它仍然工作得非常好。

然而,当使用这段代码时(预期的输出也是Hello World!就像第一段代码一样):




.global main

format_str: .asciz "--<-<<+[+[<+>--->->->-<<<]>]<<--.<++++++.<<-..<<.<+.>>.>>.<<<.+++.>>.>>-.<<<+."

    pushq %rbp
    movq %rsp, %rbp

    movq $format_str, %rdi
    call brainfuck

    movq $0, %rdi
    popq %rbp
    call exit
    pushq %rbp
    movq %rsp, %rbp
    pushq %rbx
    movq $1, %r15       # use as loop counter
    movq %rdi, %rbx     # move the pointer to the first char in the string to %rbx
    movq $100000, %rdi  # allocate 100000 bytes in the heap
    call malloc         # call the actual malloc function
    movq %rax, %r12     # move the data pointer to the allocated bytes to r12
    addq $50000, %r12   # add 50000 to the location so we start in the middle. So when starting you can also go to "negative" cells
    sub $1, %rbx

    add $1, %rbx        # iterate one char over the string we have
    movzbl (%rbx),%eax  # move (%rbx) into %eax, only accesses memory once, speeding up the tests.
    cmp  $0,(%rbx)      # test for end of string
    je   .end
    cmp  $'+', %al      # test for plus
    je   .plus
    cmp  $'-', %al      # test for minus
    je   .minus
    cmp  $'>', %al      # test for right
    je   .right
    cmp  $'<', %al      # test for left
    je   .left
    cmp  $'[', %al      # test for opening bracket
    je   .openloop 
    cmp  $']', %al      # test for closing bracket
    je   .closeloop
    cmp  $'.', %al      # test for dot
    je   .dprint
    cmp  $',', %al      # test for comma
    je   .cinput
    jmp  .back          # if none match then it is an unsupported command, so iterate once over the string and jump back
    add $1,(%r12)       # add 1 to the cell the data pointer (r12) is pointing at
    jmp .back
    sub $1,(%r12)       # subtract 1 of the cell the data pointer (r12) is pointing at
    jmp .back
    add $1,%r12         # add 1 to the memory location of the data pointers, (hence moving up 1 cell)
    jmp .back
    sub $1,%r12         # subtract 1 to the memory location of the data pointers, (hence moving down 1 cell)
    jmp .back
    cmpb $0,(%r12)      # if the current cell we are pointing at is 0, jump to closing bracket
    je .jumpclose
    pushq %rbx          # save the opening bracket location on the stack (to deal with nested loops)
    jmp .back
    cmpb $0,(%r12)      # if the current cell we are pointing at is 0, exit the loop
    je .endloop
    movq (%rsp), %rbx   # if it's not 0, move the top of the stack to the rbx, so we start back at the last pushed opening bracket
    jmp .back    
    addq $8,%rsp        # if it is the end of a loop (the cell at (%r12) is 0), then we add 8 to the stack pointer, so that the next jumping position (if there is one) is at (%r12)
    jmp .back

    add $1, %r15        # increase nested loop counter
.jumpclose:             # finds the corresponding closing bracket
    add $1, %rbx        # go to next char
    movzbl (%rbx),%eax  # move rbx to eax so we access memory less often
    cmp  $']', %al      # check for closing loop
    je .closeloopfound
    cmp  $'[', %al      # check for opening loop
    je .inc_r15         # if there is another nested loop increase the loop counter
    jmp .jumpclose      # if none of those then simply jump back to iterate to the next char
    sub  $1, %r15       # when encountering a closing loop, subtract 1 from the loop counter
    cmpq $0, %r15       # r15 is intiated with 1 since when we enter a loop we also have 1 opening bracket, if its equal to 0 after the last subtraction that means we found the correct bracket
    jne  .jumpclose     # if it's not 0, then jump back to jumpclose to continue finding the correct bracket
    mov  $1, %r15       # move 1 back into r15 to take care of the next time we have to skip a loop
    jmp  .back          # jump back
    movq    $1, %rax                     # perform syscall 1 which is sys_write
    movq    $1, %rdi                     # write to stdout
    movq    %r12, %rsi                   # use the char that %r12 is pointing to, which is stored as ascii
    movq    $1, %rdx                     # write 1 byte (amount of byte)
    syscall                              # perform the system_write (print) with syscall

    jmp .back
    movq    $0, %rax                     # sys_read call number 
    movq    $1, %rdi                     # read from stdin
    movq    %r12, %rsi                   # print the ascii value of whatever %r12 is pointing to
    movq    $1, %rdx                     # write 1 char
    syscall                              # perform the system_read with syscall
    jmp .back
.end:                                    # exiting the function 
    popq %rbx                            # restore %rbx
    popq %rbp                            # restore %rbp
    ret                                  # return to the proper return adress


编辑:在进一步搜索之后,我发现了一个我错过的“警告”。我不是在进入循环时检查0,我只是在退出循环时检查0,就像一个真正的蠢驴。我已经更新了代码并添加了这个功能,幸运的是一些程序现在可以工作了(比如Daniel Cristofani的Sierpinski)。但有些程序仍然失败(上面的程序仍然失败)。现在我真的不知道该怎么办了。




add $1, (%r12) 


addb $1, (%r12) 


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