private void Recieve(IAsyncResult iar) //Called when socket receives something.
Socket server_conn = (Socket)iar.AsyncState;
if (!SocketConnected(server_conn))
logthis("Client Disconnected");
int n = server_conn.EndReceive(iar); //Stop Receiving and parse data, n is number of bytes received
ClientData asdf = null;
foreach (ClientData cls in clientlist)
if (server_conn.RemoteEndPoint == cls.clientsock.RemoteEndPoint) //Who sent this data
asdf = cls; //cls is who sent this data
//Start a new thread and pass received bytes to it in order to be parsed
var t = new Thread(() => parse(cls, n,cls.recvbuffer));
asdf.recvbuffer = new byte[1024]; //Clear buffer of client
server_conn.BeginReceive(asdf.recvbuffer, 0, asdf.recvbuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(Recieve), server_conn); //Start receiving again
private void parse(ClientData theclient, int nobytesreceived, byte[] bytesreceived)
ClientData cls = theclient;
int n = nobytesreceived;
byte[] receivedbytes = bytesreceived;
if (!cls.dataphase) //If there's no fragmented packets still waiting to be read
cls.dataphase = true;
byte[] sizeinbytes = new byte[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
sizeinbytes[i] = receivedbytes[i];
int size = BitConverter.ToInt32(sizeinbytes, 0); //Read first four bytes of packet to get size of data
if ((n - 4) == size) //If received number of bytes - 4 is equals to datasize
byte[] payload = new byte[size];
Array.Copy(receivedbytes, 4, payload, 0, (n - 4)); //Copy data to separately to payload array to be displayed to user
cls.dataphase = false; //packet read successfully
else if ((n - 4) < size) //If received amount of bytes is less than data size (fragmented data)
cls.data = new byte[size];
for (int i = 4; i <= n - 4; i++)
cls.data[i - 4] += receivedbytes[i];
cls.datasize = size; //And cls.dataphase will remain true so it can be handled correctly the next time we receive something from same client
else if((n-4) > size) //If received amount of bytes is bigger than data (lumped packets)
byte[] payload = new byte[size];
byte[] otherpacket = new byte[(n - 4) - size];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
payload[i] += receivedbytes[i + 4];
Array.Copy(receivedbytes, (size + 4), otherpacket, 0, ((n - 4) - size));
receivedbytes = new byte[(n - 4) - size];
receivedbytes = otherpacket;
cls.dataphase = false;
parse(cls, ((n - 4) - size), receivedbytes); //Send rest of packet to read again
//not implemented, supposed to handle fragmented packets
if (n >= cls.datasize)
else if (n < cls.datasize)
//not implemented, supposed to handle fragmented packets
但我只能得到: 当请求实体的内容类型不是application/x-www-form-urlencoded时,使用@FormParam 我的代码:
我使用Java11和Spring。我试图通过post将两个对象发送到控制器,但我得到了一个错误。 这里是控制器: 你知道为什么我会得到这个错误以及如何修复它吗?
我在java中创建了一个在桌面上执行时可以正常工作的Swing游戏。但是,由于不可预见的事件,我的老板现在要求将游戏变成一个小程序,以便可以嵌入到网站中(不,JWS不是一个选项)。 以下是我将游戏转换为小程序的步骤: 1)将我的main类更改为具有public ulureinit()而不是public静态ululemain(),并从Applet扩展它 2) 更改了我的myJFrame。java类现
iOS 7之前的应用程序工作正常。我今天用Xcode 6尝试了它,当我运行它时,我有一个令人不快的惊喜:(: 你知道iOS 8有什么变化吗?:/我使用了以下定向方法: (N SU整数)支持的接口方向 (BOO L)应该自动旋转 (BOO L)应自动旋转到界面方向:(UI界面方向)界面方向 编辑: 我刚刚发现这个方法: 现在我的第一个视图控制器工作正常:)。问题是当我显示一个模态(改变了UIInte
我有一个关于套接字编程的问题。当我使用套接字发送数据时,我们可以使用诸如sendto()之类的API使用TCP或UDP进行发送。对于sendto(),我们给出一个数组指针和要发送的字节数。 在这种情况下,如果我给出一个大字节数(例如:20000字节),根据我的理解,网络的MTU不会那么大,所以套接字实际上发送多个数据包,而不是一个大数据包。由于这20000字节被分成几个UDP/TCP数据包,但这2
问题内容: 在我的Ajax代码中,我正在向go lang api发送一个关联数组,但是go lang不会接收任何数组。为什么? 为什么这个Ajax不会将数组发送到Go API?在下面的mvc结构中,我想要接收此数据: 问题答案: 您不能直接将数组从客户端发送到服务器,因为数组定义在两侧可能不相同。 有两种解决方法: 一个。您可以在clinet中将数组转换为json字符串,然后将其作为字符串参数发送