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var options = new CookieOptions
    SameSite = SameSiteMode.None






options.Path += "; samesite=None";

然后,可以在响应的 Set-Cookie 标头中找到它。




Charles Chen概述的方法——使用处理程序制作带有SameSite=无Secure集的每个cookie的副本——具有实现不引人注目的优势,并结合了一种与不支持SameSite=无的浏览器兼容的简单方法正确。对于我的情况——支持较旧的. NET版本——这种方法是一种救命稻草,但是当尝试使用Charles的代码时,我遇到了一些问题,使它无法“按原样”为我工作。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;

namespace SameSiteHttpModule
    public class SameSiteModule : IHttpModule
        // Suffix includes a randomly generated code to minimize possibility of cookie copies colliding with original names
        private const string SuffixForCookieCopy = "-same-site-j4J6bSt0";
        private Regex _cookieNameRegex;
        private Regex _cookieSameSiteAttributeRegex;
        private Regex _cookieSecureAttributeRegex;

        /// <inheritdoc />
        /// <summary>
        ///     Set up the event handlers.
        /// </summary>
        public void Init(HttpApplication context)
            // Initialize regular expressions used for making a cookie copy

            // This one is the OUTBOUND side; we add the extra cookies
            context.PreSendRequestHeaders += OnPreSendRequestHeaders;

            // This one is the INBOUND side; we coalesce the cookies
            context.BeginRequest += OnBeginRequest;

        /// <summary>
        ///     The OUTBOUND LEG; we add the extra cookie
        /// </summary>
        private void OnPreSendRequestHeaders(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var application = (HttpApplication) sender;
            var response = application.Context.Response;
            var cookieCopies = CreateCookieCopiesToSave(response);
            SaveCookieCopies(response, cookieCopies);

        /// <summary>
        ///     The INBOUND LEG; we coalesce the cookies
        /// </summary>
        private void OnBeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var application = (HttpApplication) sender;
            var request = application.Context.Request;
            var cookiesToRestore = CreateCookiesToRestore(request);
            RestoreCookies(request, cookiesToRestore);

        #region Supporting code for saving cookies

        private IEnumerable<string> CreateCookieCopiesToSave(HttpResponse response)
            var cookieStrings = response.Headers.GetValues("set-cookie") ?? new string[0];
            var cookieCopies = new List<string>();

            foreach (var cookieString in cookieStrings)
                bool createdCopy;
                var cookieStringCopy = TryMakeSameSiteCookieCopy(cookieString, out createdCopy);
                if (!createdCopy) continue;

            return cookieCopies;

        private static void SaveCookieCopies(HttpResponse response, IEnumerable<string> cookieCopies)
            foreach (var cookieCopy in cookieCopies)
                response.Headers.Add("set-cookie", cookieCopy);

        private void InitializeMatchExpressions()
            _cookieNameRegex = new Regex(@"
                (?'prefix'          # Group 1: Everything prior to cookie name
                    ^\s*                # Start of value followed by optional whitespace
                (?'cookie_name'     # Group 2: Cookie name
                    [^\s=]+             # One or more characters that are not whitespace or equals
                (?'suffix'          # Group 3: Everything after the cookie name
                    .*$                 # Arbitrary characters followed by end of value
                RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);

            _cookieSameSiteAttributeRegex = new Regex(@"
                (?'prefix'          # Group 1: Everything prior to SameSite attribute value
                    ^.*                 # Start of value followed by 0 or more arbitrary characters
                    ;\s*                # Semicolon followed by optional whitespace
                    SameSite            # SameSite attribute name
                    \s*=\s*             # Equals sign (with optional whitespace around it)
                (?'attribute_value' # Group 2: SameSite attribute value
                    [^\s;]+             # One or more characters that are not whitespace or semicolon
                (?'suffix'          # Group 3: Everything after the SameSite attribute value
                    .*$                 # Arbitrary characters followed by end of value
                RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);

            _cookieSecureAttributeRegex = new Regex(@"
                ;\s*                # Semicolon followed by optional whitespace
                Secure              # Secure attribute value
                \s*                 # Optional whitespace
                (?:;|$)             # Semicolon or end of value",
                RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);

        private string TryMakeSameSiteCookieCopy(string cookie, out bool success)
            if (!AddNameSuffix(ref cookie))
                // could not add the name suffix so unable to copy cookie (generally should not happen)
                success = false;
                return null;

            var addedSameSiteNone = AddSameSiteNone(ref cookie);
            var addedSecure = AddSecure(ref cookie);

            if (!addedSameSiteNone && !addedSecure)
                // cookie already has SameSite and Secure attributes so don't make copy
                success = false;
                return null;

            success = true;
            return cookie;

        private bool AddNameSuffix(ref string cookie)
            var match = _cookieNameRegex.Match(cookie);
            if (!match.Success)
                // Could not find the cookie name in order to modify it
                return false;

            var groups = match.Groups;
            var nameForCopy = groups["cookie_name"] + SuffixForCookieCopy;
            cookie = string.Concat(groups["prefix"].Value, nameForCopy, groups["suffix"].Value);
            return true;

        private bool AddSameSiteNone(ref string cookie)
            var match = _cookieSameSiteAttributeRegex.Match(cookie);
            if (!match.Success)
                cookie += "; SameSite=None";
                return true;

            var groups = match.Groups;

            if (groups["attribute_value"].Value.Equals("None", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // SameSite=None is already present, so we will not add it
                return false;

            // Replace existing SameSite value with "None"
            cookie = string.Concat(groups["prefix"].Value, "None", groups["suffix"].Value);
            return true;

        private bool AddSecure(ref string cookie)
            if (_cookieSecureAttributeRegex.IsMatch(cookie))
                // Secure is already present so we will not add it
                return false;

            cookie += "; Secure";
            return true;


        #region Supporting code for restoring cookies

        private static IEnumerable<HttpCookie> CreateCookiesToRestore(HttpRequest request)
            var cookiesToRestore = new List<HttpCookie>();

            for (var i = 0; i < request.Cookies.Count; i++)
                var inboundCookie = request.Cookies[i];
                if (inboundCookie == null) continue;

                var cookieName = inboundCookie.Name;

                if (!cookieName.EndsWith(SuffixForCookieCopy, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    continue; // Not interested in this cookie since it is not a copied cookie.

                var originalName = cookieName.Substring(0, cookieName.Length - SuffixForCookieCopy.Length);

                if (request.Cookies[originalName] != null)
                    continue; // We have the original cookie, so we are OK; just continue.

                cookiesToRestore.Add(new HttpCookie(originalName, inboundCookie.Value));

            return cookiesToRestore;

        private static void RestoreCookies(HttpRequest request, IEnumerable<HttpCookie> cookiesToRestore)
            // We need to inject cookies as if they were the original.
            foreach (var cookie in cookiesToRestore)
                // Add to the cookie header for non-managed modules
                // https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2666571/cookies-added-by-a-managed-httpmodule-are-not-available-to-native-ihtt
                if (request.Headers["cookie"] == null)
                    request.Headers.Add("cookie", $"{cookie.Name}={cookie.Value}");
                    request.Headers["cookie"] += $"; {cookie.Name}={cookie.Value}";

                // Also add to the request cookies collection for managed modules.


        public void Dispose()


  • 复制的cookie保留了网站正确运行所需的属性,例如PathExpires
  • 恢复cookie时,除了添加到Cookie标头之外,它们还被添加到. NETHttpRequest.Cookies集合中,这是必要的,例如为了避免丢失ASP.NET会话。
  • 在恢复cookie时,避免创建重复的Cookie标头的可能性,这将违反RFC 6265并可能导致应用程序出现问题。


    < li >向现有应用程序添加处理程序代码 < li >编译成DLL以部署到应用程序的bin文件夹中 < li >编译成DLL并添加到GAC中


    <add name="SameSiteModule" type="SameSiteHttpModule.SameSiteModule, CustomSameSiteModule" />

P. S.查尔斯,我是var的粉丝,对不起:)





看起来问题是,虽然< code>SameSite枚举有一个< code>None值,该值被解释为不提供< code>SameSite属性的默认值。您可以在< code > SetCookieHeaderValue 的代码中看到这一点,该代码只有< code>Strict和< code>Lax的标记值。

设置同一站点=无;安全 Cookie 您应该自己发送 Set-Cookie 标头。


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