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public interface SimpleAgenda {

    public List<String> getAppointments();

    public String getAppointment(Date d);

    public void addAppointments(Date d, String label);

public class MyAgenda implements SimpleAgenda {

    private Map<String, String> appointments;

    public List<String> getAppointments() {
        List<String> lst = new ArrayList<String>();
        System.out.println(this.appointments == null);
        for (String key : this.appointments.keySet()) {
            String label = this.appointments.get(key);

        return lst;

    public String getAppointment(Date d) {
        String dateString = d.toString();
        String app = this.appointments.get(dateString);
        return app;

    public void addAppointments(Date d, String label) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        // this behavior is not implemented yet in this class

// @RunWith attaches a runner with the test class to initialize the test data
public class AgendaTest {

    private static final String LABEL = "This is a mock appointment for: ";

    // @InjectMocks annotation is used to create and inject the mock object
    MyAgenda agenda = new MyAgenda();

    // @Mock annotation is used to create the mock object to be injected
    Map<String, String> mockedAppointments;

    public void createMocks() {
        Date d1 = (new GregorianCalendar(120, 4, 15)).getTime();
        Date d2 = (new GregorianCalendar(119, 7, 31)).getTime();

        String key;

        key = d1.toString();
        // add the mocked behavior of for a set of given dates
        when(mockedAppointments.get(key)).thenReturn(LABEL + key);

        key = d2.toString();
        // 1. add the mocked behavior of for a set of given dates.
        // 2. Strict stubbing that requires that all declared stubs are actually used
        //    the statement lenient() relax this requirement. Check the manual. 
        lenient().when(mockedAppointments.get(key)).thenReturn(LABEL + key);


    public void mockTest() {
        for (String key : mockedAppointments.keySet()) {
            String v = mockedAppointments.get(key);
// Do not worry, we will never reach this line. We are querying the object on 
// method that was not mocked (i.e. keySet).            

        int size = mockedAppointments.size();

        Assert.assertEquals(2, size);

    public void simpleTest() {
        int appCounter = agenda.getAppointments().size();
// Do not expect that appCounter is 2 (or more in general different than 0) ... 
// we are actually querying an object that was not mocked!!!
// See the details of the implementation of the method: MyAgenda.getAppointments()
        Assert.assertEquals(0, appCounter);


  1. mocktest()中,当我调用mockedappointments.keyset()时,它返回一个空集...我的问题是:为什么mockedAppointments.keyset()不抛出nullpointerexception(只声明mockedappoinceptions)?也许因为这是一个嘲弄?如果原因是这样,为什么模拟不抛出“NullPointerException”?
  2. simpletest()中,我们有agenda.getpartications().size();Agenda.getDartications()包含system.out.println(this.aptications==null);和这行打印“false”是我保留@injectmocks注释,否则为“true”,但为什么?在第一种情况下(@injectmocks被保留),“议程”的“约会”属性在哪里初始化?它被初始化是因为我们将mocked约会的值注入其中吗?如果是,那么Mockito是否只根据测试类中定义的模拟类型和MyAgenda中定义的属性类型来执行此操作?


  1. qn为什么mockedAppointments.keyset()不抛出nullPointerException(只声明mockedappoinctions)?也许因为这是一个嘲弄?如果原因是这样的话,为什么模拟不抛出“NullPointerException”呢?
  2. 2.0Qn system.out.println(this.appings==null);行打印“false”是我保留@injectmocks注释,否则“true”,但为什么呢?
    答案是:在junit或mockito System.out.println中不起作用,而是使用logger。
private MyAgenda agenda;


 private MyAgenda agenda; 
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