| Varname | Component | names | cities |
| A | B | Jack,Bruce | New york |
| B | | Cathy | Boston,Miami |
| C | | Bob | New york |
| D | C | Dick,Nancy | Austin,Dallas |
| E | A,C | | |
| F | | Mandy | Manchester |
| Varname | Component | names | cities |
| A | | Jack,Bruce,Cathy | New york,Boston,Miami |
| B | | Cathy | Boston,Miami |
| C | | Bob | New york |
| D | | Dick,Nancy,Bob | Austin,Dallas,New york |
| E | | Jack,Bruce,Cathy,Bob | New york,Boston,Miami |
| F | | Mandy | Manchester |
结构(列表(Varname=structure(1:6,.标签=c(“A”,“B”,“c”,“D”,“E”,“F”),类=“因子”),成分=结构(c(3L,1L,1L,4L,2L,1L),标签=c(“”,“A,c”,“B”,“c”),类=“因子”),名字=结构(c(5L,3L,2L,4L,6L),标签=c(“”,“鲍勃”,“凯茜”,“迪克,南希”,“杰克,布鲁斯”,“曼迪”),类=“因子”),城市=结构(c(5L,3L,5L,2L,2L,4L,4L),标签=c(“奥斯汀”,达拉斯“,”波士顿,迈阿密“,”曼彻斯特“,”纽约“),class=”因子“),.names=c(”varname“,”Component“,”names“,”cithtml" target="_blank">ions“),class=”data.frame“,row.names=c(NA,-6L))
starting_df <- read.table(text="Varname|Component|names|cities
A||Jack,Bruce|New york
C|A|Bob|New york
D|C|Dick,Nancy|Austin,Dallas",header=T, sep="|", stringsAsFactors=F)
##Grab all the rows whose Component values are in the Varname column and vice-versa
intermediate_df <- starting_df[(starting_df$Varname %in% starting_df$Component | starting_df$Component %in% starting_df$Varname ),]
##Change the rows in the names and cities columns to match your desired output (sorry about the for loop)
for (x in 1:nrow(intermediate_df)) {
if (x == 1) {
intermediate_df[x,'names'] <- intermediate_df$names[x]
intermediate_df[x,'cities'] <- intermediate_df$cities[x]
} else {
intermediate_df[x,'names'] <- paste0(unique(unlist(strsplit(paste(intermediate_df$names[x-1],intermediate_df$names[x],sep = ","),split=","))),collapse=",")
intermediate_df[x,'cities'] <- paste0(unique(unlist(strsplit(paste(intermediate_df$cities[x-1],intermediate_df$cities[x],sep = ","),split=","))),collapse=",")
##Binding the new dataset with the starting dataset (but only Varnames that are in the new dataset)
final_df <- rbind(intermediate_df,starting_df[!(starting_df$Varname %in% intermediate_df$Varname),])
##Order by the Varname column to get the desired output
final_df <- final_df[order(final_df$Varname),]
Varname Component names cities
A Jack,Bruce New york
B Cathy Boston,Miami
C A Jack,Bruce,Bob New york
D C Jack,Bruce,Bob,Dick,Nancy New york,Austin,Dallas
##Setting up the new dataset
starting_df1 <- structure(list(Varname = structure(1:6, .Label = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"), class = "factor"),
Component = structure(c(3L, 1L, 1L, 4L, 2L, 1L), .Label = c("", "A,C", "B", "C"), class = "factor"),
names = structure(c(5L, 3L, 2L, 4L, 1L, 6L), .Label = c("", "Bob", "Cathy", "Dick,Nancy", "Jack,Bruce", "Mandy"), class = "factor"),
cities = structure(c(5L, 3L, 5L, 2L, 1L, 4L), .Label = c("", "Austin,Dallas", "Boston,Miami", "Manchester", "New york" ), class = "factor")),
.Names = c("Varname", "Component", "names", "cities"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -6L ))
##Change the fields from factor variables to characters (so that you can use them for concatenating)
starting_df1 <- data.frame(apply(starting_df1, 2, FUN = function(x) {
}), stringsAsFactors = F)
##Nested for loops: For every row that has a value for the Component column, find its matches (and their indices) in the Varname column
##Then for the combination of indices to change the values you wish to change through concatenation operations for both the names and cities columns
for (i in which(!nchar(starting_df1$Component)==0)) {
holder <- which(grepl(paste0(unlist(strsplit(starting_df1$Component[i],split=",")),collapse="|"),starting_df1$Varname))
for (j in holder) {
if (nchar(starting_df1$names[i])!=0) {
starting_df1[i, "names"] <- paste0(unique(unlist(strsplit(paste(starting_df1$names[i],starting_df1$names[j],sep = ","),split=","))),collapse=",")
starting_df1[i, "cities"] <- paste0(unique(unlist(strsplit(paste(starting_df1$cities[i],starting_df1$cities[j],sep = ","),split=","))),collapse=",")
} else {
starting_df1[i, "names"] <- starting_df1$names[j]
starting_df1[i, "cities"] <- starting_df1$cities[j]
print(starting_df1, row.names = F, right = F)
Varname Component names cities
A B Jack,Bruce,Cathy New york,Boston,Miami
B Cathy Boston,Miami
C Bob New york
D C Dick,Nancy,Bob Austin,Dallas,New york
E A,C Jack,Bruce,Cathy,Bob New york,Boston,Miami
F Mandy Manchester
我有一些数据,其中每个id由不同的类型测量,这些类型可以有不同的值。测量值为val。一个小的虚拟数据如下所示: 那么df是: 我需要传播/投射数据,以便每个id的
本文向大家介绍如何基于R数据帧列的值获取行索引?,包括了如何基于R数据帧列的值获取行索引?的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 R数据帧的一行可以在列中具有多种方式,并且这些值可以是数字,逻辑,字符串等。基于行号查找值很容易,但是基于值查找行号却很不同。如果要在特定列中查找特定值的行号,则可以提取整行,这似乎是一种更好的方法,可以使用单个方括号来获取行的子集。 示例 请看以下数据帧- 输出结果
data.table,我们可以根据行号或条件选择行: 但是,我不能同时选择行数和条件: 这可能是因为在这种格式下没有被解释为行号。我知道我可以链接这两个条件: 但是我想为这个子集分配新的列值 现在,它只为中间链接的 data.table 创建了列。我可以保存中间表,然后合并回原始表,但那会很麻烦。 实际上,我经常觉得 需要一个正确的行号。一个依赖于组的动态数字,但我想要一个可以识别每一行的唯一ID
为此,我尝试使用lapply和一个自定义函数: 我知道我可以用一堆联合声明来做到这一点,或者也许有一种方法可以用循环和联合来做到这一点。但是考虑到需要遍历的列数,我想尝试用一种更优雅的方式来完成它。