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using System; 
using System.IO;

public class caesar_shift
    public static void Main()
        string file = @"C:\Users\terasss2\Desktop\Programming and Data Structures\caesarShiftEncodedText.txt";      //String variable that stores a file location
        string encrypted_text = File.ReadAllText(file);     //String variable that contains the text from a file. To get the text, the method in a class SystemIO is ran to read the text. It expects a parameter, which is a file directory.
        string decoded_text = " ";
        int shift = 0;
        char character = '0';

        char[] alphabet = new char[26]{'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'};

        Console.WriteLine("The encrypted text is \n{0}", encrypted_text);       //Display the encrypted text

        for(int i = 0; i < alphabet.Length; i++)        //Start a loop which will display 25 different candidates of decipher
            foreach(char c in encrypted_text)
                character = c;

                if(character == '\'' || character == ' ')

                shift = Array.IndexOf(alphabet, character) - i;     //Define a shift which is the index of a character in an alphabet array, take away the itteration of this loop. Store the result in a variable

                if(shift <= 0)
                    shift = shift + 26;

                if(shift >= 26)
                    shift = shift - 26;

                character = alphabet[shift];    //Set the character to a shifted letter by accessing the array element of a value shift


                decoded_text = decoded_text + character; 

            Console.WriteLine("\nShift {0} \n {1}",i + 1, decoded_text);





public static void Main()
        string encrypted_text = "BCD";     //String variable that contains the text from a file. To get the text, the method in a class SystemIO is ran to read the text. It expects a parameter, which is a file directory.
        string decoded_text = " ";
        int shift = 0;
        char character = '0';
        encrypted_text = encrypted_text.ToUpper();

        char[] alphabet = new char[26] { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' };

        Console.WriteLine("The encrypted text is \n{0}", encrypted_text);       //Display the encrypted text

        for (int i = 0; i < alphabet.Length; i++)        //Start a loop which will display 25 different candidates of decipher
            decoded_text = "";
            foreach (char c in encrypted_text)
                character = c;

                if (character == '\'' || character == ' ')

                shift = Array.IndexOf(alphabet, character) - i;     //Define a shift which is the index of a character in an alphabet array, take away the itteration of this loop. Store the result in a variable
                if (shift <= 0)
                    shift = shift + 26;

                if (shift >= 26)
                    shift = shift - 26;

                decoded_text += alphabet[shift];
            Console.WriteLine("\nShift {0} \n {1}", i + 1, decoded_text);
  • 基本上,我必须创建一个凯撒密码,它只是用一个int'k'以外的字母替换给出的每个字母。这需要2个命令行参数:“./caesar”和“k”,它们由用户提供。它工作得很好;但有一个问题: 它将“Barfoo”加密为“Eduirr”,使用3作为正确的密钥;将“Barfoo”加密为“Fevjss”,使用4作为正确的密钥 但是它不是用65作为密钥将“barfoo”加密为“onesbb”,而是将其加密为“oo

  • 因此,目前我的凯撒密码程序运行良好,每当我使用小写字母。但是,当我用大写输入一个单词或短语时,我想让它工作。这是我现在有的代码。希望你们能帮我完成这件事。 def encrypt(消息,距离):“”将获取消息并将其旋转到距离,以创建加密消息“” def decrypt(消息,距离):“”“将解密上面的消息”“” def binaryConversion(消息):“”“将把单词转换成二进制代码”“

  • 我需要编写一个python、hacker和wow这些单词的加密文本,并且使用不包括使用RAW_INPUT的python中的凯撒密码,距离为3。这是我到目前为止,但我不断得到一个错误消息,我不知道如何修复它。

  • 问题内容: 我通过java进行了凯撒密码,它可以运行,但是在用户输入密钥后不对任何内容进行加密! 这是我的代码 跑: 问题答案: 使用效率不是很高…您可以对值进行整数运算以获得其索引。 我在代码中添加了注释以解释更多信息,但这就是我想出的。 输出应该是这样的

  • 我写了一个程序,对字母表中字母对应的数字进行加密和解密,但我如何做到当我要求输入时,我将每个字母分配给它的数字,然后进行操作,打印信息的加密和解密,而不需要几行代码?这是我的程序: 我想能够只是输入一些类似“你好”,然后它将加密和解密的消息。