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    public void addEmployee(int ty, String fn, String ln, char mi, char gen, int empNum, boolean ft, double p)
    if(ty == 1)
        hourlyE = new HourlyEmployee();
        hourlyE.HourlyEmployee(fn, ln, mi, gen, empNum, ft, p);
    else if(ty == 2)
        salaryE = new SalaryEmployee();
        salaryE.SalaryEmployee(fn, ln, mi, gen, empNum, ft, p);
    else if(ty == 3)
        commE = new CommissionEmployee();
        commE.CommissionEmployee(fn, ln, mi, gen, empNum, ft, p);



public void removeEmployee(int)
//Removes an Employee located at the given index from the Employee array. 
public void listAll()
//Lists all the current Employees. Outputs there are none if there are none. 
public void listHourly()
//Lists all the current HourlyEmployees. Outputs there are none if there are none. 
public void listSalary()
//Lists all the current SalaryEmployees. Outputs there are none if there are none. 
public void listCommission()
//Lists all the current CommissionEmployees. Outputs there are none if there are none. 
public void resetWeek()
//Resets the week for all Employees. Method written in each employee class.
public double calculatePayout()
//Returns the total weekly payout for all Employees. There is a weekly payout method in each employee class
public void removeRedundancies()
//Removes any duplicate Employees, keeping the Employee that appeared earlier in the array. 
public int getIndex(int)
//Given an Employee Number, returns the index of that Employee in the array, if the Employee doesn’t exist retuns -1. 
public void sortNumber()
//Sorts the Employees by Employee Number. 
public void sortName()
//Sorts the Employees by Name. Primarily by last name, secondary by first name. Don’t worry about middle initial. 
public void annualRaises()
//Applies annual raise to all current Employees. Each class has a method already written in it
public double holidayBonuses()
//Outputs and returns the total holiday bonus of all Employees. Each class has a method in it to calculate the holiday bonus
public void increaseHours(int, double)
//Increase the hours worked of the Employee at the given index by the given double amount. Will only be for the hourlyEmployee type. I have the method written there already.
public void increaseSales(int, double)
//Increase the sales of the Employee at the given index by the given double amount. Only for the salaryEmployee now. Again I already have the method written there.



private Employee employees[];
private final int employeeMax = 100;
private int currentEmployees

    public EmployeeManager()
        employees[] = new Employee[employeeMax];
        currentEmployees = 0;





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