If VBA.DateValue(VBA.Now) - VBA.DateValue(Folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime) <= 60 Then
我认为我的代码没有读取< code>ReceivedTime。我正在使用微软Excel 2010。我如何修理它?
Option Explicit
Sub Download_Outlook_Mail_To_Excel()
'Add Tools->References->"Microsoft Outlook nn.n Object Library"
'nn.n varies as per our Outlook Installation
Dim Folder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim sFolders As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim iRow As Integer, oRow As Integer
Dim MailBoxName As String, Pst_Folder_Name As String
'Mailbox or PST Main Folder Name (As how it is displayed in your Outlook Session)
MailBoxName = "xxxx@yyyy.com"
'Mailbox Folder or PST Folder Name (As how it is displayed in your Outlook Session)
Pst_Folder_Name = "Inbox" 'Sample "Inbox" or "Sent Items"
'To directly a Folder at a high level
Set Folder = Outlook.Session.Folders(MailBoxName).Folders(Pst_Folder_Name)
'To access a main folder or a subfolder (level-1)
For Each Folder In Outlook.Session.Folders(MailBoxName).Folders
If VBA.UCase(Folder.Name) = VBA.UCase(Pst_Folder_Name) Then GoTo Label_Folder_Found
For Each sFolders In Folder.Folders
If VBA.UCase(sFolders.Name) = VBA.UCase(Pst_Folder_Name) Then
Set Folder = sFolders
GoTo Label_Folder_Found
End If
Next sFolders
Next Folder
If Folder.Name = "" Then
MsgBox "Invalid Data in Input"
GoTo End_Lbl1:
End If
'Read Through each Mail and export the details to Excel for Email Archival
Folder.Items.Sort "Received"
'Insert Column Headers
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1) = "Body"
'Export eMail Data from PST Folder
oRow = 1
For iRow = 1 To Folder.Items.Count
'If condition to import mails received in last 60 days
'To import all emails, comment or remove this IF condition
If VBA.DateValue(VBA.Now) - VBA.DateValue(Folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime) <= 60 Then
' ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(oRow, 1).Select
oRow = oRow + 1
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(oRow, 1) = Folder.Items.Item(iRow).Body
End If
Next iRow
MsgBox "Outlook Mails Extracted to Excel"
Set Folder = Nothing
Set sFolders = Nothing
End Sub
dim vItems as Outlook.Items
dim vItem As Object
set vItems = Folder.Items
For iRow = 1 To vItems.Count
set vItem = vItems.Item(iRow)
if vItem.Class = 43 Then
'If condition to import mails received in last 60 days
'To import all emails, comment or remove this IF condition
If VBA.DateValue(VBA.Now) - VBA.DateValue(vItem.ReceivedTime) <= 60 Then
oRow = oRow + 1
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(oRow, 1) = vItem.Body
End If
End If
Next iRow
我需要简单地计算一张纸上的区域数。我的密码是: 但是由于某种原因,我收到错误消息“Object 不支持此属性或方法。”我不知道为什么。这段代码基本上只是从微软网站复制的。 我甚至无法使用即时窗口打印部分。 有什么快速的帮助吗?我正在使用Excel 2010。 谢了。
我有以下rails配置: 有没有人对是什么导致了这个错误有什么建议?
问题内容: 我在Surface Pro 3上安装了Rails,并在尝试查看页面后遇到此错误。我尝试了一些建议,例如使用libv8安装rubyracer,但没有帮助。 TypeError:对象不支持此属性或方法(在c:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.0.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/turbolinks-2.5.3/lib/assets/javascripts/t
TypeError:对象不支持此属性或方法(在C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.0.0/Lib/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/Gems/Turbolinks-2.5.3/Lib/Assets/JavaScripts/Turbolinks.js.coffee中) 这是我的Gemfile:
本文向大家介绍对象不支持此属性或方法: Session.CodePage = 936 解决方法,包括了对象不支持此属性或方法: Session.CodePage = 936 解决方法的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 今天调试网站时在后台出现这样的错误,“Microsoft VBScript 运行时错误 '800a01b6' 对象不支持此属性或方法: 'Session.CodePage'”
问题内容: 我的应用程序中有一个选项,用户可以停用其个人资料。只有管理员可以再次激活它们。 我有一类有两种方法 检查具有该userName的用户是否存在并且其个人资料已停用 然后再次激活用户的个人资料 我在输入类型按钮的click事件上调用JavaScript函数。这段代码在Chrome和Mozilla上正常运行,但是在Internet Explorer上却出现此错误: SCRIPT438:对