package com.company;
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Asks a question and lets the user input an answer, saved as the int Dividend
System.out.println("How many numbers do you want to average?");
Scanner dividend = new Scanner(System.in);
int Dividend = dividend.nextInt();
//this is a variable set in order to make the while statement work for any number
int change = 0;
//Asks for the numbers that should be averaged
System.out.println("Enter the numbers to find their average: ");
/*This is saying that while change is less than the amount of numbers being averaged,
continue to provide an input for numbers*/
while (change <= Dividend) {
int Num = 0;
int nums = 0;
Scanner num = new Scanner(System.in);
//I am trying to add the input to num so I can average them
nums = num.nextInt();
Num += nums;
/*this is making sure that change is letting the code run through the exact amount of necessary times
in order to input the correct amount of numbers*/
//once all of the numbers have been put in, average them
if (change == Dividend) {
System.out.println("Average: " + Num / Dividend);
在这个java程序中,您(用户)不断输入数字,直到您输入零,这是列表终止的时候。它将计算正和偶数 我被困在获取偶数正数和、奇数正数和以及负数和的平均值的部分。
代码应该得到第一个数字之后的数字的平均值,所以对于第一行[3 1 2 3],平均值是2.0,因为(1 2 3=6/3=2.0),但代码只给了我0。
我想通过使用或任何其他函数在R中制作以下序列。 基本上,。
我学Java已经有几个星期了,所以我不是很有经验。我遇到了一个错误,什么都没有打印,不知道为什么。这是我的密码 我输入数字后,什么也没打印出来。。
这是一个塔克店的节目! http://paste.ubuntu.com/5967772/ 给出错误