@Table(name = "contacts")
public class Contact implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private double k_Contact;
private String name;
// There are several other variables here
name = "PROJ_CONT",
joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "K_CONTACT", referencedColumnName="K_CONTACT"),
inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "K_PROJECT", referencedColumnName="K_PROJECT"))
private Set<Project> projects = new HashSet<>();
joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "K_CONTACT", referencedColumnName="K_CONTACT"),
inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "F_COCE_MAIN", referencedColumnName="K_CONT_MEDE_COCE"))
private Coce coce;
public Contact() {
public Contact(double k_Contact) {
this.k_Contact = k_Contact;
public Contact(double k_Contact, String name, String firstName, String email1, Byte[] picture) {
this.k_Contact = k_Contact;
this.name = name;
this.firstName = firstName;
this.email1 = email1;
this.picture = picture;
public Contact(double k_Contact, String name, String firstName, String email1, Byte[] picture, Coce coce, Set<Project> projects) {
this.k_Contact = k_Contact;
this.name = name;
this.firstName = firstName;
this.email1 = email1;
this.picture = picture;
this.coce = coce;
this.projects = projects;
// plus getters and setters
@Table(name = "projects")
public class Project implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private double k_Project;
private String name;
private LocalDateTime d_Start;
private LocalDateTime d_End;
public Project() {
public Project(double K_PROJECT, String NAME) {
this.k_Project = K_PROJECT;
this.name = NAME;
@Table(name = "LK_CONT_MEDE_COCE")
public class Coce implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private double k_Cont_Mede_Coce;
private String competence_Cente;
private String unipartners;
public Coce() {
public Coce(double k_Cont_Mede_Coce, String competence_Cente, String unipartners) {
this.k_Cont_Mede_Coce = k_Cont_Mede_Coce;
this.competence_Cente = competence_Cente;
this.unipartners = unipartners;
public interface ContactRepository extends JpaRepository<Contact, Double> {
@Query("select c.k_Contact, c.name, c.firstName, c.email1, c.picture, c.coce, c.project from Contact c where c.k_Contact is :id")
Optional<Contact> findContactById(@Param("id") Double id);
MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'as col_6_0_, coce1_.k_Cont_Mede_Coce as k_Cont_M1_3_0_, project3_.k_Project as k' at line 1
@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "projects")
private Set<Contact> contacts = new HashSet<Contact>();
public class Role {
@Column(name = "id", unique = true, nullable = false)
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Integer id;
@ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinTable(joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "role_id"), inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "user_id"))
private Set<User> users = new HashSet<>();
[getter / setter]
public class User {
@Column(name = "id", unique = true, nullable = false)
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
@ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "users")
private Set<Role> userRole = new HashSet<>();
[getter / setter]
使用Spring boot 1.4.3.和hibernate 5.0.11对Spring data jpa进行以下配置,我得到SQL错误:-5501,SQLState:42501用户缺乏特权或找不到对象:角色 我的配置有什么问题? 应用程序.属性: ConfigForJPA: } } 控制台2:
问题内容: 我的“其他”有两个错误,我不知道该怎么办。他们被标记为评论!!导入了“ Punto”和“ Cuadrante”。还有一个枚举。 问题答案: 您可以使用if and else if实现您想要的 如果有的话,您可以拥有更多。 您当前的代码缺少一些右括号,这会导致您所拥有的错误,并且可以通过以下方式修复: 另一种/更好的方法是:
我有一个查询,其中连接了两个实体java(表)Command和User。我用左连接创建sql-hql查询,得到一个org.hibernate.hql.ast。QuerySyntaxException:意外的标记错误,我认为我的左连接语法和第二个选择有问题。我的实体 } } 我的hql查询 我不知道我的hql查询有什么问题。我在 hql 查询中使用实体 Java。任何人都可以告诉我如何用良好的语法h
我正在逐步将Spring Boot引入Spring JPA项目。我的意图是首先介绍Spring Boot,而不是在一些后期的Spring数据,但我找不到任何使用Spring Boot JPA而没有Spring数据的示例(也找不到合适的启动器)。 怎么会?在没有Spring数据的情况下,将Spring Boot引入Spring JPA项目有什么好处吗?或者只有在Spring数据到位的情况下才有意义。
下面是我的playbook目录结构。 Ansible版本:2.7.2 python2版本:2.7.5 python3版本:3.7.1
我有一个带有spring分页的本地查询 我得到了例外